Nocturia, Dysuria, Inconteinence Flashcards
Urinary incontinence

Nocturnal Polyuria
what is it? what can contribute to causing it? 4
can see what on phys?
name a couple meds that cause

Dysuria differntial considerations
thik of a couple off of the def
diff urninating occuring at more external locations: ureatra,bladder,suprapubic

Urinary incontinence
what is it? the three types?
what are transient causes?
whats the pneumonic?
common in hospitalized? in women? men?

Urinary incontinence
established cuases (3) what causes the big three?
most common?
type rare in women?
Least common?

Urinary Incontinence
symptoms/signs 5
2 new what are they?

Urinary Incontinence
lab tests- review what? check for? consider?
imaging- US for? if surgery check for?
Diagnostic procedures- for stress incontinence? instant vs delay?
detrusor overactivity?

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
omost important point from physician standpoint?
risk vs reward?
regards to prosate cancer?
benign disorders?

what type of symptoms are caused by thsi?
these are divided into? 2
symptoms caused soley by a mass effect?
who doesnt require treatment? in the other population what studies can tell us about the problem?
cytoscopy is reccomended when?

think about it.
symptoms of BPH most often come from? 2

what scale is used to look at risk for prostate cancer// lood at symptom severity? scores- mild? moderate? severe?
most common reason men seek treatment BPH? so treatment goal is?
treat dynamic aspect? static aspect? prevention progression? what doe these mean? combo? third med that is used?
overactive bladder treatment? second line therapy? used when? goal is? names of procedures?

Prostate cancer
deaths declining? due to? what rank in cause of cancer death in men?
Is it hereditary? whihc menas we should? higher incidence in?
how long from preneoplastic to metastatic? which means? treat based off of?

Prostate cancer- physical exam
2 modes of screening? problem with them?
PSA- 3 guidelines

Prostate Cancer
risk vs benefit in PSA?
Key points: routine screening?
detwermine what? when?
refer to urology when?