Non-tariff barriers Flashcards
What are non-tariff barriers to import?
Any tarde policy measures used by the government to reduce imports, other than tariffs
What are the 4 types of NTBs?
i) import prohibition
ii) quotas
iii) technical barriers to trade
iv) sanitary and phytosanitary barriers
What are the 3 types of trade remedies?
i) Antidumping duties
ii) Countervailing duties
iii) Safeguard
What is quota rent?
Benefit/rent arising from a fixed amount of supply
What is a rent-seeking society?
A society or firm not seeking productive activities, but seeking unproductive rent
=> prevalence of bribery to enjoy rent
What is Single Undertaking?
All members should abide by all agreements of the WTO
Exceptions of plurilateral agreements
What is GATT Art. XX?
General exceptions for protective measures.
Protective measures are allowed if:
- protect public moral
- protect human, animal, and plant life and health
- prison labor
- conservation of exhaustible resources
What is prohibited or not under TRIMs agreement?
- Local content requirement
- Trade balancing requirement
Not prohibited:
- Technology transfer requirement
- Export performance requirement
What is the Agreement on Rules of Origin?
Rules deciding the country of origin when the components are made in more than one country
=> The last substantial transformation criterion
What are Voluntary Export Restraints?
Importing country persuading the exporting country to set quantitative control on the export quantity voluntary
=> in the grey area in the global trading system
What are the 5 interesting point in the Agreement on Agriculture?
i) Cairns VS. NTC
ii) Exceptionless tariff
iii) Tariff reduction
iv) Special safeguard
v) Domestic support
What is Cairns VS. NTC under the Agreement on Agriculture?
Cairns: agriculture exporting
=> support agricultural trade liberalization
NTC: agriculture importing
=> support agricultural trade protectionism
NTC emphasize on the multi-functionality of agriculture
What is Exceptionless tarrification under the Agreement on Agriculture?
In principle, NTBs of all agricultural products were changed to tariffs under the WTO
Exception of rice with Minimal Market Access granted to rice import
What are the special safeguards under the Agreement on Agriculture?
Safeguard measures are involked automatically:
- Price-based SSG: price below a threshold
- Quantity-based SSG: quantity above a threshold
What is Tariff reduction under the Agreement on Agriculture?
All NTBs were converted to tariff equivalent
=> dirty tariffication
What is Domestic support measures under the Agreement on Agriculture?
Agreement Measure of Support: agriculture subsidy suject to reduction
i) Amber box: less reduction for developing countries, preferential treatment
ii) Blue box: exempt from subsidy reduction when limit production to avoid excess
iii) Green box; exempt from subsidy reduction when environmental protection or R&D