NITC Quiz 1 Flashcards
At a minimum during NITC, when will safety be covereds?
Introduction, summary and review, during labs, and the presentation when necessary.
The instructors responibility is
to make instruction ______.
2 ways to effectively minimize conflict in the classroom:
- Set ground rules and class norms.
2. Don’t over react or under react to conflicts.
What is the most difficult stage of the team development?
Bloom’s three domains of educational activities:
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Psychomotor
Which of Bloom’s domains are concerned with the manual or physical skills that will be gained as a result or the training?
What element of a learning objective defines what the learner should be able to do as an outcome of training?
Getting people to move in the direction you want them to go in order to achieve a result.
Ways to manage nervousness:
- Move naturally around the learning environment.
- prevent poor eye contact by preparing thoroughly
- control using excessive pause words by slowing your speech
- do not apologize and acknowledge
- control by always having a drink of water nearby
- control distracting gestures by placing your hands behind you.
Primary purpose is to help students memorize facts. (Closed ended question)
Gagne’s principal of Telling Learners the learning objectives:
- what is expected of them
- why they must learn the new information
- how this learning will benefit them and the organization
3 types of Navy training Material:
- Lesson Plan (LP)
- Trainee Guide (TG)
- Facilitation Guide (FG)
Job Section of Trainee Guide and its purpose:
- list step by step procedures
- provide means for application of knowledge
- provides a complete listing of all needed equipment
Six sections: Introduction, Equipment, References, Safety Precautions, Job steps, and Self-test questions
Facilitation Guide lesson Instructions contains the following information:
- screen number/Title
- Screen Graphic
- Script (where the actual content to be taught is) like the DP of a lesson plan
- Questions/ Suggested Answers
- Facilitator Notes
Lesson Plan (LP) Personalization steps:
- Read
- Observe - observe certified instructors teach the lesson.
- Personalize
Benefits of a Lecture:
- an efficient way to introduce a new topic or present background material for future lessons.
- allows instructors to present to a large audience in a short amount of time.
Blended learning delivery method:
- Combines two or more instructionsl delivery methods.
- Students interacting with an instructor in a technology classroom such as an electronic classroom (ECR).
Role playing characteristics:
- requires learners to assume roles in a simulated pre-defined situation followed by a group discussion
- instructors direct the learning experience
- Useful in teaching leadership, admin/counseling skills, and team dynamics
When to use a Visual Aid Panel (VAP) and Easel Chart
- when building a description step by step
- tack up ideas, questions, or concerns
- hold, display and move sticky notes for discussions
- prioritize a list
- group ideas into categories
A device that permits selected aspects of a task to be practiced independently of other elements of the task
Part Task Trainer