Normal Structure And Function Flashcards
Cervix / SER-viks
Neck; usually means the lower narrow portion (neck) of the uterus (root: cervic/o); also called the cervix uteri (U-ter-i)
Clitoris / KLIT-o-ris
A small erectile body anterior to the urethral opening that is similar in developmental origin to the penis (roots: clitor/o, clitorid/o)
Contraception / kon-trah-SEP-shun
The prevention of pregnancy
Corpus Luteum / KOR-pus LU-te-um
The small yellow structure that develops from the ovarian follicle after ovulation and secretes progesterone and estrogen
Endometrium / en-do-ME-tre-um
The inner lining of the uterus
Estrogen / ES-tro-jen
A group of hormones that produce female characteristics and prepare the uterus for the fertilized egg; the most active of these is estradiol
Fallopian tube / fah-LO-pe-an
A tube extending from the upper lateral portion of the uterus that carries the ovum to the uterus (root: salping/o); also called fallopian (fah-LO-pe-an) tube
Fimbriae / FIM-bre-e
The long finger-like extensions of the uterine tube that wave to capture the released ovum (see FIG. 16-1) (singular: fimbria)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that acts on the gonads; in males, FSH stimulates Sertoli cells and promotes sperm development; in females, it stimulates ripening of ova in the ovary
Fornix / FOR-niks
An arch-like space, such as the space between the uppermost wall of the vagina and the cervix (see FIG. 16-1); from Latin meaning “arch”
Greater vestibular gland / ves-TIB-u-lar
A small gland that secretes mucus through a duct that opens near the vaginal orifice; also called Bartholin (BAR-to-lin) gland (see FIG. 16-2)
Labia Majora / LA-be-ah mah-JOR-ah
The two large folds of skin that form the sides of the vulva (root labi/o means “lip”) (singular: labium majus)
Labia Minora / LA-be-ah mi-NOR-ah
The two small folds of skin within the labia majora (singular: labium minus)
Luteinizing hormone (LH) / LU-te-in-i-zing
A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that acts on the gonads; in males, it stimulates the interstitial cells to produce testosterone; in females, it stimulates ovulation and corpus luteum formation
Mammary gland / MAM-ah-re
A specialized gland capable of secreting milk in the female (roots: mamm/o, mast/o); the breast