Non Ops Limits Ops Limits Flashcards
Dry runway limit
Touch and go limit
Wet runway limit
Icy/standing water limit
MInimum rwy length no flap touch and go
10,000 ft
Min allowable rwy length
8.000 ft
No flap touch and go require barrier
No flap landing are not accomplished with greather than ____ lbs fuel
Caution breaking between ___ and ___ knots, extreme caution when > ____
130, 100, 120
TOS (Takeoff Speed
Speed at which gear leave the runway
TOD (Takeoff Distance)
Distance required from brake release to main gear liftoff
SETOS (Single Engine Takeoff Speed
Speed at which the aircraft can climb 100’/min w/
flaps at 60%
CEFS (Critical Engine Failure Speed)
Speed at which with an engine failure, you can either
SETOS or stop in same distance w/ one engine
CFL (Critical Field Length)
Total runway length required to accelerate with both engines to
CEFS, experience engine failure, then either SETOS or stop in the same distance
NACS (Normal acceleration speed check):
speed an average T-38 should reach at a specific
MACS (Minimum acceleration check speed):
Failure to reach this means other TOLD is
invalid because your plane sucks
Best angle of climb (Gear and 60% flaps):
200 KCAS
Best angle of climb (gear and no flaps):
220 KCAS
Best angle of climb (Clean
230 KCAS + fuel over 1000 (270 KCAS on initial T/O)
Max angle of climb (gear down, flaps 60%):
192 KCAS
Max angle of climb (gear down, flaps up):
222 KCAS
Max angle of climb (gear up, heavyweight):
267 KCAS
Max Glide airspeed
230 KCAS + 1 knot per 1000 pounds of fuel
Final turn airspeed
180 KCAS + fuel over 1000 (+15 for no-flap)
Final approach airspeed
160 KCAS + fuel over 1000 (+15 for no-flap)
Touchdown speed
135 KCAS + fuel over 1000 (+15 for no-flap)
Touchdown greater than ____ KCAS should not be attempted
Increase final approach and touchdown speeds by ___ the gust factor
T38 glide ratio
10.2 : 1
Max range AOA
Max endurance AOA
Thunderstorm penetration airspeed:
280 knots
Tech order climb schedule ___ KCAS at sea level minus ___ KCAS for per ____ feet
500, 30, 5000
Maximum permissible sink rate on landing (without crab) is ____ FPM
Holding Airspeed
250 - 265 KCAS
___ lbs fuel per radar pattern (this is a conservative estimate for Form 70 purposes)
___ lbs for Falls pattern
T/O is with ____ lbs, plan to arrive at MOA with ____ lbs
3600, 3000
____ lbs to go around container at KSPS
Closed pull up uses ____ lbs
Fuel low level light comes on after ___ seconds below ___ lbs
7.5, 250
Min fuel: less than ___ lbs of fuel
600 lbs
Emergency fuel: Less than ___ lbs of fuel
400 lbs
Crossfeed is recommended with fuel imbalance of __ lbs or more
Crossfeed is NOT recommended when:
- Boost pump failure
- Indicator failure
- Leak
- Low altitude
- Low fuel
Pushing start arms ignition circuit for ___ seconds
Gearbox shift occurs at ____ RPM range
Battery provides ___ volts and DC rectifiers provide __ volts
24, 28
AC generators cut in between ___
Min battery voltage required to close batt relay: ___ volts, won’t start if voltage is between __ volts and ___ volts
18, 18, 10
Battery energizes DC bus for ___ minutes at ___ power
15 min, 80%
XFMR RECT OUT comes on if _______
both TRUs fail
AC Instruments:
- Fuel quantity indicators
- Fuel flow indicators
- Oil pressure indicators
- Hydraulic Pressure indicators
- Oxygen Quantity Gauge
DC instruments:
- Nozzle position
- Flap indicator
- Standby ADI
Hydr Press Low comes on at ___PSI, goes back out when above ___ PSI
1500, 1800
Powered by ________
8th stage bleed air
Left Hydraulic system is _____ Hydraulic System and contains:
- F light controls
- A ugmentor
- N osewheel Steering
- G ear
- S peed brake
Right Hydraulic system is ______Hydraulic System and controls
Flight control
flight controls
(ailerons, rudder, horizontal tail)
Less than ___º C, icing conditions exist (turn on anti-ice)
Pitot heat cannot be on for more than ___ seconds on the ground to preclude bad things
Gravity flow guaranteed up to ____ altitude
Landing gear extension and retraction takes __ seconds, under windmilling hydraulics can take up to ____
6, 1 min
Gear horn comes on when gear is not down and locked and less than ____, ______, and both throttles below _____
210 knots, 10,000 feet MSL, 96%
Alternate landing gear extension requires _____ of pull and _____ seconds to extend
10 inches, 15-35
Delay takeoff a minimum of ___ minutes behind ____ aircraft and ___ minutes behind ____ aircraft
2, large, 4, heavy
Normal rotation is ___ KCAS and takeoff is at ___ KCAS
145, 165
Anti-ice is always operating below __ regardless of switch position
0 G flight is restricted to ___ seconds due to oil supply
Negative G flight is restricted to ___ seconds due to oil supply
10, 30
Radar altimeter is limited to ____ of pitch/roll and doesn’t work above ___ feet AGL
45 degrees, 5000’
Radar altimeter is accurate to _______, whichever is greater
+/- 2 feet or 2%,
Pressurization: A cabin pressure of ______ is maintained from _______
8000 feet +/- 1000, 8000 to FL230
T5 system initiates after _____
97% RPM
Left engine contains _____ fuel
1916 lbs
Right engine contains _____ fuel
1990 lbs
____ engine cannot be more than ___________________ in solo flight
Right, two times the amount of fuel in the left tank
____ total through single point refueling
3906 lbs
Normal fuel pressure
10 psi
When does Low fuel PRESS light come on?
6 psi
A minimum RPM of ____ is required to achieve engine fuel flow
_____ is the heart of the air start envelope (any altitude)
18-20% RPM
How long to wait after aborted start?
2 min
If EGT doesn’t rise within _____ of fuel flow indication, abort the start
12 seconds
Engines are most efficient between ______
90% and 95% RPM
Avoid max thrust dives when below ____ in either tank
650 lbs
Set ____ fuel flow to maintain whatever your current speed is
1100 lbs
If you RAM/DUMP, you will lose/not lose:
- D efog
- C anopy Seals
- G -suits
- A ir Conditioning
- P ressurization
You will not lose: - Engine anti-ice
- 2 Hydraulic Reservoirs
Solos to Pattern only weather
4000’/5 mile vis
Dual only weather
Min ceiling 3500’/3 mile vis
Restricted pattern weather:
What is special about restricted pattern?
Min 2300’/3 mile vis
- Only entry from initial T/O or straight in
- 8 AC max in pattern
- Breakouts not available
Instruments weather:
Min 2000’/3 mile vis
Sim Instruments weather:
Min 500’/2 mile vis
(Alternate and Touchdown fuel if below 1500’/3 mile vis)
Alternating Instruments weather
Min ceiling and visibility of the lowest compatible approach
High pattern requirements (other):
4000’/3 mile vis
Min Falls weather:
2300’/3 miles (restricted pattern)
Comer 1 & 2 MDA:
6500 Feet
Radar Pattern alt:
5000 feet
High pattern alt:
4500 feet
Breakout Altitude and Heading:
4000 feet, 240
VFR pattern altitude:
2800 feet
Departure end of runway altitude restriction:
2300 feet
Restricted low approach minimum:
1500 feet
Pattern base heading
Pattern crosswind heading
Begin the closed pull-up with a minimum of ___ KCAS and maintain a minimum of___ throughout
240, 200
When doing a closed pull up, ensure that anyone on inside downwind is > __ off, and ____ feet away
45º, 3000
Break zone:
first 3000 ft of runway
When u cannot break?
- Straight-in between 9 and 4 miles
- Unable to follow last aircraft on inside downwind with sufficient spacing
When u cannot request closed?
- Straight-in between 9 and 4 miles
- Aircraft between 3-mile initial/initial and the break
Inside downwind speed:
220 knots
Normal Final turn parameters:
- 2/3 ground, 1/3 sky
- FPM 6º - 8º nose low
- 45º bank minimum
- Power 88 - 90%
- 3000 - 3500 VVI
No-flap Final turn parameters:
- 1/2 ground, 1/2 sky
- FPM 4º - 4º nose low
- 45º bank minimum
- Power 88 - 90%
- 2500 VVI
ICAO Point: 15R
ICAO point 15C
ICAO point 33L
ICAO point 33C
ICAO point Alpha
ICAO point Bravo
ICAO point Charlie
Dont aerobreak when faster than how many knots?
Don’t apply brakes unless you’re in a ____ landing attitude or the nose gear will slam the ground
3 point
EGI check:
- ACCR < 7
- FOM < 3
- SAT = 4 (or more)