No. 2 Flashcards
High density populations-Do or do not decrease the probability of victimizations?
Does not.
Process Theories
Recognize that anyone, regardless of race or socioeconomic status has the potential for criminal behavior.
MacDonald Triad is:
Recipe of a SK-
Enuresis, torture of small animals, and fire-setting
Child molesters are opportunistic and will…
Molest in private places, even while parents are nearby.
Postmortem multinationals is a type of…
Signature of a SK
Ronald Schweitzer said-
The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.
Ronald Schweitzer went on to say,
Now ask yourself, what is required to live the life of one’s own image?
School shootings and mass murders have become
A societal concern.
According to Hickey, thus far the track record in predicting criminal behavior…
Has been dismal
Bifurcated mass murder
Two different locations, started at one location and then continued on to another place.
Gianni Versace was killed by
Andrew Cunanan
Organized offender
Plans everything out
Disorganized offender will often use a blitz attack.
Disorganized offender does not spend time taking their victim.
An organized offender feels they have plenty of time at their chosen location for their Murder.
They plan so they have time to do what they want.
An organized offender will usually bring a weapon of choice to the scene.
Organized offenders will often pose their victims to give them personality.
Organized offenders will use some type of clothing item to tie their victims up for control.
The organized offender normally knows whom their next victim is.
The organized offender will personalize their victims.
Since a person is usually tied up when killed, an organized offender will not normally personalize the victim.
The organized offender will display habits at a crime scene such as eating or talking to the victim postmortem.
Since the weapon is usually missing when an organized offender kills, it is assumed that they took it with them.
What is a Visionary type of killer?
Such murderers in response to the commands of voices or vision usually emanating from the forces of good or evil. These offenders are often believed to be suffering from some form of psychosis.
What a Mission oriented type of murderer?
These offenders believe it is their mission in life to rid the community or society of certain groups of people. Some killers may target the elderly, whereas others may seek out prostitutes, children or a particular racial/ethnic group.
What are the subcategories of the Hedonistic killer?
*Those who kill for “creature comforts” or “pleasure of life”.
*Lust murderers which includes a killer who becomes involved with the victim sexually pre or postmortem.
What is the Power/Control type of killer?
Primary source of pleasure is not sexual, but the killer’s ability to control and exert power over their helpless victim.
What does the Power/Control Oriented type of killer want or like to see.
*To see a victim cower, cringe and beg for mercy.
*They want to break the victims will to survive.
Once the Power/control offender has what he/she wants, what will they do?
Often, they will kill the victim.
Organized killers profiled as lust murderer, (an offender sexually involved with the victim), may possess these characteristics.
- Highly intelligent. 8. Lives with partner
- High birth-order status. 9. Geographically mobile
- Masculine image. 10. Experienced harsh discipline
- Charismatic 11. Controlled emotions at time of
- Socially capable attack.
- Sexually capable 12. High interest in media re-
- Occupationally mobile. sponse to the crime.
13. Model inmate
Disorganized killers profiled as lust murderers will display what type of characteristics?
- Below average intelligence 8. Has secret hiding places
- Low birth-order status. 9. Nocturnal
- Socially immature. 10. Lives/works near crime scene
- Seldom dates 11. Engages in unskilled work
- HS dropout. 12. Significant behavioral change
- Father often under or 13. Low interest in media attenti.
unemployed. 14. Limited alcohol consumption - Lives alone. 15. High anxiety during crime
After a the crime/kill, an organized offender will exhibit fairly predictable behaviors such as…?
- May return to the crime scene
- A need to volunteer information
- Friendly with police
- Expects to be interrogated by PD
- Sometimes relocates body
- May expose body to draw attention
What does the disorganized lust killer exhibit after the crime?
- May return to the crime scene
- May attend vict. funeral/burial
- Keep a diary
- Changing employment
- Changes in personality
- Becomes religious
- Submits personal advertisements in the newspapers
regarding the victim
What are the three distinct groups of offenders regarding serial killers?
- Traveling SK-murders as he travels across several states.
- Local SK- never leave the state n which they started, possibly several jurisdiction.
- SK who never leave their homes or place of employment, victims reside in same physical structure or are lured in.
Definition of scatologia
Sexual gratification through the making of obscene phone calls, desire to shock or frighten, the offender is often conditioning himself through masturbation to fantasies of control over his victims.
Definition: Scopophilia (Voyeurism)
Receiving sexual gratification by peeping through windows and so forth to watch people.
Subcategory of voyeurism is…
Mixoscopia or troilism- sexual arousal from seeing oneself in sexual scenes.
Definition of Somnophilia
Sexual arousal while watching a person sleep.
A condition, such as an exhibitionism or masochism, in which sexual gratification is derived from activities or fantasies that are generally regard as atypical or deviant