Nomenclature Flashcards
What is the definition of a Genus?
A group of species that have similar characteristics but cannot reproduce.
eg: Rosa, Betula
What is the definition of a species?
A group of plants with characteristics in common and can interbreed. EG: Fagus sylvatica Alchemilla mollis (Ladies Mantle)
What is a cultivar?
Full name ‘cultivated variety’
Often bred so must be maintained by cultivation.
Can also occur naturally as a mutation but would have to be selected and maintained by humans
EG: Chimera
How are plants classified into groups?
By lifecycles and uses in horticulture Physical characteristics (Colour, flower, leaf shape)
Describe an ephemeral
Name means “transitory”
Life cycle of 6-8 weeks
Only a few garden flowering plants
Controlled by hoeing or herbicide spray early in growth
Weed species of ephemeral are:
Arabidopsis thaliana ( mouse-ear-cress) Cardamine hirsuite ( bitter cress) Capsella bursapastoris (Shepherds purse)
Flowering garden plant species of ephemeral examples:
Claytonia (Spring Beauty) Dicentra canadensis ( Squirrel corn) Trillium erectum (Red trillium)
Hardy annuals, describe:
Complete life cycle in one year
Withstands low temps and frost
Can sow direct in autum/early spring
Examples of hardy annual
Lathyrus oderatus (Swet pea) Limnanthes douglasii ( Poached egg plant) Centaurea cyanus ( Cornflower) Miss Jekyll (Love-in-mist)
Half hardy annuals, describe:
Sown in protective environment eg: glasshouse/ cold frame/tunnel
Planted out in later May/early June after last frosts
Life cycle still one season
Well known in parks and cities summer bedding displays
Examples of half hardy annuals
Blue Salvia (Salvia farinacea) African marigold (Tagetes erecta) Sweet Tobacco (Nicotiana alata) Blue dwarf lobelia (lobeila erinus)
A plant with a life cycle of two seasons
Following germination in year 1 it produces vegetative growth only.
Flowers and produces seeds in second year
Stimulus to flowering is induced by the period of winter cold (vernalisation)
examples of biennials
Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Dipsacus fullonum (Teasel) Lunaria annua (Honesty) Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William)
Tender perennials
Originate from warmer climates-tropical/mediterranean
Cannot indure frost
Need to be managed if to survived.
Bring inside/wrap in fleece and store in dark, dry settings
Tender perennial examples
Dahlia pinnata (Bishop of Llandaff) Fuschia bolviana (Alba variety) Gazinia varieties
Herbaceous perennials, describe:
Popular in stately home garden/display gardens
Last many years
Soft tissues
All above ground growth dies back to soil level each autumn/winter
Grows back from the root sock each spring
Examples of herbaceous perennials
Lupinus varieties (Lupins) Rudbeckia fulgida (Goldsturm) Astilbe x arendsii variety (fanal) Phlox panniculate Hemerocallis fulva variety (Kwansu)
Woody perennials
They include shrubs and trees
what is a shrub?
Evergreen or deciduous
Permanent branch structure
What is the definition of a tree?
Have a main trunk clear of branches
Usually broad leaves
Branches at higher level
Usually deciduous
Examples of trees and shrubs
Rhododendron Prunus padus (the bird cherry) Salix caprea (Goat Willow) Forsythia suspensa (spring flowering and yellow)