Non-Current Assets Flashcards
What are the key assertions?
- Existence
- Valuation
- Completeness
- Rights & Obligations
What are the sources of evidence?
- Non-Current Asset Register
- Purchase Invoice, Physical Assets
- Ownership Deeds, Depreciation Policy
- Cash Book, Capital Expenditure Budgets
What can you do with the non-current asset register?
- Obtain the non-current asset register, cast and agree the totals to the financial statements - completeness, classification & presentation.
- Select a sample of assets from the non-current asset register and physically inspect them - existence.
- Obtain a breakdown of disposals, cast the list and agree all assets have been removed from the non-current asset register - existence.
What can you do with the physical assets?
- Select a sample of assets visible at the company’s premises and inspect the asset register to ensure they are included - completeness.
- Inspect assets for condition and usage to identify signs of impairment - valuation.
What should you do for revalued assets?
Inspect the independent valuation report and agree the amount stated to the amount included in the general ledger and the financial statements - valuation.
What can you do with purchase invoices?
- Obtain a list of additions and for a sample, agree the cost to suppler invoices - valuation.
- Select a sample of disposals and agree sales proceeds to supporting documentation such as sundry sales voices - accuracy of profit on disposal.
What can you do with ownership deeds?
For a sample of assets included in the non-current asset register, inspect supplier invoices (for equipment), title deeds (for property) and registration documents (for motor vehicles) to ensure they are in the name of the client - rights & obligations.
What can you recalculate?
- The profit/loss on disposal and agree to the statement of profit or loss - accuracy of profit on disposal.
- The depreciation charge for a sample of assets to verify arithmetical accuracy - accuracy, valuation.
What can you do with the cash book?
Review profits and losses on disposal of assets disposed of in the year to assess the reasonableness of the depreciation policies - valuation.
What can you reperform?
Perform a proof in total calculation for the depreciation charged for each category of assets, discuss with management if significant fluctuations arise - completeness, valuation.