NML Flashcards
what is NML?
a moral code towards which humans naturally incline, destiny, we fulfill the purposes we were designed for (Logos)
purpose of human life is fellowship with god according to aquinas
who developed NML
thomas aquinas
what are the 5 primary precepts of NML
- worship god
- order in society
- reproduce to continue species
- learn (educate children)
- preserve innocent life
what are secondary precepts
smaller, relativist actions to achieve primary precepts.
e.g. going to church in order to worship god, becoming doctor to preserve life etc.
quote from aquinas (synderesis rule)
‘This therefore is the principle of the law: that good must be done and evil avoided’
synderesis rule: do good and avoid evil
how is there biblical influence on NML
- NML comexs from common reason and the bible
- no excuse for sinful behaviour because everyone has access to the world around us
name the 4 kinds of law
eternal, divine, natural, and human
what is natural law
the moral code god created in human nature, discovered by human reason
what is human law
laws humans made, should be based on natural and divine law. gains authority by deriving from natural an divine law, which themselves derive authority from god’s nature
what are real goods
- what is actually best, in line with primary precepts
- e.g. woman pregnant after being raped might want abortion, but this goes against preserving innocent life
what are apparent goods
- seems good. reason tells us what we desire - leads us to goal of perfection which is image of god.
- an apparent good = a goal pursued that is not good in line with NML
- appeared to be god, but not upon further inspection
what is the principle of double effect
- an action can have both good and bad effects. hwr, both must be good. not acceptable to do bad act even if outcomes are good e.g. robin hood (intention and act itself)
4 conditions of the principle of double effect in NML
- nature of the act - action must be either morally good or indifferent
- the means - end - bad effect must not be the means by which the good effect is achieved
- right intention - intention must only be to achieve the good effect
- proportionality - good effect must be at least in equivalence in importance to the bad effect
what do hoose and janssens say about proportionalism
- modern day versions of NML are too inflexible
- casuistry - case-based
- let people make own real decisions
- importance of intention
- issues w catholic church making decisions for people
- better to have free, responsible adults
- hoose –> no two situations are identical –> nothing is entirely positive or negative
- absolute rules to follow (however with exceptions)
- achieves aquinas’ purpose of fellowship with god
- based on god’s law, therefore god’s word
- some take precedence over others –> principle of double effect
- allows for justice to take place
- biblical influence could be outdated - religious texts don’t deal with modern issues –> primary precepts invalid
- situations are complex - need to consider the circumstances, not straightforward, confusing exceptions, don’t have ability to develop as a moral agent
- justice for whom? e.g. abortion, same-sex relationships, euthanasia
- secularisation or alternate religion
- some primary precepts are conflicting - subjective as to which precepts