Nonparametric tests Flashcards
For exams
Which statistic is used to perform the median test?
The Chi-square statistic
What is the formula of the Chi-square variate?
summation of the ratio of square of difference between (obs freq to the expected freq) to the expected frequency for each observation.
What is the null hypothesis of one sample median test?
The median of the population distribution is Mdo.
How is the test statistic calculated in the one sample median test?
- A is assigned for obs less that Mdo and B is assigned for the obs more that Mdo and O is assigned for the obs equal to Mdo.
- Number of expected frequency is calculated for each A and B eliminating O. The formula for expected frequency is half of effective sample size.
- With the obs and expected frequency obtained, the chi-square statistic is calculated.
What is the null hypothesis for the two-sample median test?
The medians are equal. This can mean following things:
1. The samples are drawn from the same population or two different populations having same distribution function.
What is the test statistic of two sample median test?
a = No. of obs. less than or equal to the sample median.
The sample median is calculated by combining the two samples. Remember that two samples have to be arranged in ascending order to calculate median.
How is test statistic calculated for the two-sample median test?
- Combine the two samples and arrange them in ascending order.
- Calculate the median of the combined sample.
- Find the no. of obs. less or equal to the median in first sample.
Why do not we calculate the expected frequency in the two-sample median test?
I don’t know the answer, but one thing is our test statistic follows the hypergeometric distribution.
What is done with the test statistic in the two-sample median test?
p-value is calculated for the probability of the test statistic to be higher than the obs.
How is decision taken for the two-sample median test?
After calculating the p-value, the process of taking decision is same as in other test where p-value is involved.
How is the p-value related to the decision of the test? What is the philosophy behind the analysis of p-value?
I don’t know exactly what is behind this. Search.
Why is p-value is always taken as the probability of test statistic being higher than obtained? Why not lower?
This is not the case. In binomial test, the p-value is taken as the probability of binomial variable being less than the test statistic.
What factor in a non-parametric affects the following:
whether p-value is taken as the probability of the variable being more than the test statistic, or less?
I don’t know the answer. But I have to figure out the meaning of the test statistic and its distribution in each test.
In which median test, the test statistic is not the Chi-square variate?
Two-sample median test. But why though? How is different principle involved in this?
Why is Chi-square statistic being employed in the median test?
because Chi-square test is used to test the identicalness of the k sample on the basis of the frequencies of the samples. Hence, that theory is being applied in the median test.
What is the null hypothesis of k-samples median test?
All samples have been drawn from the identical population with the same median.
What is the test statistic for the k-sample median test?
The summation of the ratio of square of the difference between observed and the expected frequency to the expected frequency.
How is expected frequency of the individual obs. calculated in the k sample median test?
The formula for expected frequency of each obs. is given by the ratio of the product of Row total and Column total to the grand total.
How is the test statistic calculated in the k-sample median test?
- Combine all the samples and calculate the median.
- List the samples in a column. And list the corresponding no of obs. less (or equal) than median and more than median row-wise for each sample.
- Add a row for column total and a column for row total.
How do you calculate Chi- square once you obtained the expected frequencies?
Draw a table and for each obs. freq. the expected freq. is recorded, and the required ration is calculated from the table.
When is Cochran Q test is used?
To test whether three or more matched set of frequencies or proportions differ significantly among themselves or not.
Remember, the similarities between samples are best recognized by Chi-square test.
In which test, the dichotomized observations are used?
The Cochran Q test.
What is the test statistic for the Cochran Q test?
There is a formula for Q. Look at the notes.
What does the contingency table of Cochran Q test look like?
- Treatments or samples are taken in a column, and the no. of objects given that treatment is recorded in successive columns.
- The success and failure of each test for each object are recorded.
- Row total and column total are made for the total successes in a row and a column respectively.
- Then n = total no. of success for all objects for all the treatments
- From then, the test statistic can be found.
Which distribution does the test statistic of Cochran Q test follow?
Chi-square variation
What kind of random samples’ statistic follow Chi-square distribution?
I don’t know. Investigate how do a statistician know a particular statistic follows a particular distribution, particularly Chi-square.
Why do we don’t have to calculate p-value when a chi-square is associated? And why do we have to calculate p-value? For what kinds of distributions?
–unfilled answer–
What is one way classification or completely randomized design (CRD)?
–unfilled answer–
Which test is also called one-way ANOVA test?
Kruskal Wallis H test
When is Kruskal Wallis H test is used?
To test whether three or more samples differ significantly in location (median) or not.
What does the observation table of Kruskal Wallis H test look like?
- Samples are arranged in one column. And the frequencies of each sample are recorded in successive columns.
- Total number of objects in each sample is recorded at the last column.
What does the contingency table of Kruskal Wallis H test look like?
- All samples are combined and ranked.
- The rank of each obs. is placed at the same place, of the obs. table, where the obs. was recorded.
- Total ranks are obtained at the last column of each row (each row is for a sample).
What is the formula for the test statistic of Kruskal Wallis H test?
Refer note if you don’t know.
Which distribution does the H statistic for Kruskal Wallis H test follow?
- For small sample case, p-value is calculated. This is seen from the Kruskal Wallis H Table. (I don’t know the exact distribution).
- In case of large sample case, the Kruskal Wallis H test statistic follows chi-square distribution with k-1 degrees of freedom.
Recall: The process of taking the decision should be clear from the above cases.
What is the small sample case and large sample case for Kruskal Wallis H test?
For small sample: k is equal to 3 and each sample has 5 or less obs.
For large sample case, K is greater or equal to 3 and each sample has 5 or more obs.
What is two-way classification and randomized block design?
–unfilled answer–
For how many numbers of samples, is the Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test valid?
There should be more than two samples.
What is the null hypothesis of Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test?
All samples have same median.
How is Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test different from the median test if they both have the same null hypothesis?
–unfilled answer–
What is the test statistic for the Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test?
Refer to the notes if you don’t know.
How is contingency table prepared for the Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test?
- First, the samples are obtained, and different blocks are written same as that of the question.
- Now the frequencies are ranked column-wise (i.e. for each block the ranking is done separately column-wise).
- The row total of ranking of each row is recorded at the last column, and for each sample i, the row total is denoted by Ri.
- From these data, Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA statistic can be calculated.
Write down the correction for both Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test and Krushkal Wallis H Test.
Refer to the notes if you don’t know the answer.
In which case, the correction is applied for Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test and Krushkal Wallis H Test?
When the number of tied cases is significant.
How is the decision made for the Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test?
- For small sample case, the p-value (probability of H being more than the calculated value) is obtained.
- For large sample case, the statistic follows chi-square distribution, and the decision is taken according to the chi-square test.
What is the small sample case and large sample case for the Friedmann Two-Way ANOVA Test?
- Small sample case: k is 3 and n lies between 2 and 9 including the boundaries. OR k is 4 and n lies between 2 and 4 including the boundaries.
- Large sample case: k is greater than 3 and n is greater than 4. OR when wither k or n exceeds 5