no Suger Quotes Flashcards
Sargent pg13
I got nothin’ against’ em, but I know exactly what they’re like.
Milly pg 25
This is frightin’ stuff, eh? Real fightin’ stuff.
Gran 39
An’ you’re supposed to be native ‘tector.
Sargent pg 43
I’ll attend to the dogs when I. Lean up the camp
Jimmy pg 44
You reckon blackfellas are bloody mugs.
Joe David and Cissie pg55
Black crow
Mary pg 57
The boss’s sons used to belt her up and, you know, force her
Neal pg67
I know, I’ve read it, bloody massacre
Neal and marton
I was only trying to help you.
Or yourself.
Hollywood ending
They fair well each member of the family walking off into the distance
Joe and Sargent
What did you burn every for?
We’re simply following orders
Neal pg72
You bloody incompetent savage. Where are the fuckin keys
Sergeant pg43
I’ll attend to the dogs when I clean up the camp.
Neville pg 37
I thought you were told to wait outside
Constable pg46
It’s her funeral if she doesn’t make it
Don’t be stupid woman I can handle a mob of unruly niggers.
Joe pg99
Joe wears a yellow shirt and black pants.
Neal pg102
Read it. Oh Jesus give it to me
I was only trying to help you
Sargent pg12
No mr brown its not, but it is an offence to supply liquer to an Aboriginal under the aboriginal act
Milly pg10
It’s all the money I got