Hallmarks of aged skin
Irregularities in surface texture, pigmentation and wrinkling
Thinnest skin is found in?
Upper lid and neck
Thickest skin is found in?
Nasal tip
Skin is composed of?
Outer epidermis, Deeper dermis and subcutaneous fat
Principal function of epidermis
- Responsible for protection from sun,
- Acts as lipid barrier for water exchange.
Superficial most layer of epidermis
Stratum corneum - composed of devitalised cells that are continually replaced by precursor cells migrating from Dermoepidermal junction
Layers of dermis
1.Superficial papillary dermis
2. Deeper reticular dermis
Extent of papillary dermis
Begins at type III collagen-rich basement membrane, and is composed of loose areolar tissue with a dense capillary network.
Function of papillary dermis
- Nourishes the overlying epidermis
- Heat exchange with the environment
- Capillary network helps distinguish papillary dermis from deeper reticular dermis.
Composition of reticular dermis
- Composed of Type I collagen
- Accounts for majority of skin thickness
Inflammatory cells, fibroblasts, mast cells are found in which layer of skin?
Reticular dermis
Dermal appendages includes?
Hair follicles, Sebaceous glands and Sweat glands
Important function of dermal appendages
Important for re-epithelization
Dermal appendages are located in which layer of skin?
Papillary dermis
Skin depth at forehead
0.2 cm
Skin depth at menton
0.5 cm
Skin depth at nasolabial fold, cheek, zygomatic process
0.1 cm
Common age related skin changes
- Skin laxity
- Pigment changes
- Keratoses
- Wrinkles
Solar damages skin by causing ?
Actinic irregularities - that are characterised histologically by epidermal hyperplasia and keratinocyte proliferation causing seborrheic and actinic keratoses.
Treatment of actinic and seborrheic keratoses
- Curettage and cryotherapy if isolated,
- Full facial resurfacing in form of chemical peel, mechanical dermabrasion, ablation, for broad targeting.
Pigmentary changes cause by age and photo damage
- Asynchronous melanin distribution and basilar hyperpigmentation or dyschromias.
- Melanocytes are disrupted leading to collection of excess pigment (lentigines)
- Increased number of basal melanocytes and increased deposition of melanin in keratinocytes
Treatment of pigmentary changes of skin caused by age and photo damage
Targeted destruction of melanocytes in the basal layer of epidermis
1. Lasers that are absorbed by melanin
2. Intense pulsed light
3. Trichloroacetic acid peels