NM Disease Flashcards
Myosin ATPase pH 9.8
Type 1 fibers (slow twitch) light staining
Type 2 fibers (fast twitch) dark staining
Myosin ATPase incubation at pH 4.3
Type 1 fibers dark staining
Type 2A and 2B fibers light staining
Type 2C fibers dark staining
NADH dehydrogenase
Stains mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum
Gomori modifies trichromatic
Stain for nucleuoproteins and lipoproteins; nuclei and aggregates of mitochondria and SR stain brilliant red. Stain of choice for demonstrating nemaline rods and ragged red fibers. Excellent stain for evaluation of nerve fiber morphology
Periodic acid Schiff
External basal lamina, glycogen and myelin. Good for detection of glycogen storage disorders
Oil red O
Stains triglyceride fats; good for staining intramyofiber lipid stores and detection of lipid storage disorders
Protein A-peroxidase
Detection of Ig at NMJs, ANA, anti-atrial antibodies
Drug-induced myopathies
D-penicillamine, cimetidine, TMS, tapazole in cats
Endocrine myopathies
Characterized by generalized atrophy of type 2 muscle fibers. A shift to type 1 fiber predominance, nemaline rods, and PAS positive deposits may be observed in hypothyroidism. Lobulated fibers may be found in chronic Cushings
Cytochrome c oxidase deficiency
Ragged red fibers, excessive lipid droplets
Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate 1 deficiency
Ragged red fibers and excessive lipid droplets
Clumber, Sussex spaniels
Disorders of lipid metabolism
Oil red O lipid deposits in muscle
Acquired fatty acid oxidation defect in pasture fed horses
Primary or secondary carnitine deficiency
Unclassified in wire-haired pointing griffons
Disorders of glycogen metabolism
PAS positive deposits in muscle biopsy Myophosphorylase deficiency - Charolais cattle Phosphofructokinase deficiency- springer spaniels, cocker spaniels Polyglucan storage (ladies) - mini wire haired dachshunds Polysaccharide storage - quarter horse, warmblood, draft breeds
Dystrophin deficiency
X-linked but affected females reported
Golden retriever, Rottweiler, GSHP, Irish terrier, Samoyed, miniature schnauzer, Brittany spaniels, rat terrier, PWC, Labrador retrievers, Japanese spitz, CKCS
Hypertrophic MD in some DSH
Laminin a2 deficiency
Major component of basal lamina that surrounds each muscle fiber
One of the extra cellular ligand for the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex that links the extra cellular matrix and contributes to the stability of the muscle basement membrane
Sarcoglycan deficiency
Part of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex which stabilizes myofiber membranes during contraction
Chihuahua, cocker spaniel, Boston terrier- epsilon subunit of sarcoglycans, Doberman
Collagen VI deficiency
Multiple limb deformities in Labrador retriever at 5mo; weakness at 6wo in Landseer dogs
Dx via muscle bx
Myotonia congenital
Chow chow, miniature schnauzer, staffordshire terrier, Australian cattle dog, domestic cats
MS/ACD/cats - mutations in skeletal muscle voltage-dependent chloride channel (CLCN1)
Centronuclear myopathy in Labrador retrievers
PTPLA mutation
Genetic test available
X-linked myotubular myopathy
Mutations in myotubularin gene (MRM1) in Labrador retrievers and Rottweiler
Identified in Manchester terriers but mutation unknown
Muscle bx still required for characterization in early onset myopathy in breeds w/o genetic test
Centronuclear myopathy
Great Danes - mutation in BIN1 gene
Border collies - mutation unknown
Nemaline rods myopathy
Border collie, cat, American bulldog - nebulin gene
Myostatin deficiency
Mutation identified
Myofibrillar myopathy
Mixed breed dog
Congenital myasthenia syndromes
COLQ gene mutation - encodes collagenous tail of AChesterase: Labrador retrievers, Devon Rex, Sphinx, Golden retrievers
CHRNE gene mutation- encoding epsilon subunit of AChR in JRT
CHAT gene mutation - choline acetyltransferase in old danish pointing dogs
Spinal muscular atrophy
Rottweiler, Brittany spaniel, Maine coon cat, EMND
Genetic test available for Maine coon cat condition
Sensory neuropathy
Dachshund, pointer, border collie, greyhound, Swedish golden retrievers
Mutation identified and genetic test available for BC
Mutation identified in mitochondrial polyneuropathy affecting Swedish golden retriever
Giant axonal neuropathy
Progressive axonopathy
Hypertrophic neuropathy
Tibetan mastiff
Globoid cell leukodystrophy
WHWT, cairns terrier
Inherited polyneuropathy
Leonberger, St. Bernard, miniature schnauzer, Pyrenean mountain dogs, Rottweiler, Samoyed, Alaskan malamute
Mutation identified in AM
Multiple mutations associated with Leonberger polyneuropathy
Abrupt nonsustained contraction of different groups of muscles in the same patient
Sustained involuntary contraction of a group of muscles
Sustained involuntary contraction of extensor muscles that is variable intermittent
Prolonged contraction of trunk muscles causing a bending or writhing motion
Abrupt contraction of limb muscles causing a flailing movement of the limb
Shock like contraction of a muscle or muscles that tends to occur repeatedly in a rhythmic pattern and may persist during sleep
Involuntary rhythmic oscillating movement of fixed frequency resulting from alternate or synchronous contraction of reciprocally innervated antagonistic muscles
Should cease with sleep
Involuntary rippling of muscles that persists even during sleep and under anesthesia
Muscle stiffness and persistent contraction related to and underlying spontaneous repetitive firing of motor unit potentials
Impairment of the power of voluntary movements resulting in fragmented or incomplete movements
Synapsin 1
Controls the availability of synaptic vesicles
Associated with N-type Ca2+ channels
Vesicles-associates membrane protein
Essential for exocytosis
Syntaxin and synaptosome-associated protein 25
Along with synaptobrevin, essential components of the exocytosis process
N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein (NSF)
Involved in neurotransmitter release
NSF-attachment proteins
Involved in neurotransmitter release