Normal Spleen Flashcards
what system is the spleen a part of?
the reticuloendothelial system
what is the reticuloendothelial system?
a network of cells found throughout the body that help filter out dead and toxic particles.
what are the major functions of the spleen?
filters blood, stores blood and platelets, blood formation in the fetus, and defense in the body
describe the location of the white pulp
white pulp is located in tiny islands throughout the spleen.
describe the location of the red pulp
the red pulp fills the remaining spaces in the lobules
what is the function of white pulp?
blood flows into the spleen and enters the white pulp. Lymphocytes recognize invading bacteria and viruses and attack them, as well as make antibodies that help stop infections.
what is the function of red pulp?
The blood also enters the red pulp and has 3 functions:
- phagocytosis
- storage of platelets
- hematopoiesis
where is the spleen located?
The left hypochondrium
what is the normal size of the spleen?
8-13cm in length
7cm in width
3-4cm in thickness
what supplies the spleen?
blood is supplied by the splenic artery that travels horizontally along the superior border of the pancreas.
what drains the spleen?
the splenic vein drains the spleen, which leaves the hilum in a horizontal direction to join the smv
where is the diaphragm in relationship to the spleen?
superior and posterior
where is the spleen in relationship to the pancreas and stomach?
the spleen is located medially to the fundus of the stomach and the tail of the pancreas.
where is the left kidney in relationship to the spleen?
the left kidney is inferior and medial to the spleen.
what is the sonographic appearance of the spleen?
- homogenous except for the hilum where vascular structures enter and exit the spleen.
- slightly hyperechoic to the liver
- echogenicity increases w/ size