Normality, Post-Hoc, and Non-Parametric Tests Flashcards
Durbin-Watson Statistic
Used in linear and multiple regressions
Should range between 1.5-2.5
Checks independent observations
Variance Inflation Factor
Ideal value is less than 10
Tests multicollinearity
Levene’s Test
p = >0.05
Homogeneity of variances
Shapiro-Wilk Test
p = > 0.05
Residuals normally distributed for each category of the IV
p = > 0.05
DV is normally distributed for each category of the IV
p = > 0.05
DV is normally distributed
Mauchly’s Test
p = > 0.05
Wilcoxon rank-sum sign test
Non-para version of independent/unrelated (between-subjects) t-test
Rank non-normally distributed data regardless of group, then significance test (does one of the groups have more of the higher ranking scores than the other?)
Mann-Whitney U Test
Non-para version of independent/unrelated (between-subjects) t-test
Kruskall-Wallis Test
(for trends)
Non-para version of 1 way ind ANOVA
Friedman Test/Friedmans ANOVA
Non-para version of one-way repeated (within-subjects) ANOVA
Fisher’s Exact Test
Used when a Chi-Square test has a small sample size and expected frequencies are lower than 5
Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Non-para version of repeated measures/related (within-subjects) t-test
Non-para version of 1 way ind ANOVA
Loglinear analysis (cat outcome and participants as a factor)
Non-para version of multi-way between or within-subjects ANOVA
Spearman’s Rho
Non-para version of correlation
Kenall’s Tau
Non-para version of correlation
Corrects for a lack of sphericity (which would have been tested with Mauchly’s Test)
Corrects for a lack of sphericity (which would have been tested with Mauchly’s Test)
Lower-Bound estimates
Corrects for a lack of sphericity (which would have been tested with Mauchly’s Test)
Post-Hoc Test
Used when Levene’s test of homogeneity of variance is significant
Post-Hoc Test
Levene’s test of homogeneity is not significant, there are slightly different different numbers of participants in each condition/level
Hochberg’s GT2
Post-Hoc Test
Levene’s test of homogeneity is not significant, there are very different numbers of participants in each condition/level
Post-Hoc Test
Levene’s test of homogeneity is not significant, there are NOT different numbers of participants in each condition/level, a few pairwise comparisons will be made
Post-Hoc Test
Levene’s test of homogeneity is not significant, there are NOT different numbers of participants in each condition/level, a many pairwise comparisons will be made