NLMG Quotes Flashcards
“Maybe that’s it! I’ve ________ it! I’ve actually found ____________.”
found, Hailsham
“little white _______ buildings.”
“a row of windows ___________ ______ up.”
unnaturally high
“it reminded us of those sweet little ________ people always had in _________ books when we were _______.”
cottages, picture, young
What is the significance of the windows at Hailsham being unnaturally high up?
Seems liek a plase of restriction- prison like. The clones are hidden away from the rest of society.
Which quotes suggest that Kathy views Hailsham in an idyllic, romanticised manner?
“misty field.”
“poplar trees.”
“sweet little cottages.”
“flinging his limbs at the ____, at the ______, at the nearest _______ ______.”
sky, wind, fence post
“like a ____ doing a ____.”
dog, pee
What technique is used in the quote “like a dog doing a pee?”
“mad ________.”
“he’s a __________.”
What is significant about Tommy being different from the rest of the clones and being named a “mad animal?”
It shows how even in a setting where the clones are marginalised, Tommy is marginalised even more.
“You could see lots of ________ and satellite _______.”
aerials, dishes
“right over in the ________, a glistening ____ that was the ___.”
distance, line, sea
What does the sea in the distance symbolise at Ruth’s recovery centre?
It symbolises the freedom which the clones cannot have.
“almost like entering a ____ of ________.”
hall, mirrors
“you can feel this _____, ___________ movement all around you.”
pale, shadowy
“big, ______ sliding panels.”
Provide A02 for the quote “like entering a hall of mirrors.”
The smilie suggests that the identity of the clones is distorted, not tangible.
“a _____ corner.”
“we had our own _____ corner on the ______ floor.”
lost, third
What does the repetition of the “lost corner” emphasise?
The repeition emphasises the clones affinity with the lost property, found in the last corner, perhaps it provides them with a sense of belonging and resassurance.
“the ____ coming in in big _______.”
sun, shafts
“an ________ made me get the _________ out.”
impulse, cassette
What is the significance of Kathy having an impulse that made her get the cassette out?
There is a sense of instinct, an intrisic feeling- human emotion.
“she was ______ of us in the same way someone might be afraid of ________.”
afraid, spiders
“It’s just as well the _______ at Hailsham aren’t _________. You get terrible accidents sometimes.”
fences, electrified
“The _______ had started when we were changing.”
What is the technique used in the quote “The downpour had started when we were changing,” and what does this suggest?
pathetic fallacy- it creates a sense of misery and symbolises the truth that Miss Lucy is about to share with them.
“she looked like a ________ animal waiting to ______.”
crouching, animal
“None of you will go to ________, none of you will be ___________. And none of you will be working in ____________.”
America, filmstars, supermarkets
Provide A02 for the quote “None of you will go to America, none of you will be filmstars. And none of you will be working in supermarkets.”
negators- it emphasises the finality of their bleak future and what they will not achieve.
Why is the pronoun ‘you’ repeated in Miss Lucy’s speech?
The repetition segregrates the clones and emphasises that the clones future is structured and inevitable.
“The Cottages were the ______ of a ____ that had gone out of _________ years before.”
remains, farm, business
What is the significance of the cottages being the remains of a farm?
It suggests that the cloning process is a transactional, lucrative process which has rpelaced livestock and cattle. They are also made to live in conditions worser than animals? They are a mere afterthought.
“virtually _______ down.”
Which quotes suggest that Keffers represents the wider human world which feels disgust and ignorance towards the clones?
“grumpy old guy.”
“he went round sighing and shaking his head disgustedly.”
“he’d stare at you like you were mad.”
“______ old guy.”
“he went round sighing and _______ his head __________.”
shaking, disgustedly
“he’d stare at you like you were ___.”
Which quotes highlight the inhospitable and uncomfortable living conditions of the cottages?
“really cold.”
“mud and damp through the rooms.”
“rough ground frosted bone hard.”
“I remember a lot of the time… being chilly.”
“really ___.”
“mud and _____ through the _____.”
damp, rooms
“rough ground ______ bone ____.”
frosted, hard
“I remember a lot of the time…. being _____.”
“Now that would be a ______ place to work.”
proper (pg.142)
“There was a big _____ front at _____ level.”
glass, street
“There were the _______ palms, the _____ machines and _______ desk lamps.”
potted, shiny, swooping
“a smart, ___, ___- contained world.”
cosy, self
What does the “big glass front at street level,” symbolise?
It presents the restriction and physical barrier between the clones and the rest of society.
“We were once again near a _____ edge.”
What does the cliff edge symbolise?
it symbolises the clones outside status and their liminality.
“the promenade at the ______ with rows of _______-up stalls.”
bottom, boarded
“letting the ____ hit us.”
What could the wind symbolise in Chapter 14 after Ruth’s disappointment with the possible? (“letting the wind hit us.”)
It could represent change, Ruth has now accepted her bleak reality.
“We’re modelled from _____. Junkies, ______, winos, _____.”
trash, prostitutes, tramps
What technique is used in the quote “Junkies, prostitues, winos, tramps?”
asyndetic listing- emphasises that the clones are the lowest within society and Ruth has accepted this.
“you look in the ______. You look in rubbish ____. Look down the ______, that’s where you’ll find we all came from.”
gutter, bins, toilet
“__ students.”
Art- (written in italics)
What is the significance of the word Art being written in italics?
The italics emphasise the ridiculous hope that the clones could be valued for their creativity.
What happens after Ruth has her outburst?
She goes on to meet with Martin- a carer, to begin her journey towards donating.
“lit up by a _____ of sun.”
“beyond the _______.”
“_________ atmosphere.”
“I can’t help picturing a swimmer taking a ___ only to _____ into the ________.”
dive, crash, cement
What does the “unfinished atmosphere” at Kingsfield suggest?
It has been hastily converted, similar to the cottages which were the “remains of a farm” and “virtually falling down.”
Provide A02 for the quote “I can’t help picturing a swimmer taking a dive only to crash into the cement.”
This could be a metaphor for the clones who briefly taste freedom and exhileration, before succumbing to their brutal end.
“a group of ___ or seven __________ figures.”
six, shadowy
What is suggested by the “group of six or seven shadowy figures?”
It creates a sense of unease, suggesting that the clones at Kingsfield are unnatural.
What is the significance of the quote “beyond the fencing?”
Once again, it highlight sthe restriction that the clones face and the physical barrier that is set between them and the rest of society.
“tree trunk, ______ and ____________.”
hollow, emaciated
“ghostly ____ trunks.”
“the ____ trunks.”
What technique is used to symbolise the clone’s approaching fate in the boat scene?
semantic field of death and decay
(“tree trunk, hollow and emaciated,” “ghostly dead trunks,” “the dead trunks.”)
“the ____ sky.”
“under the ____ sun.”
What technique is used in the quotes “the pale sky,” and “the weak sun?”
pathetic fallacy
What does the pathetic fallacy in “the pale sky,” and “weak sun,” suggest?
It has connotations of lifelesness and desolation.
“the boat sitting ________ in the ________.”
beached, marshes
What is significant about the “boat sitting beached in the marshes?”
The beached boat neither at land or sea mirrors the clones state of limbo. They can think and feel as humans but are never fully seen as such.
“it had once been painted a ___ ____, but now looked ______ under the sky.”
sky blue, white
Provide A02 for the quote “it had once been painted a sky blue, but now looked white under the sky.”
colour imagery- hope (sky blue) has been replaced by a feeling of nothingness.
What technique is used in the quote “it had once been painted a sky blue, but now looked white under the sky.”
colour imagery
“you could see her ________, as if a pair of large _________ was set to _______ towards her.”
stiffen, spiders, crawl
What structural device is used to show Madam’s fear of the clones comparing it to a fear of spiders?
structural parallel
What does the structural parallel about Madame’s fear of the clones like they are spiders suggest?
It suggests that her perspective on the clones hasn’t changed and she still has an irrational fear of them. As someone who was involved in the cloning process it is strange she does not have any sympathy for them.
“everything got _____.”
“we were in a hallway so ________.”
“pointing into the __________ of the passage.”
What technique is used to describe the setting when the clones enter Madame’s house?
light imagery
What is the effect of the light imagery used when the clones enter Madame’s house?
It creates a sense of foreboding and potentially foreshadows the idea they aren’t going to recieve what they want and instead will be faced with their bleak reality.
“the great _____________.”
“these new _____________.”
“the ________.”
What kind of language is used to describe the cloning process when Kathy and Tommy are in Madame’s house?
The impersonal scientific language conveys how the clones are seen as inhuman.
“all these ways to _____ so many previously ___________ conditions.”
cure, incurable
“how can you ask such a world to put away that _____, to go back to the _____ _____?”
cure, dark days
What is the significance of the word “cure” being repeated?
The repetition emphasises how the clones are only seen as a solution to a human problem, rather than human themselves.
What technique is used in the quote “dark days” and what does it suggest?
light imagery- it presents the cloning programme (from Miss Emily’s perspective) as progressive and hopeful. However, the clones are seperate to this move they “were kept in the shadows.”
“for a long time, you were kept in the _________.”
“a mountain of _____.”
“you were ________ pawns.”
“you _____ creatures.”
What technique is used in the quote “you were lucky pawns?”
What does the oxymoron in “lucky pawns” suggest?
the clones are sacrificial pieces used in order to gain something better- cure other people.
What is the significance of Madame calling Kathy and Tommy “poor creatures?”
the animal imagery dehumanises them, whilst she attempts to be sympathetic, she furthers the gap between the human world and the clones.
“look more like ________.”
“wire-mesh ______.”
“a rectangle of overgrown _____ and _________.”
weeds, thistles
What technique is used in the quote “look more like wasteland,” and what does it suggest?
Kingsfield and clones are isolated from mainstream society, and the setting is neglected just as the clones are.
“the sun was already _________ behind the __________.”
Provide A02 for the quote “the sun was already setting behind the buildings.”
pathetic fallacy- it perhaps represents Tommy’s passive acceptance and their hope diminishing as he reaches his bleak end.
“After that we _________- just a small ______- then I got into the ___.”
kissed, kiss, car
What is used in the quote “After that we kissed- just a small kiss- then I got into the car.”
What is the significance of the parenthisis being used in the quote “After that we kissed- just a small kiss- then I got into the car?”
The parenthesis emphasises the lack of emotion between Kathy and Tommy and how quick their goodbye is even though it is their last time seeing each other.
“all sorts of ________ had got caught and ___________.”
rubbish, tangled
“bits of old _________ _____.”
carrier bags
“the wind here was really __________, and a _____ pulled at me so hard.”
powerful, gust
“Tommy’s figure, ________, shouting, _________ his fists and ________ out.”
raging, flinging, kicking
What technique is used in the quote “Tommy’s figure, raging, flinging his fists and kicking out.”
asyndetic listing
What is suggested through the quote “Tommy’s figure, raging, flinging his fists and kicking out?”
It is a parallel to the beginning of the text, where Tommy throws his first tantrum- suggesting he hasn’t developed or changed.