Non-Tactical Flashcards
Ships Go No Go
- Suitably qualified flight deck crew.
- V/UHF Radio
- Correct fire main pressure.
- GPI when flying at night.
- Emergency communications system.
- Radar capable for controlling down to pilots limiting vis. (cloud below 500’ / vis > 1.5nm a/c own radar approach.)
6 Occasions for limiting a radar service.
- When transmitting I-Band only.
- When controller has reason to doubt their radar.
- When in areas of heavy traffic.
- When A/C is vertical / lateral limits of radar coverage.
- When in a heavy jamming environment.
- When near permanent radar echoes or weather returns.
What are the duties of an AC?
- Provision of appropriate safety service and / or mission control of aircraft.
- To be conversant, current and compliant with the maritime procedures as laid down in BRd766/768.
- Keeping command informed of aircraft status and any other factors affecting aviation safety and / or tactical situation.
- Compilation of flying brief under the direction of the responsible officer IAW BRd766.
- Provision of appropriate aviation advice to command.
- Understand the capabilities & limitations of maritime ATM equipment as detailed in CCUs.
(QEC - The AC is responsible to the AD when closed up for para 2 b-j)
Define Ramp Fuel.
Minimum fuel state by which aircraft are to be back on deck.
A/C either airborne below ramp fuel / likely to be airborne below ramp fuel are to declare an emergency.
Define Endurance
The time remaining for fuel minima for landing will be reached, assuming the sortie will continue as planned.
Must be reported in mins or hours + mins as appropriate.
Define Charlie Time
The latest authorised recovery time. Charlie time can be extended but only with the approval of the authorising officer.
Define Limiting Vis
The range at which the pilot must be able to see the ship by day, or appropriate approach/landing aid by night, to enable a safe approach to be made and a successful landing carried out.
Define Pigeons
Is the true / magnetic compass bearing and distance of the aircraft to base unit / indicated position.
Guard / SAR Frequencies
Mil Guard - 243
Civ Guard - 121.5
UHF SAR - 282.8
VHF SAR - 123.1
Mode 5 transmissions
7500 - Hijack
7600 - Radio Failure
7700 - General Emergency
Mode 3 transmissions
0021 - FW under service from ship.
0022 - RW under service from ship. ]
0023 - SAR
0000 - Garbles / SSR unreliable.
Define Positive Control
Controlling unit responsible for taking action, ordering necessary alterations to altitude, speed and heading in order to avoid collision and give warning of other known hazards affecting A/C.
Note: The UK is subject to the following reservation when applying NATO positive:
(a) UK - RN ATM personel will not provide NATO positive below 2000ft AMSL or sector safety altitude, whichever is greater.
(b) UK - The aircraft commander is ultimately responsible for collision avoidance including terrain, regardless of the type of service provided. Avoiding action instructions will be provided but are not mandatory.
(c) UK - When providing NATO positive to non-UK A/C, RN ATM personelare to remind aircrew that the service will not be provided below 2000ft AMSL or sector safety altitude (whichever is greater) and the aircrew remain responsible for collision avoidance and terrain clearance.
Green deck ops
- PAX Moves
- Deck landing practice.
- Loading boarding parties
No Green Deck Ops
- Weapon Loads
- Refuelling
- Crew change
- Defect rectification.
- Task re-rolling
Different types of approach
- Contact Circuit
- Visual Approach