Non provision of public goods Flashcards
Factors of Public goods
- Non rival
- Non - excludable
- Non rejectable
Consumption by one economic agent does not reduce the amount of available for consumption by others
Once provided, its impossible to prevent economic agent from consuming the good
Once provided, it is impossible for economic agent not to consume the good
How public goods can cause market failure
Due to free riders
Free riders
a person or organisation that receive the benefits that others paid for without making any contributions
How does free riders cause market failure
- little incentive for people to pay for the consumption of the goods
The problem of free riding can to some extent be solved for:
Club goods and common resources
Difference between club goods and common resources
club goods:
Non rival - cannot get used up
Excludable - consumer agent can be prevent from consuming good
common resources:
Rival - Can get used up
Non excludable - Consumer agent cannot be prevented from consuming good