Non-depolarizing Muscle Relaxants Flashcards
Name the (4) influences on which Non-depolarizing NMB we chose
- onset
- duration of action
- Rate of recovery
- metabolism
Non-depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocker MOA
- Act at pre-junctional sites—-To block Ach release
- Compete for alpha subunits
MOA of NDMB: Compete for alpha subunits
- of post-junctional nChRs
- with Ach
- No conformational change
(7) Characteristics of Blockade for Non Depolarizing
- Decreased twitch response to a single stimulus
- Unsustained response (fade) to continuous stimulus
- TOF ratio < 0.7
- Post-tetanic potentiation
- Potentiation of other non-depolarizing drugs
- Antagonism by anticholinesterase drugs
- No fasciculations during onset
What does the “fade” suggest in non-depolaring NMB
- Suggests some fiber are contracting while some are blocked
- Some are more susceptible to NMBDs
Describe how skeletal muscles contract.
- “all or none”
Name (3) Adverse Side Effects of Non-depolarizing
- Cardiovascular effects
- Critical Illness myopathy
- Altered responses
Name the (3) reasons for Cardiovascular effects with non-depolarizing
- Release of histamine
- Effects at cardiac muscarinic receptors
- Effects on nAChRs at autonomic ganglia
Why do the cardiovascular effects vary between patients?
- underlying diseases
- preop meds
Are the cardiovascular effects of Non-depolarizing clinically significant?
- Rarely
Non-depolarizing Cardiovascular effects: “Autonomic margin of safety”
- Difference between dose that produces blockade (ED95) and dose that creates circulatory effects
- Same dose for pancuronium
- Very different dose for vec, roc, cis
Critical Illness Myopathy: Skeletal Muscle Weakness
- Weeks to months after NMBD discontinued
- Patients with MSOF who were ventilated > 6 days
- Usually an aminosteroid blocker
- Glucocorticoids prior to NMBD may enhance risk
- Nerve monitoring, sedation, analgesia, small doses of NMBD beneficial?
Critical Illness myopathy: MOA of skeletal muscle weakness
MOA unknown
* Decreased clearance?
* Active metabolites?
Non-depolarizing: Altered Responses with Volatiles
Dose-dependent enhancement
* Desflurane>Sevoflurane>Isoflurane
* Onset as early as 30 minutes…
Non-depolarizing + Volatile anesthetics alterations MOA
- Incompletely understood
- Dose dependent inhibition of nACHR?
Altered Responses (non-depolarizers): Diuretics. Corticosteroids, Metoclopromide, LAs
Enhances or prolong blockade
* ↑ acetylcholine release
* Depression of cholinesterase activity
* Depression of nerve conduction
Altered Responses (non-depol and SCh): Magnesium
Enhances blockade
MOA of action for magnesium + Succinycholine
- MOA is unclear
- thought to be a more rapid shift to Phase 2 block.
MOA of altered responses with non-depolarizers and Magnesium
- decreases prejunctional release of Ach
- Decreases sensistivity to post junctional membranes
What can occur when you give Ephedrine prior to non-depolarizers
- Decreases onset time d/t ⬆️ CO and skeletal muscle flow
What occurs when you give Esmolol prior to induction?
- Esmolol delays onset
Altered Response: Hypothermia — Vecuronium and Pancuronium
- doubles the duration
- MOA: temp slows the hepatic enzymes activity
Altered Response Hypothermia: Atracuium/Cisatracurum
MOA: temperature dependent elimination processes
* Hoffman elimination
* Ester hydrolysis
Altered Response: Paralytics + Acute Hypokalemia
- Hyperpolarizes cell membrane (increased transmembrane potential)
- Resistance to depolarizing NMBDs
- Increased sensitivity to non-depolarizing NMBD’s
Altered Response: NMB + Acute Hyperkalemia
- Decreases resting membrane potential (partially depolarizes cell membrane)
- Increases effects of depolarizing NMBDs
- Resistance to non-depolarizing NMBDs
Altered Response: NMB + Burns
* Begins approx. 10 days post injury
* Declines after 60 days
* 30% BSA or >
* May be offset by using 1.2 mg/kg dose of Rocuronium
Altered Resposes: Burns Resistiance to NMB MOA
- Altered affinity of nAChRs?
- Not related to altered density (# of receptors)
Altered Responses of NMB: Paresis or Hemiplegia— Paretic arm
- Resistance compared to unaffected side
Altered Responses of NMB: Paresis or Hemiplegia— Unaffected side
- Resistance compared to normal patients
Altered Responses: Paresis or Hemiplegia– MOA
Proliferation of extrajunctional nAChRs
Altered Responses: Allergic reactions
- Succinylcholine more likely
- Pavulon, Vecuronium, Rocuronium < Succinylcholine
- Cisatracurium least likely
Name the Non-depolarizing Agent that will most likely cause an allergic reaction?
Name the Non-depolarizing Agent that will least likely cause an allergic reaction?