NMS Pancreas 1 (includes gallbladder) Flashcards
annular pancreas
usually presents in infancy w duodenal obstruction (postprandial vomiting). caused by malrotation of ventral pancreas –> ring of pancreatic tissue around second portion of duodenum
pancreatitis and peptic ulcers also may result
Pancreas divisum
due to failure of ventral and dorsal ducts to fuse, majority of pancreatic drainage is accomplished via accessory papilla and duct of Santorini.
–> most common congenital anomaly of pancreas (5% of population) but usually asymptomatic.
rarely chronic pain and recurrent pancreatitis result from inadequate drainage
heterotopic pancreas
pancreatic tissue in an abnormal location (stomach, duodenum, Meckel’s diverticulum)
why does resection of head of pancreas require resection of duodenum
bc they have shared blood supply (gastroduodenal –> pancreaticoduodenal artery)
pancreatic ducts
- duct of wirsung is main duct; runs entire length of pancreas. it joins common bile duct and empties into 2nd part of duodenum at ampulla of vater
- duct of santorini (small duct) is an accessory duct often joining the duodenum more proximally than ampulla of vater
blood supply of pancreas
- head: anterior and posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries = branches of gastroduodenal artery;
anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries=branches of SMA - NECK, BODY, TAIL: splenic artery and branches (dorsal pancreatic artery)
exocrine physiology of pancreas
secretion of 1-2L/d of clear, isosmotic alkaline fluid containing digestive enzymes.
exocrine pancreas makes up 85% of pancreatic volume;
endocrine pancreas accounts for only 2%, with the rest composed of extracellular matrix and vessels or ducts
what kind of block can be done for pain control in pancreatic dz
celiac plexus block
most potent endogenous stimulant for bicarbonate secretion
endocrine function of pancreas
Islets of Langerhans make up 2% of pancreas by weigh:
1) insulin: from beta cells in islets of Langerhans (glucose absorption and storage);
2) glucagon: from islet alpha cells (glycogenolysis and release of glucose);
3) somatostatin: from islet delta cells (generally –> inhibitory function of GI tract)
uses of somatostatin
- treat symptoms of neuroendocrine tumors (islet cell, carcinoid, gastrinoma, VIPoma, and acromegaly)
- convert high output fistulae to low output fistula (bc of its antimotility and antisecretory effects)
acute pancreatitis
inflammation of pancreas due to parenchymal autodigestion by proteolytic enzymes
CAUSES: 1) alcohol abuse (40-50%); 2) gallstones (40%)
Less common causes of acute pancreatitis
- hyperlipidemia
- hypercalcemia: 2/2 hyper PTH
- trauma
- post op and post ERCP
- pancreatic duct obstruction (tumor, pancreatic divisum)
- vasculitis
- scorpion venom
- viral infections
- drugs (azathioprine, INH, cimetidine)
signs and symptoms of acute pancreatitis
- severe, constant epigastric pain radiating to the back. pain may be improved by sitting forward or standing
- nausea/vomiting
- low grade fever, tachypnea, tachycardia, upper abdominal tenderness with guarding but no rebound. bowel sounds may be absent due to adynamic ileus.
signs of hypovolemic shock may also be present due to massive retroperitoneal fluid sequestration and dehydration
cullens sign
bluish discoloration of periumbilicus
hemorrhagic pancreatitis
grey-turners sign
bluish discoloration of flank
hemorrhagic pancreatitis
fox’s sign
bluish discoloration of inguinal ligament
hemorrhagic pancreatitis
cullens, grey turners, fox’s sign
indicative of severe, hemorrhagic pancreatitis
MEDVIPS: drug-induced pancreatitis
- methyldopa/metronidazole
- estrogen
- didanosine (inhibits HIV DNA polymerase reverse transcriptase)
- valproate
- pentamidine
- sulfonamides
elevate lipase
only found in gastric and intestinal mucosa and liver, in addition to pancreas, so is more specific for pancreatitis than amylase
elevated amylase
also found in salivary glands, small bowel, ovaries, skeletal muscle (+pancreas) so not specific marker for pancreatitis
Ranson’s criteria : on admission
- age>55
- blood glucose>200
- AST>250
- LDH> 350
- WBC >16k
Ranson’s criteria: after 48 h
- base deficit >4
- increase in BUN >5
- fluid deficit > 6L
- Calcium 10%
- PO2 < 60 mm Hg
diagnostic choice for acute pancreatitis
CT scan: 90% sensitive, 100% specific.
demonstrates pseudocysts, phlegmon, abscess, or pancreatic necrosis
causes of elevated amylase levels
high amylase levels are seen in intestinal disease, perforated ulcer, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, salpingitis, salivary gland disorders, renal failure, and diabetic ketoacidosis
treatment of acute pancreatitis
- aggressive hydration with electrolyte monitoring to maintain adequate intravascular volume
- NG tube if vomiting
- antibiotics if infection identified
- NPO with nutritional support via post-pyloric feeding or TPN
- avoid morphine-possible spasm of sphincter of Oddi (use IV fentanyl or hydromorphone; meperidine favored over morphine)
- surgery indicated for either infected necrosis of pancreas or correction of associated biliary tract dz
chronic pancreatitis
chronic inflammation or recurrent acute pancreatitis causes irreversible parenchymal fibrosis, destruction, and calcification –> loss of endocrine and exocrine function
causes of chronic pancreatitis
- EtOH abuse (70%)
- idiopathic (20%)
- other (10%): hyper PTH, HLD, congenital pancreatic abnormalities, hereditary, obstruction
signs and symptoms of chronic pancreatitis
- recurrent or constant epigastric/back pain
- malabsorption/malnutrition (exocrine dysfunction)
- steatorrhea (exocrine dysfunction-fat soluble vitamin deficiency (ADEK)
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus
- polyuria
diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
- pancreatic calcifications
- chain of lakes pattern on ERCP with ductal irregularities/dilatation/stenosis
- pseudocysts with gland enlargement/atrophy, masses
nonepithelialized, encapsulated pancreatic fluid collections. up to 30% of pseudocysts resolve on their own with bowel rest (TPN and NPO). if after 6 wks they have not resolved and are > 6 cm in size, internal drainage of the mature cysts indicated via cyst gastrostomy or Roux-en-Y cyst jejunostomy.
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- originate in exocrine pancreas (ductal cells)
- 2/3 occur in head of pancreas
risk factors:
- male
- african-american
- tobacco user
Courvoisier’s sign
jaundice with palpable gallbladder that is nontender
signs and symptoms of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- weight loss
- (painless) jaundice
- posterior epigastric pain radiating to the back
- migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau’s syndrome esp seen in tumors of body or tail)
diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- elevated CEA or CA19-9
- CT scan is study of choice
- PTC and ERCP useful in periampullary lesions
treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- tumors of head: Whipple procedure (pancreaticoduodenectomy)
- tumors of body/tail: distal near-total pancreatectomy
- if unresectable 2/2 liver or peritoneal mets, nodal mets beyond zone of resection, or tumor invasion of SMA, palliative procedures considered
Whipple procedure
removal of gallbladder, common bile duct, antrum of stomach, duodenum, proximal jejunum and head of pancreas (en bloc);
reconstruction with pancreaticojejunostomy , choledochojejunostomy, and gastrojejunostomy
prognosis for adenocarcinoma
median survival for patients who undergo successful resection is approximately 12-19 months, with 5y survival rate of 15-20%
pancreatic cystadenocarcinoma
- commonly seen in females 40-60y
- occurs in body/tail
- accounts for <2% of all pancreatic exocrine tumors
- prognosis better than adenocarcinoma
- TREATMENT: distal/total pancreatectomy
pancreatic cystadenoma
- seen in older/middle aged women
two types:
a. serious: benign
b. mucinous: generally benign, but potential to be malignant - treatment: surgical resection
beta cell neoplasm with overproduction of insulin
- MC islet cell tumor
- 90% are benign
- most are solitary lesions with even distribution in head/body/tail of pancreas
- if associated with MEN I (<10% of all cases), then multiple insulinomas may be present
diagnosis of insulinoma
- fasting serum insulin level >10 uU/mL [nL is 0.3
3. prosinulin or C-peptide levels should be measured to rule out surreptitious exogenous insulin administration
treatment for insulinoma
- surgical enucleation/resection usually curative
2. diazoxide can improve hypoglycemic symptoms by inhibiting pancreatic insulin release
what is Whipple’s triad
characterizes insulinoma
- symptoms of hypoglycemia with fasting
- fasting glucose <50 mg/dL
- relief of symptoms after eating (glucose)
neoplasm associated with overproduction of gastrin; aka Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
epidemiology of gastrinomas
- second most common islet cell tumor
- 90% are located in gastrinoma triangle bordered by junction of second and third part of duodenum, cystic duct, and SMA under the neck of the pancreas
- 25% of gastrinomas are associated with MEN-1
signs and symptoms of gastrinomas
- signs mimicking peptic ulcer dz
- epigastric pain most prominent after eating
- profuse, watery diarrhea
diagnosis of gastrinoma
- fasting serum gastrin level > 500 pg/mL [nl: <100 pg/mL]
- secretin stimulation test will cause paradoxical increase in gastrin in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
- ulcers in unusual locations (ie, 3rd part of duodenum or jejunum) is highly suggestive
- octreotide scan to localize tumor
treatment of gastrinoma
- surgical resection
- chemotherapy
overproduction of VIP; aka Verner Morrison syndrome or WDHA syndrome (Watery Diarrhea, Hypokalemia, Achlorhydria);
most are malignant and majority have metastasized to lymph nodes and the liver at time of dx
10% extrapancreatic
signs and symptoms of VIPoma
- severe, watery diarrhea
2. signs of hypokalemia-palpitations/arrhythmias, muscle fasciculations/tetany, paresthesias
treatment of VIPoma
fasting serum VIP>800 pg/mL (normal<200 pg/mL) with exclusion of other causes of diarrhea
rare alpha cell neoplasm resulting in overproduction of glucagon
signs and symptoms of glucagonoma
- mild diabetes (hyperglycemia)
- anemia
- mucositis
- weight loss due to low amino acid levels
- severe dermatitis: often a red psoriatic like rash with serpiginous borders over trunk and lower limbs
skin condition associated with glucagonoma
necrolytic migratory erythema
diagnosis of glucagonoma
- fasting serum level glucagon > 1000 pg/mL
2. skin bx to confirm presence of necrolytic migratory erythema
common bile duct forms in which pancreatic bud
which pancreatic bud migrates to fuse with other
what does ventral pancreatic bud form in adult
uncinate process and inferior aspect of pancreatic head
what does dorsal bud form
superior aspect of head, body, tail
from which pancreatic bud does small accessory pancreatic duct of santorini form
from dorsal bud
main duct of wirsung forms from entire ventral pancreatic duct which fuses with …
distal pancreatic duct of dorsal bud
what abnormality arises if ventral pancreatic bud migrates posteriorly AND anteriorly to fuse with dorsal pancreatic bud
annular pancreas
name parts of pancreas
head, neck, body, tail
on what structure does pancreatic head rest
IVC, renal vessels
on what structure does uncinate process rest
what lies behind pancreatic neck
how is blood supplied to head of pancreas from celiac axis
gastroduodenal artery branches into SUPERIOR posterior and anterior pancreaticoduodenal artery
how is blood supplied to pancreatic head from celiac axis (2)
SMA branches into INFERIOR posterior and anterior branches of pancreaticoduodenal
which arteries supply body and tail of pancreas
splenic –> dorsal pancreatic –> joining branch from SMA –> forming inferior pancreatic
also multiple branches from splenic + inferior pancreatic arteries supply tail
into which veins do pancreatic veins drain
splenic vein into portal vein
which nodal groups drain pancreas
head: subpyloric, portal, mesocholic, aortocaval
body and tail: retroperitoneal in splenic hilum
to mesocolic, mesenteric, aortocaval
what do islet cells make
insulin (beta)
glucagon (alpha)
somatostatin (delta)
type of cells in exocrine pancreas
acinar, centroacinar, intercalated ductal, ductal
pH of pancreatic secretions
enzymes from pancreas
peptidases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, kallikrein, carboxypeptidase A and B
what stimulates exocrine secretion
bicarb: vagal efferents and secretin
enzymes: cholecystokinin and acetylcholine
what GI hormone is structurally similar to CCK
what activates peptidases
what % acute pancreatitis is idiopathic
metabolic causes of pancreatitis
hyperlipidemia, hypercalcemia
other surgical dzs causing pancreatitis
perforating peptic ulcer, Crohn dz of duodenum
diagnostic GI test that can cause pancreatitis
arachnid bite that can cause pancreatitis
worms that can cause obstructive pancreatitis
Ascaris, clonorchis sinensis
tests for diagnosing acute pancreatitis
amylase in serum, peritoneal fluid and urinary amylase
serum lipase, WBC, total bilirubin, LFT
what is a sentinel loop
adynamic, dilated loop of small bowel associated with a focal area of inflammation initially described in relation to pancreatitis-associated ileus
when can patients with pancreatitis be fed
NOT early; this causes reactivation
but i saw that early enteral feeds is good…what??
should abx be used in treatment of acute pancreatitis
yes, necrotizing pancreatitis
this is controversial i think?
which abx to use for necrotizing pancreatitis
how many patients with acute pancreatitis need surgery
does early use of minidose heparin prevent intravascular thrombosis during acute pancreatitis or alter the course of pancreatitis
prob not
does peritoneal lavage alter clinical course of severe or necrotizing pancreatitis
recent study showed that patients with 5 or more of Ranson’s criteria had reduced sepsis/death (with peritoneal lavage)
how should patients with severe pancreatitis be nourished
but when peristalsis returns, nasoenteric or enteric feeding tubes (early enteral feeds?) may offer better nutrition without worsening pancreatitis (beyond ligament of Treitz)
what causes gallstone pancreatitis
- bile reflux into pancreas
- reflux of duodenal succus from a loose sphincter of Oddi
- stone blockage of pancreatic duct
if surgically untreated, what % of patients with gallstone pancreatitis will have recurrence within 8 weeks
what other causes of pancreatitis must be ruled out in a patient with gallstones?
alcohol abuse, medications, hyperlipidemia, hypercalcemia
appropriate treatment of mild gallstone pancreatitis
laparoscopoic cholecystectomy; intraoperative cholangiogram on HD 3-5 if pancreatitis resolves
definition of chronic pancreatitis
recurrent bounts of acute, chronic pain, exocrine and endocrine dysfunction, irreversible parenchymal fibrosis
signs and symptoms of chronic pancreatitis
abdominal pain, diabetes, steatorrhea, pancreatic calcification
anatomic pancreatic changes in chronic pancreatitis
sclerosis with duct stenosis and dilatation
loss of acinar tissue
most common cause of chronic pancreatitis
alcohol abuse
CT findings with chronic pancreatitis
dilated pancreatic duct, calcifications, parenchymal atrophy (pseudocyst)
findings associated with chronic pancreatitis on CT
she may have meant ERCP
chain of lakes
did she mean ERCP?
most sensitive test for chronic pancreatitis
factors indicating surgery for chronic pancreatitis
refractory, disabling pain; frequent recurrent acute exacerbations; possible malignancy; GI or biliary obstruction; splenic vein thrombosis with portal HTN
how are patients with chronic pancreatitis managed non-operatively
tx of pain; pancreatic exocrine replacement; insulin therapy
what are pseudocysts
pancreatic juice enclosed by a false capsule of fibrous or granulation tissue that arises as a consequence of pancreatitis or trauma
percentage of patients with acute pancreatitis forming pseudocysts
what % of patients with chronic pancreatitis develop pseudocysts
What % of ppl with acute pancreatitis develop persistent pseudocysts
most common cause of pancreatic pseudocysts in kids
signs/symptoms of pancreatic pseudocysts
persistent pain, persistent n/v, weight loss, abdominal mass, persistent amylase elevation, jaundice, distension
% of patients with pseudocysts that have persistent abdominal pain
> 90%
% of patients with pseudocysts that have abdominal mass
up to 50%
appropriate treatment of an infected pseudocyst
external drainage
no abx??
avg time for 4 cm pseudocyst to resolve
2-3 months
complications a/w pseudocyst
hemorrhage infection, leak gastric outlet obstruction bile duct obstruction
treatment of an unstable patient with hemorrhage into pseudocyst
arteriogram and possible embolization
what portion of pancreas gets carcinoma
% of pop with pancreas divisum
risk factors for pancreatic carcinoma
advanced age, smoking diabetes (esp in women) heavy alcohol use exposure to benzidine and naphthylamine partial gastrectomy
most common type of pancreatic carcinoma
90% adenocarcinoma
others are cystadenoma and acinar
most common location of pancreatic carcinoma
2/3 in head
1/3 in body/tail
signs/symptoms of pancreatic carcinoma
pain, weight loss, nausea, anorexia, painless jaundice
tumor markers for pancreatic cancer
CA19-9, Ca50
diagnostic test for pancreatic carcinoma
diagnostic test for patients with jaundice
why is tissue dx important for pancreatic carcinoma
ddx includes lymphoma, sarcoidosis, TB, choledocolithiasis, pancreatitis
what is disadvantage of FNA
when should tissue dx of potentially resectable tumors be performed
in OR (FNA)
but is this still done
which patients are the best candidates for percutaneous needle bx of a periampullary tumor
nonoperative candidates
which primary tumor location is associated with the most major vessel tumor involvement
head of pancreas
what are main sites of metastasis for pancreatic cancer
liver, peritoneum
what contraindicates resection in pancreatic cancer
mets, even just to local nodes; tumor involvement of SMA, SMV
goal of pancreas surgery for carcinoma
Kocher maneuver
to determine if SMA is involved in pancreatic carcinoma
–> hand needs to be able to identify a normal tissue plane between pancreas and SMA
what intraoperative maneuvers simplify visualization of portal vein
cholecystectomy, transection of common hepatic duct
what is appropriate treatment of distal pancreatic cancer
distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy
what is appropriate treatment of cancer of head
Whipple, if resectable
what is treatment option of unresectable pancreatic cancer
radiation and 5-fluoro
what is an option for post-op adjuvant treatment (pancreatic cancer)
5-fluoro and radiation
is pylorus preserving Whipple a/w any survival disadvantage
what is current operative mortality rate with whipple
what is most common postop complication of whipple
delayed gastric emptying
appropriate treatment of delayed gastric emptying
percent of patients who develop a postop pancreatic fistula
up to 20%
appropriate treatment of pancreatic fistula
controlled drainage, with or without somatostatin
potential complications a/w standard whipple
delayed gastric emptying (1/3) pancreatic fistula (1/5) abscess (1/10) wound infection (1/12) bile leak (1/20) pancreatitis (1/20)
what is prognosis for pancreatic cancer patients after resection
up to 20% are alive after 5 years
what are most important post resection prognostic factors
positive lymph nodes, need for blood transfusions, clear margins, vascular invasion by histology
various endocrine tumors of pancreas
insulinoma, glucagonoma, VIPoma, somatostatinoma, gastrinoma, calcitoninoma and neurotensin secreting tumors
what is most common pancreatic endocrine tumor
Whipple triad for insulinoma
fasting blood sugar <50
symptoms of hypoglycemia when fasting
symptomatic relief following glucose replacement
diagnosing insulinoma
72h fast with blood glucose and insulin levels; insulin/glucose ratio > 0.4; elevated C protein and proinsulin
do you image for pancreatic endocrine tumors
yes, CT with contrast
location for insulomas
1/3 in each part of pancreas
how to treat insulinomas
enucleation for small tumors
role of diazoxide for patients with unresectable dz (insulinoma)
can attenuate hypoglycemia (less insulin released)
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
pancreatic endocrine tumor that secretes gastrin
how to dx gastrinoma
secretin stimulation test
where are gastrinomas usually located
gastrinoma triangle:
- confluence of cystic and CBD
- junction of 2nd and 3rd portions of duodenum
- junction of neck and body of pancreas
what % of gastrinomas are malignant
60% at time of dx
treatment for gastrinoma
resection with medical anti-acid production therapy
how to localize gastrinomas
CT with contrast, intraoperative ultrasound, duodenotomy, somatostatin, indium scan
Verner-morrison syndrome (WDHA)
watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorydiria
a/w VIPomas
where are VIPomas usually
body and tail
should VIPomas be resected
yes, though half have metastasized by dx
what action should be taken if no tumor is identified in a patient with watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorydria syndrome
subtotal pancreatectomy, bc there can be diffuse islet-cell hyperplasia
what condition would a patient with diabetes and a migratory rash be likely to develop?
which enzyme, when activated, is thought to initiate many of the deleterious events a/w pancreatitis
which lipolytic enzyme causes pancreatic necrosis in the presence of bile?
phospholipase A
which enzyme is responsible for creating intrapancreatic hemorrhage
what causes fat necrosis in pancreatitis
lipase, esp in presence of bile
most important risk factor for severe necrotizing pancreatitis
obesity = more lipase
% patients with cholelithiasis that develop gallstone pancreatitis
peritoneal tap findings a/w severe necrotizing pancreatitis
dark brown, sterile, non-foul smelling fluid
do NG tubes reduce the length of hospital stay or decrease pain in cases of acute pancreatitis
just use for vomiting/ileus
is somatostatin helpful in acute pancreatitis
but does decrease pancreatic fistula output
cause of coagulopathy in pancreatitis
release of proteases
appropriate treatment for coagulopathies
fresh frozen plasma as required
mxn for pulmonary dysfunction during pancreatitis
digestion of surfactant by phospholipase A
appropriate treatment for pulmonary problems in acute pancreatitis
mechanical ventilation
most common bacteria that infect necrotic pancreatic tissue
gram negative rods
appropriate treatment of infected pancreatic tissue
surgical debridement, antibiotics
presentation of acute pancreatitis
epigastric pain and tenderness, abdominal distension, fever, tachycardia, jaundice (when a/w gallstone pancreatitis)
most common causes of acute pancreatitis
alcoholism, gallstone
Ranson’s criteria utility
mortality in pancreatitis
what 3 groups need asymptomatic gallstones removed
- immunocompromised
- porcelain gallbladder (chronic cholecystitis, at risk for adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder)
- larger than 3 cm
6 factors that predispose to gallstones
- age >40
- fam hx of gallstones
- female
- obesity
- recent pregnancy
- prev dx gallstones
RUQ due to cholelithiasis can radiate to where
right subscapular
most efficient way to dx cholelithiasis
lab values to expect with cholelithiasis
mild leukocytosis, mild jaundice, elevated bilis, alk phos and transaminases can also be elevated
in uncomplicated cholelithiasis, what is abx regimen
1 dose preop 1G cephalosporin : cefalexin, cefazedone, cefazolin
who needs abx in cholelithiasis
high riskers for sepsis: over 70, acute cholecystitis, hx obstructive jaundice, common duct stones, those with preop ERCP done
whats major complication of lap chole
common bile duct injury: chronic biliary strictures, infection, cirrhosis;
injury to hepatic artery: hepatic ischemic injury, bile duct ischemia, strictures
most common species for acute cholecystitis
- E. coli
2. enterobacter, klebsiella, enterococcus
abx regimen for acute cholecystitis after blood cultures
2G cephalosporin for GNRs and anaerobes: Cefotetan, Cefoxitin
–> give preop and 24h postop
when bili and/or liver enzymes are elevated, what to suspect? what to do?
common duct stone! preop or post op ERCP
how should gallstone pancreatitis and symptomatic cholelithiasis be managed in pregnant pts
IV hydration and pain mgmt. avoid surg until after delivery if possible but safest to do in 2nd trimester. ERCP and sphincterotomy generally save
–> i also read that chole is safer than peritonitis so sometimes better to do elective? or am i thinking of appy…
when biliary pancreatitis suspected, what procedure is necessary operatively?
operative cholangiogram. but delay surgery until complications from pancreatitis relieved: high fluid requirements, hypocalcemia, oliguria, hypotension, pulmonary complications.
causes of pancreatitis mnemonic
Mumps (paramyxovirus and other viruses like epstein barr and cmv)
Autoimmune (PAN/SLE)
Hypercalcemia (or hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypothermia)
Drugs (steroids, sulfonamides, azathioprine, NSAIDs, diuretics, duodenal ulcers)
clinical signs of pancreatitis
- grey-turners sign: hemorrhagic discoloration of flanks
- cullen’s sign: hemorrhagic discoloration of umbilicus
- grunwald sign: appearance of ecchymosis around umbilicus due to local toxic lesion of vessels
- korte sign (pain or resistance in zone where head of pancreas is located in epigastrium, 6-7 cm above umbilicus)
- kamenchik’s sign (pain with pressure under xiphoid process)
- mayo-robson sign (pain while pressing at top of angle lateral to erector spinae muscles and below left 12th rib =left costovertebral angle, CVA)
RUQ pain and high fever would be suspicious for
acute cholecystitis and complication like cholangitis, empyema of gallbladder, pericholecystic abscess
what ultrasound signs would you see with empyema of gallbladder
distended gallbladder with fluid that has internal echoes and gallstones
Tx for empyema of gallbladder
emergent exploration, cholecystectomy, IV abx.
if general health is poor: percutaneous cholecystostomy to drain
what does air in the biliary system mean? tx?
pneumobilia: suppurative cholangitis! gas forming organisms.
emergent ERCP w sphincterotomy, decompression of biliary tree, stone removal if feasible.
if unsuccessful: transhepatic cholangiogram and stone extraction, or cholecystectomy and CBD drainage
Definition of SIRS/sepsis
- temp >38 (100.4) or 90
- RR>20, or PaCO212 or 10% bands
sepsis = SIRS + suspected infection
severe sepsis = sepsis + organ dysfunction
septic shock = sepsis induced hypotension NOT RESPONSIVE TO FLUIDS
(elderly get hypothermic and leukopenic in sepsis!)
what does it mean when you have palpable gallbladder? what to do
inflamed gallbladder walled off by omentum. need emergent cholecystectomy when resuscitation occurs. high risk of rupture and mortality! watch out for change in mental status = sign of sepsis
Charcot’s triad? meaning
- RUQ pain
- fever
- jaundice
means cholangitis
tx of cholangitis
- abx
- ultrasound
- ERCP if obstruction or dilatation of CBD seen
what is a retained stone
common duct stone within 2 yrs of cholecystectomy. after 2 yrs = primary CBD stone
post lap chole fever and pain might be?
infection/biliary leak/hepatic (CT scan) abscess/hepatic duct obstruction
HIDA scan is good for detecting what
biliary leaks, cholecystitis, obstructions
post lap chole cystic duct stump leak on HIDA or ERCP requires what
drainage and temporary stent
if HIDA or ERCP shows complete CBD obstruction post cholecystectomy, what to do?
- biliary drainage using percutaneous drain
2. choledochojejunostomy (CBD to jejunum)
differential for painless jaundice, pruritus, elevated liver enzymes?
biliary tree obstruction, cancer at head of pancreas, periampullary carcinoma, Klatskin tumor, CBD stricture, CBD stone (unusual for this presentation)
if you see CBD dilation but no stones in ultrasound, what are next steps
- CT
- endoscopic ultrasound through duodenal wall to visualize head of pancreas
- ultrasound guided bx
what would stop you from resecting a pancreatic adenocarcinoma at the head of pancreas
distant mets esp to liver, LN mets esp to periarotic or celiac region, bone pain, neuro symptoms, involvement of vena cava, aorta, SMA, SMV or portal veins
procedure for resection of tumor at head of pancreas
what would you do if you found unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma with local spread
palliative biliary and gastric bypass to prevent gastric outlet or duodenal obstruction or bile duct obstruction. alcohol injection at celiac axis to decrease back and abdominal pain.
painless jaundice + dilated intrahepatic ducts + no dilation of CBD
cholangiocarcinoma or Klatskin tumor!
how to visualize cholangiocarcinoma or Klatskin
ERCP or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, which is better for proximal hepatic ducts
are Klatskin tumors resectable
generally no, but may be able to do resection of gallbladder and bile ducts, hepatic lobectomy or trisegmentectomy
5yr survival with klatskins is 15% after curative resection
what should you do with unresectable Klatskins or cholangiocarcinoma
palliative stenting of hepatic duct strictures
type of biliary cancer with best prognosis
ampullary adenocarcinoma. requires a whipple (pancreaticoduodenectomy)
what does a mass in the gallbladder fossa mean?
gallbladder adenocarcinoma. do open chole and wide resection of surrounding liver with hilar LN resection.
porcelain gallbladder associated with what?
50% a/w adenocarcinoma
when you suspect pancreatitis what imaging should you get to rule out other stuff
obstructive abdominal series to r/o perforated ulcer. will usually see generalized ileus
tx for pancreatitis
NPO, IVF, pain control, observation, TPN if necessary
tx for gallstone pancreatitis
IVF, NPO, pain control, observation, lap chole when stable
tx of severe necrotizing pancreatitis
major fluid resuscitation, CT abd for additional causes of decompensation such as bowel necrosis, performations, abscess, biliary obstruction with infection
Ransons criteria
admission: age>55, wbc>16, glucose>200, LDH>350, AST>250
48h: hct drop 10%, BUN increase 5, Ca6L
2 or less <5% mortality
3-4 15-20%
5-6 40%
7+ 99% mortality
what do you do for a person with labored breathing and low pulse ox
- chest auscultation
- supply O2
potential causes of resp distress in pancreatitis
pulm edema from overhydration, ARDS from response to pancreatitis, atelectasis, pneumonia
do amylase levels correlate with severity or prognosis
if a person with pancreatitis goes into sepsis, what should you suspect? what to do?
pancreatic abscess or other source of sepsis like pneumonia, IV access infection, UTI.
sample percutaneously under CT or ultrasound guidance, drain abscess surgically or percutaneously.
culture. give abx for GNR and anaerobes: imipenem alone or fluoroquinolone plus metronidazole.