Nitrogen Derivatives Flashcards
3 isozymes of NO synthase
- neuronal NOS (nNOS)
- Macrophage NOS (iNOS)
- Endothelial NOS (eNOS)
What amino acid is NO synthesized from?
arginine →citrulline + NO
NO generates cGMP from GTP, and cGMP activates protein kinase G which phosphorylates enzymes which reduce intracellular calcium → reduces muscle contraction
What inactivates NO?
reaction with O2 to form nitrogen dioxide
reacts with superoxide to form perinitrite
Effects of NO?
- inhibition of platelet aggregation
- vasorelaxation
- Organic nitrate metabolized to NO by mitochondrial aldehyde reductase
- aldehyde reductase is in venous smooth muscle
- potent venous dilator that decreases preload
- used for angina
longer acting organic nitrate
isosorbide dinitrate
organic nitrite that is inhaled
used to treat angina
unpleasant odor has limited its use
amyl nitrite
dilates arterioles and venules
used for rapid reduction of arterial HTN
breaks down in response to light
sodium nitroprusside
reduces PA pressure and improves perfusion of ventilated areas of the lungs
used for PA HTN, acute hypoxemia and resuscitation
NO gas
caution: can form methemoglobin when binding to Hb and impairs binding of O2
How does NO protect against atherogenesis?
- Causes vasodilation
- inhibits platelet aggregation
- reduces adhesion of monocytes and leukocytes
Other functions of NO
- Septic Shock: widespread hypotension from production of iNOS from macrophages, neutrophils, T cells, hepatocytes, smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts
- Edema: NO stimulates synthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins by activation of COX-2. Vasodilation contributes to erythema & edema of acute inflammation
- CNS: diffuses to the presynaptic terminal to enhance efficiency of NE release -> learning & memory
- PNS: penile erection
nonselective competitive inhibition of NOS
binds to arginine binding site
competitive inhibitor of NOS that bind to both the arginine-binding site and tetrahydrobiopterin
partially selective for NOS-1 (nNOS)
inhibits iNOS dimerization
inhibitor of phosphodiesterase which degrade cGMP, resulting in prolonged duration of NO-induced cGMP elevations in tissues