NINJA AUD - Performing Audit Procedures and Evaluating Evidence Flashcards
An auditor MOST likely would perform substantive tests of details when:
analytical procedures indicate unusual fluctuations.
F/S assertion for allowance for doubtful accounts?
valuation and allocation.
*Auditor would review aging of receivables to assess the reasonableness of the bad debt adjustment by the client -> affect allowance for bad debts account balance and thus, the NRV of receivables.
An auditor uses the knowledge provided by the understanding of internal control and the final assessed level of control risk primarily to determine the nature, timing, and extent of the:
substantive tests.
In order to disclose differences from expectations in income statement accounts (more than B/S accts), the auditor would perform:
analytical procedures.
If the assessed level of inherent and control risk are high…
the auditor would NOT rely on records. Rather, the auditor would request the client to schedule the physical inventory count (for example) at the end of the year.
Audit evidence about control risk is obtained by performing tests of controls that evaluate the effectiveness of specific controls. Methods of determining the effectiveness of the design and operation of a control include:
Inquiry, inspection, observation, and reperformance.
The element of the audit planning process most likely to be agreed upon with the client before implementation of the audit strategy is:
the determination of the timing of inventory observation procedures to be performed.
The objective of a dual-purpose test of details of transactions performed as tests of controls is to:
evaluate whether controls operated effectively.
Regardless of the assessed risk of material misstatement, an auditor would perform:
substantive tests to restrict detection risk for significant transaction classes.
If an auditor concludes that there is a high risk of material misstatement:
the auditor may expand substantive testing or select more effective substantive tests.
In reviewing accounting estimates prepared by management, the auditor should:
perform retrospective review of prior-period estimates to determine a possible bias.
risk of assessing control risk too low is:
the risk that the assessed level of control risk based on the sample is less than the true operating effectiveness of the control.
Auditor concluded that performing only substantive procedures for specific relevant assertions and risk is appropriate because:
the auditor’s risk assessment procedures have not identified any effective controls relevant to the assertion.
To verify that a voucher is submitted and paid only once…
a system must be in place that cancels the voucher (i.e. stamping “paid”)
When the auditor will falsely place too much reliance on the internal control and will not collect enough evidence.
Assessing control risk too low.
In a test of controls, sample size varies inversely with:
the tolerable (or maximum) rate of deviation.
As the number of allowable deviations increases, the sample size decreases. Sample size increases as the expected population deviation rate increases.
Accounting for unused prenumbered purchases and receiving reports would violate segregation of duties because…
a vouchers payable clerk could write a fake purchase order, confirm receipt of the nonexistent goods, and then authorize payment to him or herself.
The lower the assessed level of control risk…
The fewer substantive tests that will be needed.
An auditor who plans to assess control risk at a low level…
usually performs tests of controls and only limited tests of details or substantive tests.
In assessing control risk, an auditor selects from a variety of techniques, including:
reperformance and observation.
Recalculation, comparison, confirmation, and verification are all substantive tests or tests of details of transactions.
Major reasons for maintaining an audit trail for a computer system include:
deterrent to fraud, monitoring purposes, and query answering.
An auditor would favor interim testing if:
- the assessed RMM is low,
- the controls are strong,
- the auditor can reduce the risk that misstatements that exist at the period-end are not detected by performing appropriate procedures,
- GAAS does not require testing at the balance sheet.
increase assessed level of control risk.
decrease detection risk, increase extent of tests of details.
assessing control risk too low and decrease substantive testing because:
the true deviation rate in the population was more than the deviation rate in the auditor’s sample.
The auditor needs to modify the planned assessed level of control risk when:
the sample deviation rate plus the allowance for sampling risks exceeds the tolerable rate.
The sampling unit in a test of controls pertaining to the existence of payroll transactions ordinarily is:
a payroll register entry.
Allowance for sampling risk =
upper precision limit - sample deviation rate
When determining a sample size for a test of controls, the auditor should consider:
the tolerable rate of deviation from the controls (%), the likely rate of deviations (%), and the allowable risk of assessing control risk too low (the reliability level)
The risk of assessing control risk too high is
the risk that the assessed level of control risk based on the sample is greater than the true operating effectiveness of the control.
If the deviation rate in the sample is higher than the tolerable rate,
the auditor may assess a high level of control risk.
If the deviation rate in the POPULATION does not exceed the tolerable rate,
the auditor will have assessed the level of control risk for the sample as greater than the true operating effectiveness of the control.
In performing tests of controls over authorization of cash disbursements, which method of statistical sampling methods would be me most appropriate?
Two common types of attribute sampling are:
testing correct account distributions and adequate supporting documentation.
An increase in the tolerable misstatement would:
decrease the sample size.
An increase in assessed level of control risk would:
increase the sample size.
When planning a particular sample for a substantive test of details,
the auditor should consider the preliminary estimates of materiality levels.
In auditing payroll, analytical procedures would consist of:
comparing payroll costs with entity standards or budgets.
An auditor’s decision whether to apply analytical procedures as substantive tests usually is determined by:
- nature of the assertion
- plausibility and predictability of the relationship.
- availability and reliability of data
- precision of the expectation
Confirmation type?
greater degree of assurance, higher probability that it won’t be returned due to additional effort on the part of the participant.
Blank confirmation
Confirmation type?
requires response from the participant by requesting that the recipient indicate agreement with an amount.
Positive confirmation.
Drawback - recipient will sign without verifying the information.
negative confirmation request most likely would be used when:
the combined assessed level of inherent and control risk relative to A/R is low.
auditor doesn’t rely heavily on this since it’s weak form of evidence. The third party only responds when information provided by the auditor doesn’t agree with the third party’s records.
Source of the following statement:
“Although we have not conducted a comprehensive, detailed search of our records, no other deposit or loan accounts have come to our attention except as noted below.”
Standard financial institution confirmation request.
What would improve the response rate of the confirmations of A/R?
Including a list of items or invoices that constitute the customers’ account balances.
In order to obtain assurance that slow-moving and obsolete items included in inventories are properly identified:
the auditor would examine an analysis of inventory turnover.
In testing plant and equipment balances, an auditor may inspect new additions listed on the analysis of plant and equipment. This procedure is designed to obtain evidence concerning management’s assertions of:
existence or occurrence.
Which of the following activities most likely would detect whether payroll data was altered during processing?
Use test data to verify the performance of edit routines
What procedure would be most appropriate for testing the completeness assertion as it applies to inventory?
Performing cutoff procedures for shipping and receiving.
To identify unrecorded trade accounts payable, the auditor should:
review subsequent cash disbursements to determine whether the related payables apply to the prior period.
On receiving a client’s bank cutoff statement, an auditor most likely would trace:
prior-year checks listed in the cutoff statement to the year-end outstanding checklist.
restrictions on retained earnings that result from loans, agreements, or state law.
F/S assertion?
presentation and disclosure.
Which of the following departments most likely would approve changes in pay rates and deductions from employee salaries?
They are charged with planning, controlling, and coordinating employees.
The purpose of the registrar is:
to keep records of outstanding stock certificates for an issuer.
An auditor usually tests the reasonableness of dividend income from investments in publicly held companies by computing the amounts that should have been received by referring to:
dividend record books produced by investment advisory services.
The purpose of tracing documents from the detail level to the journal level is:
to verify whether or not the transactions were properly recorded.
In evaluating the reasonableness of an accounting estimate, the auditor focuses on the key factors and assumptions that are:
deviations from historical patterns.
Nonrecurring transactions recognized in the accounting records near the balance sheet date should be reviewed by the auditor as:
possible related party transactions.
transfers between categories of investments pertains to the financial statement assertion of:
valuation and allocation.
The auditor should approach management’s assertions about derivatives by:
obtaining an understanding of the economic substance of the derivatives and examining the contracts for possible risk exposure and the need to recognize losses.
Standards in which confirmation is presumptively required unless A/R are immaterial, use of confirmations would be ineffective, or the combined assessed level of inherent and control risk is low.
AICPA and PCAOB auditing standards.
ISAs do not require confirmation.
set of standards in which the audit report does not allow reference to another audit firm involved in a portion of the audit.
International audit standards (ISAs).
In order to obtain evidence about the occurrence of subsequent events, the auditor would:
investigate changes in capital stock recorded after year-end.
In obtaining written representations from management, materiality limits ordinarily would apply to representations related to
amounts concerning related party transactions.
When the expectations of the auditor are more precise,
there is a greater likelihood that significant differences from the expectations are due to misstatements. This is due to the fact that auditors are better able to anticipate appropriate client results and results that are inconsistent with the auditor’s expectations are likely to be the result of some form of financial statement error or fraud.
The auditor determines that there is a low assessed risk of material misstatement concerning litigation, claims, and assessments. As a result, the auditor elects not to send a letter of inquiry to lawyers under which set of standards?
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
Negative A/R confirmation when:
Assessed level of RMM relating to receivables is LOW; and the number of small balances is MANY.