Non-regenerative Anaemia and Iron metabolism Flashcards
List factors that can inhibit the normal bone marrow response to anaemia from haemolysis or haemorrhage
- Iron deficiency
- Iron sequestration - typically from chronic inflammation
- Decreased erythrocyte half life
- Concurrent bone marrow disease (including targeting by the immune system of RBC precursors
- Co-morbidities
Describe the major pathophysiological mechanisms leading to non-regenerative anaemia
* Decreased erythrocyte lifespan * Decreased or ineffective erythropoiesis * Bone marrow failure
List general causes of decreased erythrocyte lifespan
(Normal - 90-100 days in dogs, 72 days in healthy cats) * Normal removal of RBC by the mononuclear phagocytic cells in the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes
- Increased oxidative stress
- Mechanical stress
- Complement-induced injury
- Rearrangement of membrane phospholipids
- Contact with cationic proteins - from activated neutrophils
- Heinz body formation
- Haemotropic parasites
List causes of decreased or ineffective erythropoiesis
- Relative or absolute reduction in EPO production in the kidney
- Reduced BM response to EPO
- Deficiency in nutrients crucial to haemoglobin biosynthesis
- Eg. iron
- Chronic inflammation
- Cytokine abnormalities - IL-1, IL-6, TNFa, INF-gamma: all reduce endogenous EPO production and reduce marrow responsiveness to EPO.
- Increased hepcidin levels (responsible for iron homeostasis)
- Copper deficiency (decreased Hb synthesis)
- Vitamin B 12 deficiency (inhibits purine synthesis - erythroblast apoptosis)
- Hypoalbuminaemia and elevated PTH
- Aluminium toxicosis
- ACEI use
Discuss tests to differentiate iron deficiency anaemia and anaemia of chronic disease (iron sequestration)
Differentiation may be difficult and both conditions can occur concurrently
- Serum iron - low in both conditions (and with PSVA)
- Ferritin (soluble storage form of iron) is a positive acute phase protein - low with iron deficiency, increased with inflammatory disease
- Transferritin - measured indirectly and reported as total iron binding capacity. Transferritin is a negative acute phase protein (decreased with inflammation). TIBC normal to increased with iron deficiency
- Reticulocyte indicies if available
Describe the production and regulation of EPO
- Renal hypoxia is the main driving force of EPO production
- Produced in the peritubular interstitial cells in the inner renal cortex and outer medulla
- renal hypoxia –> inhibition of hypoxia inducible factor 1 degradation
- HIF-1 binds to hypoxia response elements of oxygen regulated genes
- EPO production is reduced in both acute and chronic renal disease
- EPO also produced in extra-renal sites, especially the liver
- EPO production from extra-renal sites cannot adequately compensate for decreased renal production.
List bone marrow disease that cause non-regenerative anaemia
- Pure Red Cell Aplasia (may be severe form of IMHA)
- IMHA targeting precursor cells
- Myelodysplastic syndromes
- Myeloproliferative neoplasia
- Myelofibrosis
- Aplastic anaemia / pancytopenia
List secondary (extra-medullary) causes of bone marrow failure
- Myelophthisis - secondary to neoplasia outside the marrow
- Pyruvate kinase deficiency (causes osteosclerosis /myelofibrosis and marrow loss)
- Oestorgen toxicosis (causes myelofibrosis)
- Phenobarbitol - causes dysmyelopoiesis
- Secondary myelodysplasia - chemotherapy or radiation induced.
Discuss symptomatic therapeutic options for Non-Regenerative Anaemia
Blood transfusion is the only general symptomatic therapy of note for dogs with non-regenrative anaemia. Blood transfusion is only indicated with severe disease and must be based on clinical parameters. In general, dogs and especially cats with chronic, slowly progressive anaemia can adequately compensate even with very low RCC.
Treatment directed at the extra-medullary causes of non-regenerative anaemia is more important.
List the specific therapeutic options for management of non-regenerative anaemia.
- Identifying the promary cause of the problem is most important initially.
- Iron deficiency anaemia can be managed with iron supplements
- Erythropoietin supplementation - can be effective for causes other than myelodysplasia
- Immunosuppression for medullary causes such as IMHA
List the various body systems to which IRON contributes
- Haemoglobin and myoglobin production
- Enzyme systems - essential cofactor
- Neurotrasmitter production
- Myelin production
- Collagen formation
- Immune system function
- Energy metabolism
- DNA and RNA synthesis
Describe the three pools of iron within the body
- Transport pool
- < 1% of total body iron
- Bound to transferritin
- Functional pool
- Haemoglobin
- Myoglobin
- Enzymes
- > 2/3 of total body iron is within haemoglobin
- 10-15% is within muscles and enzymes (cytochromes)
- Storage pool
- liver and macrophages
Discuss iron absorption within the duodenum
- No excretion pathway for excess iron, so absorption is tightly controlled
- Heme iron enters body through the apical membrane of the duodenal enterocytes
- Non-heme iron (Fe3+) insoluble at pH>3 - cytochrome reductase B highly expressed at the enterocyte brush border catalyses reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+
- Fe2+ transported through divalent metal transporter 1
- Fe2+ atoms are stored within the enterocyte within ferritin
- Fe2+ can be actively transported out of the cell into plasma via ferroportin
- Ferritin is lost as the enterocytes slough helping regulate total body stores
Discuss Iron trasport through the plasma
- Iron is transported through the basolateral membrane as Fe2+
- Fe2+ is oxidised to Fe3+ by hephaestin (a multicopper iron oxidase)
- Fe3+ binds to transferrin within the plasma
- Apotransferrin - iron-free transferrin has two iron binding lobes and is produced primarily by the liver (+ Sertoli cells and various cells in the brain)
- Transferrin is normally 20-60% saturated in the plasma
- Iron is transported into cells via transferrin receptor 1
Discuss Iron Uptake from the plasma
- Transferrin receptor 1 (TFR-1) is expressed on all cells to varying degrees
- TFR-1 is most abundant on erythrocyte precursors, rapidly dividing cells, activated lymphocytes and hepatocytes
- TFR-1 binds to divalent transferrin –> stimulates receptor mediated endocytosis –> membrane contains proton pump and DMT-1.
- H+ ions pumped into endosome –> decreased pH leads to Fe3+ release from transferrin –> Fe3+ reduced to Fe2+ by ferrireductase –> Fe2+ transported out of the endosome by DMT-1
- Apotransferrin and TFR-1 are recycled back to the cell membrane
Discuss Iron Storage
- Iron is primarily stored within the cytoplasm of hepatocytes
- Ferritin is a water-soluble protein that stores retrievable iron.
- Ferritin is a cage like protein that can store up to 4500 iron atoms
- Iron enters as ferrous iron, is oxidised to ferric iron and polymerised to ferric oxyhydroxide polymer
- Stored as ferric form to ensure it is non-reactive
- Ferritin is the precursor to haemosiderin an insoluble, non-retrievable aggregate of non-reactive iron in the cytoplasm
- ~95% of iron stored in the liver is within ferritin.
Discuss theories surrounding systemic iron regulation
- Dietary regulator
- iron absorption is decreased in the days after a dietary iron bolus
- Stores regulator
- Probably works at the level of the intestinal crypt cells to ‘program’ future enterocytes
- Erythropoietic regulator
- Most influencial - adjusts absorption based on erythropoietic demands.
- Humoral Hypoxia regulator
- increased iron uptake with acute hypoxia - may be directly linked to erythropoietic regulator
- Inflammatory regulator
- Results in cellular iron retention in the setting of inflammation or infection.
- May help withhold iron from invading organisms
Discuss the role of hepcidin in iron metabolism
- Primary regulator of iron homeostasis
- Produced by cleaving a precursor molecule
- Pimarily produced in the liver
- plus small amount from inflammatory macrophages
- Small size (~2.8 kDa) so freely filtered from the kidney
- Regulated primarily at the level of production
- Binds to ferroportin on the cell membrane, causing internalisation and degradation in lysosomes
- Net result is retention of iron within enterocytes, macrophages and hepatocytes
- Also inhibits DMT-1 production
- Reduced iron uptake into enterocyte
- Reduced release of iron from endosomes
- Increased production with iron overload, inflammation, infection
- Decreased production in anaemia and with hypoxia
List major mechanisms by which chronic inflammatory disease contributes to non-regenerative anaemia
- Production of cytokines by activated T cells alters iron metabolism
- LPS and IL-6 upregulate hepcidin production
- IFN-g, LPS, TNA-a up-regulate DMT-1 on macrophages - leads to iron sequestration
- Factors above also down-regulate ferroportin expression, inhibiting iron release from cells
- IL-10 increases transferrin expression - increased iron uptake into cells
- TNA-a, IL-1, IL-6, IL-10 increase ferritin expression promoting iron storage
- INF-a, b, g, TNA-a, IL-1: inhibit differentiation and proliferation of erythrocyte precursors
- RBC lifespan may be reduced
- Inflammatory cytokines can alter EPO, interfere with EPO signal transduction and down-regulate EPO receptor production