NMR Flashcards
What is nuclear spin?
• Elementary particles possess an intrinsic angular momentum (I) known as spin
• Spin is quantised ( has discreet values) and comes in multiples of ½ such that there are 2I+1 values between -I and +I (I is spin quantum number)
• E.g. if I=1/2 there are 2 states
• Protons, unpaired electrons and neutrons possess spin and I=1/2
• Nuclei comprising even protons and even neutrons have 0 spin angular momentum
• Nuclei with odd protons and odd neurons have integral spin quantum numbers
• The rest have ½ integral spin
How does the nucleus create a magnetic field
charged nucleus rotating with angular frequency creates a magnetic field, B
• Magnet field is associated with the atomic level
• Proton behaves as a magnet
• C12has 0 spin as protons and neutrons are even
• Out of a magnetic field the 2 states have the same energy
• You can probe a molecule by bringing magnetic fields close together
• If you put a particle in a large magnetic field it creates an energy gap between the 2 states
• The particles can align parallel (lower energy) or anti parallel (higher energy)
• Strength of the applied magnetic field determines the energy gap of a given nuclei
• Higher magnetic fields give higher sensitivity (energy gap gives sensitivity)
• Energy gap of 10^-5 is infrared —> not very high frequency —> good as x-ray and UV damage biological molecules
• Most small nuclei have ½ spin
• Bigger nuclei spin slower
• Magnetogyric ratio correlated to size of nucleus
Frequently used nuclei with spin
• The proton is the most sensitive nucleus
• 13C/15N are low abundance therefore low sensitivity
• The deuteron (2H) is NMR active
How is an NMR spectrum recorded
• Radiofrquency can be swept through all resonances and the absorption is measured
What lies Larmor precession of nuclear spins
• Magnetic moment associated with a spinning spherical charge will process in an external magnetic field (B0)
• Known as the larmor precession
• Absorption occurs when the radiofrequency matches the larmor frequency
• Axis is at a slightly offset angle so not actually parallel to the magnetic field
• External magnetic field applies residual force so the nuclei precess along the magnetic field
• Can probe this frequency
• Correlated to the frequency for absorption
• Get resonance with radio frequency
• Large numbers of spin 1/2 nuclei at equilibrium in a strong external magnetic field B0
• Parallel spin is lower energy so more populated
• Antiparallel is less populated at equilibrium
• Lots of spins are at larmor precession at appropriate frequency
• Results in a net parallel magnetic moment (M0) aligned with magnetic field
Effect of a radio frequency pulse
• Apply at 90 deg to z axis, along y axis so exerts force on magnetisation
• Radiofrequency pulse very short
• Micro seconds in length
• Net magnetisation shifts away from the z axis and towards the y axis
• This is due to spin flips between the +1/2 and -1/2 states until the spin precessions about the z-axis becomes coherent (bunched up and non-random)
• Generates a significant y component to the net magnetisation M
• At equilibrium they are evenly distributed around the cone
• Switch off the pulse then the nuclei precess about z and return to equilibrium
• Magnetisation spirals back to z
• Then you can pulse again
• We detect coherence as it gives a large magnetic component
Why use a short radio frequency pulse
• A short radiofrequency pulse contains many frequencies in a broad band and thus can excite resonances of all nuclear spins in a sample at the same time
• Shorter pulses contain more frequency info
• Can only construct a truncated wave by adding different sin waves together
• Need to add a range of frequencies to get constructive/destructive interference
• Fourier pairs are 2 functions: frequency domain and time domain
• Decaying radiofrequncy signal generated in the receiver coil is called the free induction decay (FID)
• Related to the traditional frequency spectrum through a Fourier transform
• Fourier transform flips frequency<—> time
NMR parameters
• Chemical shift- frequency axis
• Integral- area under peak
• Scalar coupling (J) – separation between adjacent doublets/ triplets
• Relaxation times (T1 and T2) – time taken to get back to x from y – manifests in line width
• Dipolar coupling (D) – doesn’t manifest in spectrum
• Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) – can’t see in spectrum
Chemical shift
• Most important parameter
• X axis
• If multiple protons in a sample e.g. ethanol, protons don’t all resonate at the same frequency
• Due to the e- cloud around the nucleus
• Electrons associated with atoms circulate about the direction of an applied magnetic field
• Causes a small, shielding local magnetic field at the nucleus
• Reduces B0 slightly
• Binduced is dependent on B0 and direction depends on where you are relative to the nucleus
• Inside the nucleus it is opposite to B0
• Add or subtract the vectors
• Electronegative groups withdraw electrons away from the nucleus, reducing the shielding effect
• Nucleus experiences larger magnetic field so goes to higher frequency
• Called deshielding
Chemical shift of aromatics
• Field from pi e- can oppose or reinforce the applied field (e.g. aromatics)
• Delocalised pi e- in an aromatic ring circulate in response to an applied magnetic field
• This ring current generates a local magnetic field which opposes the applied magnetic field
• Protons at the edge of the ring feel a larger magnetic field as they are deshielded
• Aromatic ring protons will therefore resonate at higher frequency and exhibit a downfield shift
• Aromatic groups behave like electronegative groups
How is chemical shift calculated
• Chemical shift expresses frequency as a fraction of lab magnetic field so you can compare different spectrometers recorded at different frequencies
• TMS (tetramethylsilane) is the reference
• TMS has 4 methyl groups that are all equivalent
• Very shifted right due to silicone
= shift downfield from TMS (in Hz) / spectrometer frequency (in MHz)
Chemical shift equivalence
• If rotation, reflection or inversion can swap the protons they are equivalent
• Aromatic ring can also spin
• Nuclei that are interchangeable by a symmetry operation or rapid exchange on the NMR timescale have the same chemical shift
• Conformational exchange gives an average value so you are presented with a single species
• Exchangeable protons can swap, if this is fast enough we get a single species
Chemical shift ranges
• Less shielded – high frequency
• More shielded – low frequency
• Chemical shift gives information regarding types of chemical groups
Using integrals
• The area under the peak gives us the relative numbers of nuclei
• Not always true – NOE
Scalar coupling (J) of 2 spin systems (AX)
• Adjacent, non-equivalent spin ½ nuclei will experience a spin-spin interaction
• This coupling is communicated through electrons (spin ½) in bonds (and up to 4 bonds)
• The frequency of HA is different dependent on the alignment of HX
• 2 possible states of A so X forms a doublet
• HX and Ha can’t be in same position/ have the same properties
• 2 different energy states manifest as 2 magnetically different environments
• Direct through bond interaction between 2 neighbouring spins
• For triplet there are 2 protons adjacent , 3 possible states: 2 parallel, 2 antiparallel, 1 of each
Scalar coupling to exchangeable OH/NHs
• Samples in organic solvents show splitting to OH but a small amount of D2O will remove splitting
• Any exchangeable group is replaced by D so peak disappears as D is instead of H
• If you dissolve in 100% D2O you see NO exchangeable groups, no amides or hydroxyls
• Note: biological samples in H2O show no OH resonances due to rapid exchange with the high conc of H2O unless exchange is slowed through internal H bonding
• NHs are more readily observed unless D2O is used
• Amides can be seen as exchange is slow on NMR timescale
• Can ignore OH groups
Spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation (T1 and T2)
• Manifests in line width
• T = relaxation time
• When you pulse you gain magnetisation in xy that disappears in relaxation as magnetisation is gained in z
• Loss and gain of magnetisation are not exactly the same
• Recovery of z magnetisation
• Enthalpic
• Any change of magnetisation has to involve flips of spin
• Approximately equal to T2 in small molecules
• Much longer than t2 for large molecules
• Entropic
• Loss of XY magnetisation
• Focussed and coherent in Y, coherence lost in Z
• Bunched up spins in XY, no longer evenly distributed along larmor precession, ordered
• Slow in small molecules as they move fast in solution
• Fast in large molecules as they move slow in solution
• In Fourier transform a short FID will give a broad line
Dipolar couplings (D)
• Doesn’t manifest in NMR spectrum
• 5 or 6A close is a Dipolar coupling
• Direct interaction from nucleus to nucleus
• If proteins have 3D structure some will get closer than 5A
• Defined by a direct magnetic coupling and is dependent on 1/r^3
• Depends on distance between A and B
• Depends on angle that inter nuclear angle is to magnetic field
• If molecule is moving in solution across all 3 axis (molecular tumbling) the angle avg to 0 so you don’t see the Dipolar couple
Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)
• NOE is the change in intensity of an NMR signal when the transition of another is saturated
• This is a through space effect and is dependent on 1/r^6 and Tc
• Measure of Dipolar coupling by saturating transition in one signal and measuring intensity of others
• Saturating is equalising the population of energy levels so you don’t see the signal or any couplings to it
• Saturate by continuously irradiating at a specific frequency
Why do we use 2d spectra
• 2D nMR is analogous to 2D SDS PAGE as you separate by 2 parameters
• Use 2 frequencies
• 1D spectrum has 10ppm, don’t need many carbons before spectrum is super congested
• Can’t really go above 2000Da (small peptides)
• Protons are always involved as most sensitive and most abundant
Carbon-13 NMR
• Problems:
• Low abundance (1.1%) so sensitivity is 1% of what it would be if it was 100% abundant – can grow protein on 13C sugar for better sensitivity
• Low magnetic moment – ¼ of H so larmor freq is ¼ of H
• Long relaxation times — need multiple pulses but you have to wait longer between them
• Integrals do not correspond to number of carbons
• Advantages:
• Spin = ½
• No effective c-c coupling – because abundance is so low it is highly unlikely you would get 2 13C next to each other
• Large chemical shift range (>200ppm) – way more spread out- can go to bigger molecules
• Easy to interpret
Basic 13C spectra
• 13C nuclei are split by directly attached protons and those attached to adjacent C atoms
• Gives complex spectra so saturate 1H signals to remove coupling
• Use pulse sequences
Broadband 1H decoupling
• Saturates 1H signals to give signals for all carbons
• Irradiate with proton frequencies over a broad range
• Gives intensity change so integrals get messed up
Off-resonance 1H decoupling
• 13C nuclei are split only by the protons attached directly to them
• Gives a signal with (N protons +1) peaks
• Frequency adjacent to (near) where H resonates
• Removes small protons
• Spectrum has reduced number of couplings
1D NMR of peptides and proteins
• As molecules get larger, you lose coupling due to lines getting broader as molecules move slower
• You get overlapped resonances and broad lines
• Impossible to assign
• Add a second frequency dimension
• Need 2 time axis for a 2D NMR
• Preparation stage- get to equilibrium
• Excitation – 90 deg pulse
• Evolution – second frequency evolves for a period of time and you record the spectrum, increment t1 to get a second spectrum, peaks change intensity
• Mixing – more pulses that are designed to mix xy magnetisation into neighbouring nuclei
• 2D detects signals twice, before and after mixing
• Cross-peaks reveal a correlation between frequencies on two frequency axis – either through bonds (J) or through space (D, NOEs)
2D H-H Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY):
• Proton-proton coupling
• Through-bond transfer
• Get coupling info and resolve overlap as you have more frequency space
• For J (scalar)
• After mixing the proton gains an additional peak
• Diagonal peak is the chemical shift
• Symmetrical about diagonal
2D NOESY spectra of proteins:
• • Peaks are symmetrical about diagonal
3D structure from NOEs in protein:
• NOE gives conformational info
• Bigger dot = closer together
• J coupling shows what’s joined together
Inter cross peaks arise from nuclear interactions between different molecules to show proximity between nuclei in different molecules
Intra cross peaks are from interactions within the same molecule
13C-1H HMQC (heteronuclear quantum coherence)
• Can upscale resolution more as better chemical shift dispersion
• Correlates 13C spectrum with H spectrum
• Only directly bonded 13C-H couplings will give cross peaks
• No diagonal
• 2 different frequencies
• Works for 10s of kDa
• Struggles after 50kDa
13C-H HMBC (heteronuclear multiple bond correlation)
• Correlates 13C spectrum with H spectrum
• Both long range and directly bonded 13C-H couplings will give cross peaks
• 1 bond + 2 bond coupling
• 1 bond larger + stronger so stronger peaks
Why do elementary particles have magnetic moment?
Elementary particles have an intrinsic angular momentum called spin
A charged nucleus rotating with angular frequency creates a magnetic field (B)
How do spins behave in a magnetic field?
Out of a magnetic field the 2 spin states have the same energy
If you put the particle in a large magnetic field it creates an energy gap
The particle can align parallel – lower energy or antiparallel which is higher energy
How does radiofrequency EM radiation interact with nuclear spins?
The radiofrequency pulse is at 90 deg to z
Net magnetisation shifts away from the z axis and towards the y axis
Spin flips between the +1/2 and -1/2 states until spin precessions become coherent (non-random)
Generated a significant y component to net magnetisation
What is electronic shielding?
Electrons associated with atoms circulate about the direction of an applied magnetic field, causes a small shielding local magnetic field at the nucleus as Binduced is opposite to B0 inside the nucleus.
Electronegative groups withdraw e- away from the nucleus so reduces the shielding effect
What information do scalar couplings give
Shows how many protons are adjacent as adjacent, non-equivalent spin ½ nuclei will experience a spin-spin interaction
Direct through-bond interaction between 2 neighbouring spins
E.g. triplet shows 2 protons adjacent
There are 3 possible states of the 2 adjacent protons so a triplet is formed
2 parallel, 2 antiparallel, one of each
What are the benefits of 13C NMR
Spin ½
No effective 13C-13c coupling as abundance is so low it is highly unlikely to get 2 13C next to each other (almost 1 in 10000)
Large chemical shift range (>200ppm) so the scale is much more spread out and you can go to bigger molecules
Easy to interpret
Problems associated with studying proteins
They are very big, spectrum gets crowded and peaks overlap
Proteins are very large so you get broad lines
Becomes impossible to assign the spectrum
Basic principles and advantages of 2D NMR
Add a second frequency dimension to shift the first frequenc y onto neighbouring nuclei (mix/transfer the signal between coupled spins)
Cross-peaks reveal a correlation between 2 frequencies on two frequency axis
Either through bonds, or through space
HMQC and HMBC use 13C and 1H, can upscale resolution more as better chemical shift dispersion
Works up to 10s of kDa
How can you determine 3D structure
Good to use 2D NMR
NOESY spectra gives conformational informantion
Bigger dot on the spectrum means the atoms are closer together
Intensity of cross peaks = size of dot