Non-BPPV Flashcards
non-BPPV Exam Order
- Observe Spontaneous Nystagmus
- Observe Oculomotor Issues
- Oculomotor Tests
- VOR Tests
- HINTS Exam
- Balance Screen
non-BPPV Determinants
- Vestibular or not
- Central or peripheral
- Acute or chronic
- Unilateral or Bilateral
Frequency and Duration: Vestibular Neuritis
-Sudden onset
-lasts days
Frequency and Duration: Bilateral Hypofunction
-gradual onset
Frequency and Duration: Mennniere’s or Vestib Migraine
-Recurrent spells (hours/days)
Frequency and Duration: Orthostatic Hypotension
-short spells
Frequency and Duration: PPPD of MDDS
Aggs and Eases: Gaze Instability
Ag: head movement
Eas: holding still and closing eyes
Aggs and Eases: Vestibular Neuritis
Ag: Spontaneous made worse by head movement
Eas: Holding still, closing eyes, meds
Aggs and Eases: Vestibular Migraine or Meniere’s
Ag: Spontanous made worse by head movement
Eas: Holding still, closing eyes, meds
Oculomotor Tests
On practical:
1. Gaze Evoked Nystagmus (frenzels)
2. Vergence
3. Smooth Pursuit
4. Saccades
Not on Practical:
-spontaneous nystagmus
-ocular ROM
-Skew-eye deviation
Spontaneous Nystagmus
-not on practical
-test with frenzels and observe eyes
-nystagmus doesn’t change with fixation
-direction of beating changes
-not fatiguable
-nystagmus dec with fixation
-Direction doesn’t change (Alex law)
Alexander’s Law
-Peripheral vestitbular dysfuncntion will not change the direction of nystagmus
-named for fast phase toward the HEALTHY ear
3rd Degree (1st day):
-nystagmus moves in all 3 directions
-toward HEALHY ear
2nd Degree (few days):
-nystagmus at center and toward HEALTHY ear
3rd Degree (1 week):
-nystagmus only with gaze toward HEALTHY ear
Vestibulo-ocular Reflex (VOR) Tests
-Head Shake Nystagmus Test
-Head Impulse Test
-Dynamic Visual Activity
-VOR 1
-VOR 2
Before Visual/Vestibular Tests
-record baseline (0-5)
-Record change (0-5)
-Ask if they can clearly see the target
Gaze Evoked Nystagmus (GEN)
-have target arm arm away from patient
-move L/R and U/D slowly
-repeat with frenzels
Gaze Evoked Nystagmus (GEN): Central
-intinsity of nystagmus changes direction
-doesn’t improve with fixation
-not fatiguable
-vertical nystagmus
Gaze Evoked Nystagmus (GEN): Peripheral
-nystagmus dec with fixation
-Direction doesn’t change (Alex law)
- Slowly bring target to nose and ask them to keep their eye on it
Normal: target is att least 6cm before Pt sees double
Abnormal: disconjugate eye movement before 6 cm OR aversion reaction (SNS)
Skew Deviation
not on practical
- Cover one eye to determine if there’s a compensation
-Skewed eye will jump back with uncover
-Non-skewed eye will cause skewed eye to jump back with cover
Smooth Pursuit
- Follow target an arms length away slowly
- Move to 30deg on each side
-saccadic intrusions
- Hold target an arms length away
- Move to 30deg on each side
- Tell Pt to look quickly btwn PT nose and target
-overshooting or undershooting
-slow scan
-central sign
Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR)
-driven at 2 Hz
-120 bpm or 240 bpm
-30 deg each side of movement or 60 deg total
Ewald’s 2nd Law
-horizonal canal BPPV and VOR
-excitation creates a greater response than inhibition
-flow towards ampulla creates a stronger response
VOR: Head Shake Nystagmus Test
-stimulates Horizontal canal
-can be treatment
- Use Frenzels
- Pt close eyes and PT pitches head 30deg down (puts HC parallel)
- Passively shake head to metronome fr 20 s
- Stop then have them open their eyes and check for nystagmus
-assess for degree
-Peripheral dysfunction with direction-fixed beating toward INTACT side
-acute vs chronic
VOR: Head Thrust/Impulse Test
-stimulates Horizontal canal
- Sit at eyes level and an arm away and Pt looks at PTs nose
- PT holds head 30deg down (puts HC parallel)
- Passively rotates head slowly and unexpectedly thrusts 10-20 degs
- Check to see if their eyes remain on your nose or jump
-Pts eyes jump to the side of thrust then re-fixate
-Hypofunction to the SAME side of head thrust
VOR: Dynamic Visual Acuity Test
- Chart at eye level 4m away
- Test vision at lowest level
- PT flexes head to 30deg and rotate 20-30deg to metronome 120 bpm WHILE reading lowest level available
(+): Unilateral: >3 line dif or dizziness
(+): Bilateral: >3 line dif, no dizziness, oscillopsia, postural instability
VOR 1 Test
-active head movements while moving
- Pt moves head 30 deg at 120 bpm (2 Hz) while keeping eyes and arm length away
- Keep going until blurry
-target gets blurry or jumping before 2 Hz
document and determine speed they can do
VOR 2 Test
-active head movement while target moves opp
- Pt moves head opp of target as fast as they can (don’t need metronome)
-target becomes blurry or jumping or dizziness
VORc Test
-head and arms together
-suppresses VOR
ONLY as treatment in practical
- Pt seated w/ arms ext, head pitched down 30 deg
- Passive or actively move head as target follows
-saccdic intrusion
Fukuda’s Stepping Test
-NOT on practical
-tests vestib function
- Pt marches in places for 50 steps with UE parallel and eyes closed
- Watch their progression and turns
Normal: move less and than 50cm and 30 deg
Abnormal: often turn towards INVOLVED side
Deficits in VOR Function
-seen at rest with acute unilateral dysfunction
-resolves within a few days
-abnormality in VOR gain or timing of eye movements in relation to head motion
Mechanisms of Vestibular Recovery: Neuroplasticity
-varies according to the severity of vestibular dysfunction
Mechanisms of Vestibular Recovery: Spontaneous
-resolve spontaneously in 4-7 days
-if not, CNS is unable to adapt
Mechanisms of Vestibular Recovery: Compensation
-when recovery is not possible
-may be required to dec s/s
Mechanisms of Vestibular Recovery: Vestibular Rehabilitation
-recovery mechanism for VOR to make long term changes
-modifies VOR gain; requires error signal to initial adaptation
-Unilateral Hypofunction (NOT FOR BILAT unless hypofunction)
-can be induced 1-2 min at a time
-must work through s/s for 1 min
-if blurry, dec use then progress to 2 Hz
Adaptation: Gain
-ratio used to describe the relationship of eye movement to head movement or eye movement to target
Normal VOR gain: 1
Abnormal VOR gain: retinal slip causing images to become blurry
-inc use of other strategies to replace lost vestibular function
-Bilateral VOR or central dysfunction
-Unilateral if complete loss
-repeated exposure to a stimulus dec brain’s pathological response to that stimulus
-for motion sensitivity or mixed dysfunction
-repeated provoking position/stimulus until s/s dec
-last ditch effort
-Ex: Brandt-Daroff
Immediate: reduced sensitivity of Ca
Long-Term: change in size and number of synapses
Unilateral Hypofunction
-dec function of one side
-easier to recover
-S/s: dizziness
-Adaptation if hypo
-Substitution if complete loss
-Habituation to dec s/s
Bilateral Hypofunction
-dec function of both sides
-harder to recover
-S/s: Jumping
-Substitution (Mainly)
-Adaptation (if some function remains)
-VOR 1/c
-Remembered/Imagined targets
-Active head-eye movement btwn target
Gaze Stabilization VOR Exercises
-for VOR adaptation OR Substitution
-postural supports
-for Unilateral hypofunction
-Perform 3x a day
-should feel dizzy for 5-10 mins post
-target must remain ‘not blurry’
-speed of head should inc as needed
VOR Exercises: Adaptation
- VOR x1
-2 Hz for 1 minute (if not, ocular 3x/day)
-progress to 2 after 2 mins - VOR x2
-2 mins - VORc
- 50bpm for 2 mins
don’t progress variables until all 3 completed
VOR Exercises Adaptation: HEP
-12 min throughout day
-1-2 mins intervals
-20 min throughout day
-1-2 min intervals
VOR Exercise: Substitution #1
-active eye-head movements btwn 2 targets
-bilat hypo
-must do adaptation and both substitution exercises
-provides oculomotor substitute
- Place 2 targets on wall a nose level
- Pt looks at one target then turn head towards other target and maintain vision
- Look at other target
- Move head
- Repeat for 1 min, 3x/day
VOR Exercise: Substitution #2
-Remembered or imagined target
-bilat hypo
-must do adaptation and both substitution exercises
-provides cervical substitute
- Place 1 target on wall a nose level
- Pt closes eyes and turns head away and maintain eye motion
- Open eyes and see if you remembered
- Repeat for 1 min, 3x/day
VOR Cancellation Exercise
-chronic unilateral hypo
-treat for practical
-1 minute, 3x/day
-start VORc slowly, then progress to faster
-s/s should last 5-10 mins
Grounding Exercise
-for all vestib patients
-during symptom recovery or increased anxiety
-focus somatosensory
-Box breathing
Central Vestibular Dysfunction: Rehab
-occulomotor exercises