Normal Pregnancy, Prenatal care, and Lab changes (Moulton) Flashcards
Starting __1__ supplementation at least 1 month before conception reduces the incidence of __2__ such as spina bifida and anencephaly.
1) Folic acid
2) Neural tube defects
__1__ refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant.
__2__ refers to the number of pregnancies led to a birth at or beyond 20 weeks or an infant weighing more then 500 grams.
1) Gravidity
2) Parity
What does G1P1002 mean?
What does G4P1123 mean?
1) A woman who has given birth to 1 set of twins at term and both are living
2) A woman who has given birth to one term infant, one set of preterm twins, and has had 1 miscarriages and 1 ectopic pregnancy. She has 3 living children.
____ patients receive Rhogam at 28 weeks and anytime sensitization may occur.
Rh negative
What should you vaccinate against postpartum if not already immune?
With a prenatal visit, what should you screen for if the patient presents as obese?
Gestational age is the number of weeks that have elapsed between the __1__ and __2__.
1) First day of the LMP
2) The date of delivery
hCG can be first detected in serum ____ to ____ days after ovulation.
6 to 8
hCG less than ____ IU/L is negative.
Level above ____ IU/L considered positive.
A level of about ____ IU/L is reached by time of expected menses.
1) 5
2) 25
3) 100
In the first 30 days of a normal pregnancy hCG __1__ every 2.2 days.
This is used to evaluate for early intrauterine pregnancy vs __2__.
1) Doubles
2) Ectopic pregnancy
With a transvaginal ultrasound, the __1__ seen around 5 weeks.
__2__ seen at 6 weeks.
__3__ is seen at 7 weeks.
1) Gestational sac
2) Fetal pole
3) Cardiac activity
When estimating gestation age/due date, what is Naegele’s rule based on?
How is it calculated
1) Regular 28 day menstrual cycle
2) Add 7 days from LMP and subtract 3 months
____ between 6-11 weeks can determine due date within 7 days.
Crown rump Length
____ can be diagnosed if CRL > 5mm w/ absence of fetal cardiac activity.
Fetal demise
Child born to women that are 35 yrs and older are at increased risk of?
The autosomal trisomies (13, 18 or 21)
95% of Downs Syndrome cases are due to meiotic nondisjunction events leading to __1__ chromosomes with an extra copy of chromosome __2__.
1) 47
2) 21
Most common class of spontaneous abortions are the __1__.
__2__ is the most common one.
1) Autosomal trisomies
2) Trisomy 16
Most common single chromosomal abnormality found in spontaneous abortions is?
With autosomal dominant disorders, the affected individual has a ____ chance of passing the gene and disorder to the offspring.
____ couples are at increased risk for having a child who is homozygous for recessive gene
Carrier screening programs focus on high-risk populations because the frequency of __1__ is greater than that of the general population.
For example, Tay-Sachs should be screened for in __2__.
1) Heterozygotes
2) Eastern European Jewish
__1__ is the most common gene carried in North America whites, frequency is 1 in 25.
__2__ is important for CF screening because 15% of carriers are undetected.
1) Cystic Fibrosis
2) Genetic counseling
Sex linked disorders primarily affect which sex?
Which sex are usually the unaffected carriers?
This is due to?
1) Males
2) Females
3) Recessive genes located on the X chromosomes