Normal Labour And Delivery Flashcards
What is the process of normal labour?
Stage 1 - has latent first stage eg irregular contractions, uncomfortable but not painful. then established first stage eg regular contractions, painful. Completed when cervix is fully dilated. Dilation progress usually 0.5-1cm/hour
Stage 2 - passive second stage eg no need to push, to active second stage eg needs to push. Birth expected within two hour for primagravida, one hour for multi
Descent> Flexion (head tucks towards chest) > internal rotation of head > crowning and extension of the head > restitution > internal rotation of shoulders > external rotation of head > lateral flexion
Stage 3 - time between birth of baby and expulsion of placenta and membranes. Can be actively managed eg give oxytocic injection or physiologically managed
What problems are associated with normal labour?
What methods can be used to assess progress in labour?
Maternal observations
Abdominal palpation
Vaginal examination
Monitoring of liquor
Auscultation of foetal heart eg CTG monitioring
Palpation of uterine muscle contractions
External signs
What methods of anaesthesia and analgesia are used during labour, and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
Breathing, massage, TENS, paracetamol, dihydrocodeine - minimal, non invasive
Water bath
Etonox (inhaled)
Opioids eg diamorphine - possibly slows labour