Noble life of the Holy Prophet PBUH Flashcards
When did Islam emerge in Arabia?
7th century
When was the Holy Prophet PBUH born?
570 C.E
In which tribe was the Holy Prophet PBUH from?
Banu Hashim
Who was the slave of Hazrat Abu Lahab?
Where did Bibi Amina die?
Where would Abu Muttalib take the Holy Prophet PBUH
Darun Nadwa
Where did the Caravan to Syria stop?
Between which two tribes did the tribal war broke down?
Quraish and Qays Ghilan
In what months is war prohibited?
Safar, Rajab, Zil Hajj, Zil Qadah
What was the tribal war called?
Harb ul-Fajjr
What was the peace treaty to end the tribal war called?
Hilf al-Fuzool
Where was the tribal peace treaty signed?
At the house of Abdullah bin Jadan
Who told Hazrat Khadija abt the Holy Prophet PBUH?
Who was the slave of Hazrat Khadija R.A?
Hazrat Maisara
What was the black stone called?
Who was the wise old man when it came time to fix the black stone?
Abu Umayya
What was the Mountain where Cave Hira is located?
Mount Al-Noor(Jabl-e-Noor)
When did Hazrat Jibraeel A.S com to the Holy prophet PBUH?
Ramadan 610 C.E on Lailat-ul-Qadr
Who was the blind Christian who was Hazrat Khadija’s cousin?
Warqah bin Naufil
What is the name of the Holy Spirit?
What was the second revelation?
Surah Al-Muddasir
Who were the earliest believers?
Hazrat Khadija
Hazrat Abu Bakr
Hazrat Zaid bin Harisa
Hazrat Usman bin Affan
Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam
Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir
How many men did the Holy Prophet PBUH invite in the 3rd year of Prophet hood?
What was the alarming sound of Arabia?
Ya Sahaba
Who was Abu Lahab’s two sons?
Utbha and Atiba
Who was the wife of Abu Lahab?
Umme Jamil
Who put the camel stomach on the back of the Holy Prophet?
Uqaba bi-Muat
Who was an Abyssinian slave?
Hazrat Bilal bin Rabah
Who was an Abyssinian slave?
Hazrat Bilal bin Rabah
Who was the slave of Banu Abdul Dar
Abu Fiqh
Who was the roman slave girl?
Hazrat Zunaira, Hazrat Umme Abees, Hazrat Nahidya
which slave lost his father and mother?
Hazrat Ammar Bin Yasir
Who did they send to bribe Najashi?
Amir Bin Al-Alas and Abdullah bin Abi Rabiah
Who have the speech to Najashi?
Hazrat Jafar
Who told Hazrat Umar about his own sister being muslim?
Hazrat Naium
What was the name of Hazrat Umar’s sister?
Hazrat Fatima bint-e-Khattab
Who was sent to bargain wit the Holy Prophet PBUH?
Utbah bin Rabia
Where were the Muslims living in the social boycott?
Where did the Holy Prophet PBUH stay overnight?
When did the Khazraj tribe come back?
621 CE
Who did the Holy Prophet PBUH send to guide the people of Yasrib?
Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair
when was the thirteenth year of Prophethood?
when was the thirteenth year of Prophethood?
Who was the guide of the Holy Prophet PBUH?
Abdullah bin Uraiqat