NIPT, otherwise known as "NIPS" lol Flashcards
What chromosomes does NIPT look at?
Chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X and Y
What should always be offered if NIPT results come back as positive?
- Diagnostic testing in the form of an amnio or a CVS
What chromosomal abnormalities would not be detected?
- Unbalanced translocations
- Deletions
- Duplications
What should also be offered as an alternative when fetal anomalies are detected?
- Invasive diagnostic testing and cytogenomic microarray analysis are more likely to detect chromosomal imbalances than NIPT
Is NIPT able to distinguish the specific types of Down Syndrome?
No, it cannot determine if Down syndrome is due to the presence of an extra chromosome, a Robertsonian translocation, or high-level mosaicism
When is NIPT offered?
- After 10 weeks gestation
- Usually offered between 10 and 20 weeks gestation, which allows time for follow-up of positive test results
- Reasonable to offer NIPT after 20 weeks if an expectant mother desires information regarding risk, reassurance, or knowledge in order to inform OB management and/or preparation for birth
NIPT does not screen for open neural tube defects, what still should be offered at 15 - 20 weeks?
MSAFP, to screen for open neural tube defects
What should pretest counseling include?
- A brief explanation of the purpose of NIPT
- Advantages of NIPT compared with maternal serum screening (higher detection rates, lower false-positive rates)
- Considerations for follow-up invasive testing if NIPT is positive
- Limitations of NIPT