define basic exophoria
Tonic vergence low & AC/A ratio normal, thus vergence at near & distance will be low.
symptoms of basic exophoria
- Near = convergence insuff.
- Far = divergence excess.
- Uses accommodation to increase use of acc conv.
- Asthenopia // intermittent blur & diplopia with distance & near task.
- Symptoms worsen at the end of the day.
signs for basic exophoria
Primary Test:
* CT: XT equal magnitude at distance & near (5-7PD)
* NPC: Redu**ced
* DBI/NBI: normal
* DBO/NBO: reduced
* Vergence Fac: difficulty w/ BO
Secondary Test:
* NRA: low
* PRA: normal
* BAF: reduced, hard w/ + lens
* MAF: normal
Tertiary Test:
* BCC/MEM: plano/lead
tx for basic exophoria
Primary – SRx
* Hyperopes : (+) lenses can exacerbate pt’s issue at distance & near - consider partial Rx.
Secondary – SRx + VT
* Very successful –> aimed at increasing convergence ranges with use of BO prisms.
Tertiary – SRx + prism
* BI prism can help, especially if deviation is larger than 30PD.
define basic esophoria
Tonic vergence high & AC/A ratio normal, thus there is overconvergence at near & distance.
symptoms of basic esophoria
- Near = convergence excess
- Far = divergence insuff.
- Asthenopia / intermittent blur & diplopia at distance & near.
- Symptoms worsen at the end of day.
signs of basic esophoria
Primary Test:
* CT: EP equal magnitude at distance & near (5-7PD)
* NPC: Reduced
* DBI/NBI: reduced
* DBO/NBO: normal
* Vergence Fac: difficulty w/ BI
Secondary Test:
* NRA: normal
* PRA: reduced
* BAF: reduced, hard w/ (-) lens
* MAF: normal
Tertiary Test:
* BCC/MEM: plano/lag
tx for basic esophoria
Primary – SRx
* Hyperopes : give max accepted plus on cycloplegic.
* Myopes : (-) lenses may make it worse.
* ADD power helps at near but not distance.
Secondary – SRx + prism
* BO prism helps.
Tertiary – SRx + VT
* Needed if pt not hyperope.
define fusional vergence dysfunction (FVD)
- Restricted PFV & NFV ranges at both distances.
symptoms of FVD
- Asthenopia / HA / intermittent blur at both distance and one.
- Symptoms worsen throughout the day.
- Slow/avoidance of reading.
signs of FVD
Primary Test:
* CT: Normal at distance & near
* NPC: Reduced
* DBI/NBI: reduced
* DBO/NBO: reduced
* Vergence Fac: difficulty w/ BO/BI
Secondary Test:
* NRA: low
* PRA: low
* BAF: reduced, hard w/ +/- lenses
* MAF: normal
Tertiary Test:
* BCC/MEM: either
* Intermittent suppression common
tx for FVD
Primary – SRx
* Might not have refractive error.
Secondary – SRx + VT
* Very successful
Horizontal prism is NOT recommended b/c the phoria at distance and near are normal.