Non-Enterobacteriaceae Organisms Flashcards
Pseudomonas species are found in…..
soil, water
hot tubs, whirlpools, sinks, showers
respiratory equipment
Psedomonas species are transmitted via
contaminated food, water medical devices cosmetics eye care solution wounds and person to person
Is Pseudomonas aeruginosa normal flora?
How do most aquire a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection?
Community or hospital aquired
What parts of the body does Pseudomonas aeruginosa infect?
Community: skin (folliculitis), ear (otitis external), respiratory (cystic fibrosis)
Hospital: urinary, bloodstream, respiratory
Pseudomonas aeruginoas virulence factos
Proteolytic enzymes
Intrinsic Resistance to antimicrobials
Psedomonas aeruginosa colonies appear…
Flat and spreading
Green/blue (pyocyanin), red (pyorubrin), brown (pyomelanin)
* Able to grow at 42 degrees*
What odor does Pseudomonas aeruginosa have?
Grapelike/ fruity
What selective agar is used for Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
On blood agar, Pseusomonas aeruginosa will have……
a metallic sheen
Vibro species inhabit ______ and are transmitted by ______.
Inhabit fresh or marine water
Transmitted by contaminated water or seafood
Vibro secies are gram negative rods which may be _______.
Vibro cholerae causes cholera which has symptoms consisting of…
“rice watery stools”, fluid loss, dehydration, hypotension, an death if untreated
Vibro selective media
Why are vaccines for Vibro cholerae not reccomended for travelers?
The available vaccine offer incomplete protection for a relatively short period of time
How are vibro spp. ID’d?
Oxidase positive
Growth in NaCl
Acinetobacter sp. are found in _________, and have no known __________. They are considered _________.
Virulence factors
opportunistic pathogens
What kind of infections do Acinetobacter spp. cause?
Nosocomia infections
UTI, URI, UG tract, wounds, bacteremia
Gram stain morphology of Acinetobacter spp.
Gram negative coccobacilli
The most common “superbug” isolate of Acinetobacter is
A. colcoaceticus baumanii complex
What type of resistance does Acinetobacter have?
Aquired resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is found in
nature and hospitals
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia has been isolated from
well water, river water, raw sewage
raw milk, frozen fish
human, rabbit feces
Is Stenotrophomoas maltrophilia commonly isolated in the microbiology lab?
What odor is associated with Stenotrophomonas maltrophilia?
What type of resistance does Stenotrophomonas maltrophili have?
Intrinsic resistance to multiple antimicrobials
Which multiple drug resistant organism infects the military?
MDR Acinetobacter
Which organisms have a preference for CO2
Pasturella multocida Bordetella pertussis Brucella melitensis Fransicella tularensis Eikenella corrodens Legionella pneumonphilia
This organism causes an infection similar to cat-scratch fever. They DO NOT GROWN on MAC.
Pasteurella multocida
This organism is isolated from bite wounds and causes SBE
Eikenella corrodens
This organism causes Legionnaire’s disease
Legionella pneumophilia
Pasteurella multocida gram stiain
ovoid gram negative rods which stain bi-polar(only ends or rods) and is pleomorphic (can change shape in diffrent environmental conditions)
Pasturella multocida
On BAP and CHOC colonies will be
gray, non-hemolytic
No growth
Pasturella multocida is most frequently recovered from
mouths, respiratory and GI tracts of wild and domestic animals
respiratory tracts of individuals who work with animals
Pasturella multocida causes
fowl cholera
opportunistic wound infections
septic arthritis
respiratory infections
What organism is common in dog and cat bite or scratch infections?
Pasturella multocida
How is Brucella ID’d?
Serum agglutination (SAT)
Dipstick screening
What does Eikenella corrodens typically inhabit?
mucous membranes of humans (mouth and GI tracts)
Which organism is the cause of 25% of human hand-bite wound infections and causes subacute endocarditis?
Eikenella corrodens
Eikenella corrodens will NOT grow on which agar?
This organism has a bleach odor and causes pitting or corroding of agar.
Eikenella corrodens
Legionnaire’s Disease is caused by
Legionella pneumophilia
Legionella pneumonphilia is found in
soils and non-marine aqueous environments
pristine waters in tropical rainforest
Industrial water sources (AC, cooling towers, whirpools)
Gram stain morphology of Legionella pneumonphilia
Colony appearance
THIN gram negative rods (very faint, not usually seen on gram stain)
Small grey glistening colonies, convex with a “cut glass” appearance
BCYE agar is used to culture
Legionella pneumonphilia
This organism is an intracellular pathogen
Legionella pneumonphilia