gallery n (art) (de arte) galería nf
Karen got her art displayed at a gallery. Karen consiguió exponer su arte en una galería.
artistic adj (person: creative) artista adj mf
Both my parents are artistic but I’m not. Mis dos padres son artistas, pero yo no.
annoying adj (thing: irritating) irritante adj mf molesto/a, fastidioso/a adj
The constant noise of the traffic was annoying. El ruido constante del tráfico resultaba irritante. El ruido constante del tráfico resultaba molesto.
popular adj (frequently encountered) popular adj mf
This year’s model is a popular car. El modelo de este año es un coche muy popular.
bubble n figurative (economy) (Economía) burbuja nf After
the end of the bubble, consumer spending decreased. Tras el final de la burbuja, el gasto del consumidor descendió.
crypto (currency)
- *crypt,crypto,**
- *crypto-** prefix (hidden; secret; coded) cripto prefijo
aid [sb] in doing [sth] v expr (help) (con verbo) ayudar a alguien a loc verb (con sustantivo) ayudar a alguien con loc verb
Rosa aided her brother in starting his business. Her parents’ financial contribution aided Joy in buying the house. Rosa ayudó a su hermano a empezar su nuevo negocio. Rosa ayudó a su hermano con el comienzo de su nuevo negocio.
detractor n often plural (critic, opponent) detractor, detractora nm, nf opositor, opositora nm, nf crítico, crítica nm, nf
Don’t listen to the detractors and pursue your dream. No escuches a tus detractores y sigue tu sueño.
- *non,**
- *non-** adj prefix (not) no prefijo For example: nonpayment, non-toxic Por ejemplo: no tóxico
fungible adj (law: able to be traded or exchanged) fungible adj mf canjeable adj mf intercambiable adj mf
Money given to charities is fungible and can be used for any purpose related to the organization’s needs. El dinero que se le da a la beneficencia es fungible y puede ser usado para cualquier propósito relacionado con las necesidades de la organización.
noun: blockchain; plural noun: blockchains; noun: block-chain; plural noun: block-chains
a system in which a record of transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network.
“we can actually have a look at the blockchain and see evidence of what’s going on”
token n (coin substitute) ficha nf
Ned inserted a token into the slot to release the trolley. Ned insertó una ficha en la ranura para soltar el carro.
valuable adj (worth a lot of money) valioso/a, costoso/a adj
That vase is extremely valuable. El jarrón es extremadamente valioso (or: costoso).
prank [sb]⇒ vtr mainly US, informal (play a practical joke on) hacerle una broma a loc verb hacerle un chiste a loc verb gastarle una broma a loc verb
Susie pranked her brother by replacing his toothpaste tube with shaving cream. Susie le hizo una broma a su hermano cambiando la pasta dental por espuma de afeitar.
crazed adj (deranged) loco/a adj demente, delirante adj mf trastornado/a adj
A crazed man emerged from the wreckage. Un hombre loco salió de entre los escombros.
livelihood n (financial support, living) sustento nm
Because of the recession, Larry lost his job and his livelihood. Por culpa de la recesión Larry perdió su trabajo y su sustento.
sexist adj (discriminatory by gender) sexista adj
You need to remove the sexist remarks from your introduction. Debes sacar los comentarios sexistas de tu introducción.
fad n (short trend) novedad nf moda nf
Tim is studying to be a fashion designer, so he always knows about the latest fads. Tim está estudiando para ser diseñador de moda, así que siempre está al tanto de las últimas novedades.
creative (industry)
creative (industry)
creative adj (with ability to create) creativo/a adj
Early humans began to display their creative potential by using tools. Los humanos primitivos comenzaron a mostrar su potencial creativo al utilizar herramientas.
industry n (type of commerce) industria nf
journalist n (reporter, correspondent) reportero, reportera nm, nf corresponsal n común
No journalists were on the scene to report on the blaze. No había reporteros en la escena para cubrir la fogata.
- *world famous,**
- *world-famous** adj (known everywhere) mundialmente famoso, de fama mundial, famoso en todo el mundo loc adj
auction house
token gesture
token gesture
token gesture n (perfunctory gesture) gesto simbólico nm + adj
The company didn’t really think they’d done anything wrong, but they offered their former employee a small amount of compensation as a token gesture.
make a living
make a living
make a living,v expr (earn money) ganarse la vida loc verb
Sergei earns a living by driving a taxi. Stephen made his living by trading in stocks and shares. Sergei se gana la vida conduciendo un taxi.
give it a try
give it a try
to do something in order to find out what happens or to find out whether something is good, suitable, effective etc. Tony’s planning to give skiing a try this winter. Synonyms and related words.
in the scheme of things
in the scheme of things
COMMON People use in the scheme of things to describe how important one thing is when compared to everything else in a situation or how one thing relates to the other things in a situation. These aches and pains are annoying, but not very serious in the scheme of things.
pan out
pan out
pan out vi phrasal informal (end up, result )dar resultado loc verb salir bien vi + adv
I had hoped to move to Paris if everything went well but my investments didn’t pan out. ⓘ Lamentablemente mis esfuerzos no dieron resultado. Todo se malogró.
break into
break into
break into [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (field of work) iniciarse⇒ v prnl probar suerte loc verb
Joanna wants to break into digital marketing to advance her career. Juana quiere iniciarse en marketing digital para mejorar sus oportunidades laborales. Juana quiere probar suerte con el marketing digital para mejorar sus oportunidades laborales.
at the expense of
at the expense of
at the expense of [sth] prep (to disadvantage of [sth]) a expensas de loc prep a costa de loc pep