Normal Vascular Anatomy (Venous System) Flashcards
This vein/sinus is a midline structure situated in-between the inner table of the skull superiorly and the leaves of the falx cerebri laterally.
Superior sagittal sinus (SSS)
It is lined by endothelium that is continuous with that of the superficial cortical veins, most of which are between 0.1 and 1 mm in diameter.
There are no valves in the SSS.
The SSS typically orinates where?
Near the crista gallu anteriorly and extends posteriorly to its confluence with the straight and lateral sinuses.
This sinus is an inconstantly identified channel that runs it the inferior free margin of the falx cerebri.
Inferior sagittal sinus (ISS)
The ISS joins with the vein of Galen to form the straight sinus.
This sinus is enclosed by the confluence of dura from the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli.
Straight sinus (SS)
The SS courses backward and downward toward its confluence with the SSS, where they form what structure?
Torcular Herophili (confluens sinuum)
The venous confluence (torchular Herophili) divides into what structures?
The transverse (lateral) and occipital sinuses
Near the posterolateral wall of the petrous temporal bone the transverse sinus turn inferiorly to form what structure?
Sigmoid sinuses
What structures pass through the cavernous sinus?
The ICA and cranial nerves III, IV, V1,and V2, and VI
They either course within the sinus it self or are contained in its lateral dural wall.
The cavernous sinuses receive blood from what structures?
Superior and inferior ophthalmic veins and communicate with each other via intercavernous sinuses.
The cerebral veins are typically divided into two groups.
What are these groups?
Superficial (cortical veins) and deep veins
Most of the superficial cortical veins are unnamed, although the following three veins are often identified.
What are these veins?
- Superficial middle cerebral vein (which runs along the sylvian fissure)
- Vein of Trolard (a large anatomotic cerebral vein that courses cephalad from the sylvian fissure to the SSS)
- Vein of Labbe (this vessel courses posterolaterally from the sylvian fissure to the transverse sinus
The subcortical and deep white matter are drained by
what veins?
Medullary veins
They originate 1 to 2 cm below the cortex and course centrally toward the subependymal veins surrounding the cerebral ventricles.
The perivascular spaces that surrounds the medullary veins may also become quite prominent.
This veins surround the lateral ventricles and receive venous blood from the medullary veins of the centrum semiovale.
Subependymal veins
These veins are paired paramedian structures that run posteriorly in the velum interposition.
Internal cerebral vein (ICV)
The thalamostriate vein and septal vein join near the foramen of Monro to form the ICV.
The internal cerebral vein receives prominent tributaries from the medial temporal lobes, which are the?
Basal veins of Rosenthal (BVR)
The BVRs course posterosuperiorly in the ambient cisterns and, with the ICVs, form the ven of Galen
This is a prominent venous channel that curves posteriorly under the splenium of the corpus callosum.
Vein of Galen (great cerebral vein)
The vein of Galen and the inferior sagittal sinus unite to form the straight sinus.
This is actually a plexus of numerous small veins along the lie along the surface of the pons and mesencephalon.
Anterior pontomesencephalic vein
This vein lies in front of the cerebellar vermis just above and behind the roof of the fourth ventricle.
Precentral cerebellar vein
Superior and inferior vermian veins drain what structures?
Cerebellar vermis
Hemispheric veins drain the hemisphere.
Vermian and hemispheric veins are tributaries of the tentorial sinuses, as well as the straight and transverse sinuses.