Normal anatomy in oral medicine Flashcards
What are fordyce spots?
found on buccal mucosa and lips
sebaceous glands
appear as yellowish bumps
no associated pathology
in 60-75% of adults
Linea Alba features
horizontal asymptomatic white lesion
found along occlusal plane
Geographic tongue features
3% population
- sometimes sensitive to hot and spicy foods and toothpaste
- avoid trigger foods
- use SLS free toothpaste
loss of filiform papilla
- areas of tongue atrophy and hyperkeratinatsion
comes and goes and changes appearance
can affect other areas of oral mucosa
rarely requires further intervention
fissured tongue features
variation of normal anatomy
can occur later in life
no treatment is necessary
encourage good oral hygiene
- lightly brushing tongue
black hairy tongue features
hyperplasia of filiform papillae
build ip of commensal bacteria and food debris
pigment inducing fungi and bacteria
specific cause unknown: associated with
- smoking
- antibiotics
- chlorhexidine mouthwash
- poor OH
- reassure
- smoking cessation
- lightly brush tongue
- eating fresh pineapple
desquamative gingivitis features
full thickness erythema of gingiva
not caused by plaque
- but can be exacerbated by it
associated with various conditions
bony exostosis features
usually benign overgrowth of calcified bone - can be associated with parafunction
- estimated 30-40% of population have them
can interfere with denture placement
may be more prone to ulceration
worth monitory as can be a manifestation of rare polypopsis syndrome such as Gardener’s syndrome
take photos, study models and x-rays