NINJA FAR Flashcards
What are the three major types of funds in governmental accounting?
Governmental, Proprietary, Fiduciary
Which two accounting bases are used in governmental accounting?
Accrual basis - current economic resources focus (revenues recognized when earned)
Modified accrual basis - current financial resources focus (revenues recognized when available and measurable)
What is a budget appropriation?
The highest amount allowed for a particular expenditure under a budget.
What is an encumbrance?
Records purchase and reserves it for the encumbrance.
What is the opening budgetary entry?
Dr Estimated Revenues Control
Cr Appropriations Control
Dr/Cr Budgetary Fund Balance (plug)
What is the closing budgetary entry?
Dr Appropriations Control
Dr/Cr Budgetary Fund Balance (plug)
Cr Estimated Revenues Control
What are the types of governmental funds?
General Fund Special Revenue Fund Permanent Fund Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Fund
What is a General Fund?
The operating fund of the governmental unit
Records Significant Revenues: Taxes; Tickets; Fines; Licenses
Records Significant Expenditures: Police; Education; Fire Dept
What is a Special Revenue Fund?
Restricted for a specific purpose such as street repair.
What is a Permanent Fund?
Legally restricted fund; where only earnings can be used to fund programs.
Principal remains intact.
What is a Capital Projects Fund?
Used to acquire and build facilities.
What is a Debt Service Fund?
Handles repayment of long-term debt and related interest.
Which fund statements are issued in Governmental Accounting?
Balance Sheet
Statement of Revenues; Expenditures; and Changes in Fund Balance
When is Revenue recorded in Governmental Accounting?
When it is BOTH available and measurable; regardless of when it is spent.
What is Derived Tax Revenue?
Money collected from people doing things:
Sales tax (buying cars) or income tax (people working)
What is Imposed Tax Revenue?
Tax assessed just because things exist
Example: property tax on a car (even if it’s never driven); real estate tax
Recorded as a revenue when BUDGETED.
Estimated uncollectible property tax revenues don’t offset revenues; so don’t net them.
What are the types of Proprietary Funds?
Internal Service Funds - to serve the needs of other governmental units (i.e. motor pool)
Enterprise Funds - provide goods or services to external users (i.e. post office)
What are the Fund Balance Types?
Restricted - Restricted by Contributor Committed - Restricted by Government Assigned - Intended for a purpose Unassigned - Available to be spent Non-spendable - Not in a spendable state
What are the types of Fiduciary Funds?
Agency Fund - government acts as an agent or custodian
Pension Trust Fund - Government is a trustee for a pension plan
Investment Trust Fund - Government is a trustee over a series of investments
Private Purpose Trust - Trust that benefits various individuals and entities
How are Assets & Liabilities presented on the Statement of Net Position?
Assets (Current & Non-Current)
Deferred Outflows of Resources
Liabilities (Current & Non-Current)
Deferred Inflows of Resources
How are Capital Assets shown on a governmental Statement of Net Assets?
They are shown net of debt
Asset Cost - Accumulated Depreciation - Asset Liabilities : Net Assets
How is infrastructure reported on a governmental Statement of Net Assets?
Modified approach:
Reported at cost; no accumulated depreciation
How is a Statement of Net Assets divided?
Into Governmental Activities and Business Activities
How are activities presented in a Statement of Activities?
They are divided by function
If the activities of a component are distinguishable from the rest of the governmental entity; then discreet presentation is required
If the activities of the component cannot be identified and separated from the rest of the governmental activities; then blended presentation is warranted.
Component units are reported in the Entity-Wide Financial Statements and not the Fund Financial Statements.
What is the primary objective of governmental accounting?
To provide information that is useful and benefits a wide range of users including:
Costs of services provided
Sufficiency of revenues to cover costs
Financial position of entity
What Financial Statements are required for Defined Benefit Pension plans?
Statement of Fiduciary Net Position and Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position
What are the components of the Statement of Fiduciary Net Position for Defined Benefit Pension Plans?
Assets; Deferred Outfows; Liabilities; Deferred Outflows; Fiduciary Net Position
What are the components of the Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position for Defined Benefit Pension plans?
Additions (Contributions and Net Investment Income) - Deductions (Benefits Payments and Admin Expense) : Net Change in Fiduciary Net Position
What should be included in the Financial Statement notes for Defined Benefit Pension Plans?
Types of Benefits; Plan Member Classes; Board Information; Investment Policies and FV Determination
What is the primary objective of accounting?
To measure income
What is the most authoritative set of accounting pronouncements?
The FASB Codification
All pronouncements fall under the Codification umbrella
What are the 2 Levels of Authority within the FASB codification?
Authoritative and Non-Authoritative
How does managerial accounting differ from financial accounting?
Managerial Accounting has a timeliness focus
Managerial Accounting is not required to follow GAAP
Which financial reports are required to be filed with the SEC?
Form 10K - Annual and Audited
Form 10Q - Quarterly and Reviewed
What is the focus of financial reports for individual companies?
Focus is on the needs of users to help them make decisions and assessments about the company
Does not make assessments of the economy
What are the Primary Constraints of Financial Reporting?
Cost vs. Benefit
What are the Secondary Constraints of Financial Reporting?
Consistency - Year vs. Year
Comparability - Company vs. Company
What are the Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Reporting?
Relevance & Faithful Representation
Relevance - Makes a difference to the user
Predictive Value - Future Trends
Confirming Value - Past Predictions
Materiality - Could affect User Decisions
Faithful Representation
Completeness - Nothing omitted that would impact the decision-making of a user
Neutrality - Information is presented is without bias
Free from Error - No material errors or omissions
What are the Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Reporting?
Comparability Verifiability Timeliness and Understandability
Comparability - Allows users to compare different items among various periods
Verifiability - Different people would reach a similar conclusion on the information presented
Timeliness - Information is made available early enough to impact the decision making of users
Understandability - Information is easy to understand
How does Conservatism affect the recording of accounting transactions?
When an estimate is necessary due to uncertainty conservatism chooses the best option that won’t overstate the financial position of the company
What is an accrual?
Earned (Revenue) or Incurred (Expense) but no Cash Receipt/Outlay yet
What is a deferral?
Cash Receipt/Outlay but not Earned (Revenue) or Incurred (Expense)
What is recognition in accounting?
When an item is recorded and included in the financial statements
Describe fair value with respect to an asset
The price you would receive if you sold the asset
Assumes asset is at its highest and best value
Assumes asset is sold at its most advantageous market to get the best price possible
What market assumptions are made in a fair value assessment?
Buyer and Seller are not Related
Buyer and Seller are Knowledgeable
Buyer and Seller are able to transact - i.e. This isn’t a hypothetical transaction for Fair Value measurement purposes. The buyer actually does have the $10M to purchase the asset you’re trying to value at $10M
Buyer and Seller are both motivated to buy/sell
What items are included in a Level 1 input in the fair value hierarchy?
Price quotes or market prices
For example NYSE or NASDAQ
What items are included in a Level 2 valuation input?
Interest rates
Prime rate
What items are included in Level 3 inputs of the fair value hierarchy?
Unobservable inputs such as assumptions or forecasts
Lowest priority for valuation
What are acceptable valuation techniques for fair value?
Market approach - uses market transactions and prices to value the asset
Income approach - uses present value discounts earnings
Cost approach - uses replacement cost to value the asset
What are current assets?
Inventory or Assets expected to be converted or consumed during a business’ operating cycle
Deferred Gross Profit on Installment Sales (Contra Asset)
Receivables expected to be collected in 12 months or less
What are current liabilities?
Liabilities that will use current assets during the present operating cycle
What is an accrued liability?
Expense that has been incurred but not paid
Example: rents payable
What is a deferred revenue?
A type of current liability
Payments that have been received but cannot be recorded as revenue yet
Example: Tenant pre-pays rent - Landlord still must perform to earn it and is a liability until this happens
When are revenues recognized?
When they have been earned; i.e. company has performed
What is a gain?
Increase in equity from an activity or event that is not central to the main activities of the business
Can be operating or non-operating
What is a loss?
Decrease in equity from an activity or event that is not central to the main activities of the business
Can be operating or non-operating
What is an operating cycle?
Average time it takes to turn materials or services into Cash
What is the present value of future cash flows?
Valuation method - the current value of a future amount of money using a specific interest rate
What is historical cost?
How much an asset cost - (net of depreciation and amortization)
What is replacement cost?
How much it would cost to reacquire an asset today (Entrance Cost)
What is a market cost?
The sale price of an asset (Exit Cost)
What is Net Realizable Value?
Sale Price of an Asset - Selling/Disposal Fee
When is royalty income recognized? How is it recognized?
Recognized when earned
If the royalty % is applied against net sales then subtract the estimated return amount from the gross sales first and then apply the royalty rate
When is revenue recognized in an installment sale?
Revenue recognized upon receipt of cash
Only used when cash collection is uncertain
What is deferred gross profit?
Gross Profit that can’t be recognized until cash is received
D.GP : Gross Profit % x Accounts Receivable
Pay attention to the year if GP% varies
What is the cost recovery method?
No revenue recognized until all costs are recovered from purchase of the asset
Most conservative method of revenue recognition when collection of sale price is uncertain
What is subscription revenue? How is it recorded?
Payment has been received but performance is not complete.
As company performs revenue is recognized.
Recorded as a Deferred Revenue (Liability) on Balance Sheet
How are franchise revenues recorded?
Franchisor - Startup franchise fee revenue deferred until substantial performance
Franchisee - Costs are deferred until corresponding revenue is recognized
How do you calculate sales revenue starting from cash basis income?
Mnemonic: SPEAR-BAR
Sales (i.e. Customer Payments)
+ Ending Accounts Receivable
- Beginning Accounts Receivable
: Sales Revenue on an Accrual Basis
How do you calculate COGS starting from Cash Basis?
Mnemonic: CRAP-I
Cash Remitted (i.e. paid)
+Increase in Accounts Payable
-Increase in Inventory
:COGS on an Accrual Basis
How are discontinued operations reported? When are they used?
Reported Net of Tax after Continuing Operations but before Extraordinary Items
Company decides to cease operating a segment of its business
Includes Income (or loss) from the period plus the gain (or loss) from disposal
What qualifies as an extraordinary item? How is it recorded?
Both unusual AND infrequent
Reported Net of Tax after Discontinued Operations
Note: Usual or Infrequent Items are reported as part of Continuing Operations
What is constant dollar accounting?
Adjusts assets to reflect a consistent level of purchasing power due to inflation
Uses the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
When are expenses recognized?
When they are incurred. Accrue if not yet paid.
What are accrued expenses?
Those incurred but not paid.
Product costs - Expenses should be matched with associated revenues as they are recognized (sales commission on a used car sale)
Period costs - Expenses amortized and recognized with the passage of time
When should impaired assets be written down to fair value and expensed?
What major items should be classified under General & Administrative (G&A) expenses?
Office staff salaries
Office/building rent
Office supplies
Note: Sales staff salaries and portions of the building assigned to Sales should be allocated to Selling Expense not G&A
What are business start-up costs?
One-time costs for opening a new business
Expensed as they are incurred
When is interest not expensed?
Interest on projects (software) for internal use is not expensed but is instead capitalized
What are the major components of Comprehensive Income?
Net Income + Other Comprehensive Income (OCI):
Cumulative accounting adjustments
Reclassifications adjustments
Non-owner changes in equity
What items are considered cumulative accounting adjustments?
Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments
Unrealized gains on AFS Securities
Minimum Pension Liability adjustment for defined benefit plans
What is the purpose of a reclassification adjustment?
Avoids double counting items that were included in both Net Income and OCI
Example: AFS Securities previously included in OCI are now sold at a loss and reported on the Income Statement
Where is Comprehensive Income reported?
Reported in a Single or Combined Income Statement
What disclosures on accounting policies are required in financial statements?
Accounting Principles used
Basis of Consolidation
Inventory Pricing Methods
Depreciation Method
Amortization of Intangibles
What are some major risks and uncertainties that must be disclosed?
Nature of Operations
Use of Estimates and listing of Significant Estimates
Concentration vulnerability
How is a Capital Lease recorded?
Capitalize at cost: Asset & Liability Recorded at Present Value of Future Lease Payments
What footnote disclosures are required for a Capital Lease?
Future minimum rental commitments
By year - for 5 years
All remaining years as a group
What are the requirements for a Capital Lease for a lessor?
Same as for lessee (Title- BPO or Substance)- PLUS:
Collectability of lease payments is predictable
No uncertainties about the lessor reimbursing the lessee for costs incurred
What are the characteristics of an Operating Lease for a lessee?
Risk of ownership does NOT pass
No asset or liability is recorded on the financial statements
Leasehold improvements - capitalized and depreciated over the lesser of lease life or leasehold improvement’s life.
What are the characteristics of an Operating Lease for a LESSOR?
Rent revenue recorded
Leased property remains an asset and depreciated by lessor
If payments fluctuate over the term of the lease- rent revenue recognized on a straight line basis
What are the characteristics of a Direct Financing Lease?
Interest Revenue (or expense for lessor) decreases with passage of time
Principal amount increases with each payment
Carrying amount of Lease decreases
How is a sale-leaseback recorded?
Any profit on the sale is deferred and amortized
Exception: If PV of lease payments is 10% or less of the asset’s FMV- the gain is recognized
If PV of lease payments is greater than 10% of FMV and the lease is operating- all of the gain is recognized except the amount of the PV of the lease payments
What are the characteristics of lease payments under an annuity due situation?
Payments begin at the start of the lease period
Think: Rent/Mortgage payments are Due at the first of the month
What are the characteristics of lease payments under an ordinary annuity situation?
Payments begin after the end of the first year
Think: An annuity that pays you at the end of each year
What are the characteristics of a Capital Lease for a lessee?
Risk of ownership passes to lessee by:
Bargain Purchase Option (BPO),
Substance - Lease is more than 75% of asset’s useful life or PV of minimum lease payments are more than 90% of fair value
When common stock and preferred stock are issued in a lump sump purchase- how is APIC allocated?
APIC for each is allocated by its respective % of the total FMV of the shares x the proceeds.
When is APIC recorded on a stock subscription?
APIC increases on date subscription is recorded - not on the date paid for or issued
To what extent is retained earnings restricted if legally restricted due to Treasury Stock?
It will be restricted to the extent of the balance in the Treasury Stock account.
When are dividends in arrear recorded for cumulative preferred stock?
They are not accrued until declared.
When are dividends in arrears included as a disclosure and not an accrual in the financial statements?
If a year passes and no Cumulative Preferred Stock is declared- then the dividends in arrears are included as a disclosure - not an accrual in the Financial Statements.
What is the gain or loss when a non-monetary asset is distributed to a shareholder?
The gain or loss is the difference between the FMV of the asset distributed at the date of distribution and its carry amount on the company’s books
What is the effect on retained earnings when a non-monetary asset is distributed to a shareholder?
The effect on Retained Earnings is the Carrying Amount of the asset
RE will be debited when the dividend is declared for the FMV of the asset- which is more (or less) than the carrying amount
Gain/Loss recorded when the asset is distributed will offset the original effect of the debt to RE and will be a wash
The net effect of the entry is that RE will decrease by the CV of the asset
When is Retained Earnings debited for FMV of Stock for a stock dividend?
When Stock Dividend is less than 25% of Common Stock outstanding
When is Retained Earnings debited for Par Value for a stock dividend?
When Stock Dividend is greater than 25% of common stock outstanding
What is the effect of a stock dividend or a stock split on total shareholder equity?
Stock dividends and stock splits both have no effect on Total Shareholder Equity
What is the affect on APIC from a stock split?
Stock splits only affect par value - APIC remains the same.
When is compensation expense recorded at the time of grant for a stock option?
Compensation expense is recorded at the time of grant if options are exercisable immediately
They are based on past service.
Expense recognized : FV Stock Option x # of Shares
What interest rate is used to discount stock options?
The risk-free interest rate
What date is used as the measurement date for share-based payments classified as liabilities?
The settlement date.
How are compensation costs for share-based payments classified as liabilities measured?
Compensation costs for share-based payments classified as liabilities are measured by the change in the fair value of the instrument for each reporting period
What is the net increase to shareholder equity in a reorganization where a company pays cash and issues stock to satisfy unsecured creditors?
Net increase to SHE : Gain on settlement of debt + Credit to SHE from stock issuance
What is the primary purpose of a quasi-reorganization?
To eliminate a deficit balance in RE by restating its assets to Fair Value
It does not directly protect a company from its creditors
How is return on Common Stockholder’s Equity calculated?
(Net Income - P/S Dividends) / Average Common Stockholders Equity
Note: Average CSE : Common Stock + RE
How is book value per share of common stock calculated?
Total Common Stock
- Total Preferred Stock
- P/S Dividends in Arrears
- P/S Liquidation Premium
:Total Book Value
Book Value per Share : Total Book Value / Shares outstanding
How is the dividend per share payout ratio calculated?
Dividends per share / earnings per share
How is basic Earnings Per Share (EPS) calculated?
(Net Income - Preferred Dividends) / Average C/S Outstanding
Note - If cumulative- subtract the P/S dividend regardless of whether or not they’re declared.
For EPS purposes- which date is used for calculation purposes when a stock split or stock dividend has occurred?
For EPS purposes- treat C/S stock splits or stock dividends as if they occurred at the beginning of the year- regardless of when actually issued during the year
For which areas is EPS required to be shown?
EPS is only required to be shown for Income from Continuing Operations and Net Income.
All others (discontinued operations- extraordinary items) can be shown on the Financial Statements or in the notes
When do stock options increase share outstanding?
Only if they are dilutive.
Their exercise price is LESS than the market value
If not- you ignore them in the calculation
How is EPS calculated when convertible bonds are taken into consideration?
[Net Income + Bond Interest (Net of Tax)] / (Average Common Stock Shares + Convertible Equivalents)
Bond interest is added back because if converted- there would be no bond interest expense
Contingent Issue Agreements are included in Diluted EPS if contingency is met
What items are included in operating activities on the Statement of Cash Flows?
Cash received from Customers- Interest & Dividends- Trading Securities
Cash paid to Vendors- Suppliers- Interest- Taxes- Trading Securities
What items are included in investing activities on a Statement of Cash Flows?
Cash received: Sale of PP&E- Sale of Investments- Loan Principle
Cash paid: Loans- Acquisitions- AFS or HTM Securities- Taxes- Trading Securities
What items are included in Financing Activities in a Statement of Cash Flows?
Cash received: Issuance of Stock- Issuance of Debt
Cash paid: Dividends
What is the direct method for a Statement of Cash Flows?
Starts with Income from Continuing Operations
Adjusts for changes in accounts like A/R- A/P- Inventory and non-cash revenues- expenses- gains- losses
If used- the Indirect Method must also be shown
What is the Indirect Method for a Statement of Cash Flows?
Starts with Net Income
Adjusts for changes in accounts like A/R- A/P- Inventory and non-cash revenues- expenses- gains- losses
How are capital contributions with a mortgage attached recorded in a partnership for financial statement purposes?
Calculating the capital balance when property contributed has a mortgage results in the FV of the Asset being netted against the Liability
If no goodwill is recorded upon admission of a new partner - which method is used for recording the new partner’s interest?
The bonus method:
Old Partnership Equity+ New Partner Contribution
: New Partnership Equity
x New Partner %
: New Partner Equity AmountNew Partner Contribution - New Partner Equity Amount
: Bonus to Prior Partners using same allocation as P/L
If goodwill is recorded upon admission of a new partner - how is the partner’s interest recorded?
Using the goodwill method:
New Contribution / New Equity % : Partnership Value
Implied Value of Partnership - Capital Accounts of all partners
: Goodwill to Old Partners
Under the Goodwill Method - the new Partner is paying an amount for a certain percentage stake in the partnership. For instance if they pay $1000 for a 25% stake - then it is assumed that the Partnership is worth $4 -000 ($1 -000/25%)
At what value should assets contributed to a partnership be recorded? What value for liabilities assumed by the partnership?
Fair Value for assets contributed.
Present value of remaining cash flows for liabilities assumed.
Which financial statements are required for not - for - profit organizations?
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Activities
Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of Functional Expense (Volunteer Health Organizations Only)