Normal Flying Drills Flashcards
What does the F in the ‘FEEL’ check require?
FUEL. The auxiliary fuel pump is to be on or off as required. Contents, balance and consumption should be checked against expected values based on using 40LPH or 10/15mins airborne and required landing fuel. The fuel selector should be set as required.
What does the first E in the ‘FEEL’ check require?
ENGINE. The RPM should be set to HIGH. The Mixture and Altern. air should be as required. Temperature and Pressure should be normal. The CO detector should be ‘Normal’.
What does the second E in the ‘FEEL’ check require?
ELECTRICS. Volts and amps should be normal. The CWP captions should all be out (‘CWPs clear’).
What does the L in the ‘FEEL’ check require?
LOCATION. What is your current position? Where is the nearest airfield? Where do you want to be? The EHSI should be cross-checked against the magnetic compass and your map. There should be no failure flags?
What does the M in the ‘MANTAC’ check require?
MIXTURE - Check the BPM is set to the correct value.
What does the first A in the ‘MANTAC’ check require?
The AUXILIARY fuel pump should be OFF (1000ft AGL minimum). Fuel pressure should be within limits.
What does the N in the ‘MANTAC’ check require?
NAV AIDS. Identify the navigation aids and ensure they are on and set them as required.
What does the T in the ‘MANTAC’ check require?
TRANSPONDER/TAS. Ensure the transponder and TAS are set as required.
What does the second A in the ‘MANTAC’ check require?
ALTIMETERS. Ensure they are set as required.
What does the C in the ‘MANTAC’ check require?
CO DETECTOR. Check the carbon monoxide detector
What frequency do you use to get ATIS?
You get the ATIS on UHF #10 or 126.32 prior to the altimeter checks.
On weekdays is Cranwell on UHF or VHF?
Cranwell is normally on UHF exclusively on weekdays.
At weekends is Cranwell on VHF or UHF?
Cranwell is normally on VHF tower only at weekends.
On weekdays how do you make your PRE TAXY departure call?
Select UHF #1 and call: ‘C/S TAXY DUAL/SOLO WITH “Info Code” (Remaining/SID).
At weekends how do you make your PRE TAXY departure call?
Select VHF 125.05 and call: “C/S TAXY DUAL/SOLO WITH “Info Code”.