Night 3-6 vocab Flashcards
Unremittingly (adv)
persistently not stopping or relaxing
Lucidity – (n.)
clarify; clearness; purity
Leprous – (adj.)
having a progressive infectious disease
Congealing – (v.)
thickening; solidifying
Blandishments – (n.)
flattering statements
Emigrate – (v.)
to leave on country or region to settle in another
Emigrate – (v.
to leave on country or region to settle in another
Immigrate – (v.)
to come into a new country or region
Sanctity – (n.)
saintliness or holiness
Reprieve – (n.)
postponement of a penalty; temporary relief from
Imperceptibly – (adv.)
slightly; gradually; subtly; difficult to understand; obscure
Stricken – (adj.)
struck down; having pain or suffering
Afflicted – (adj.)
affected with something painful or distressing
Din – (n.)
a loud, continuous noise
Balm – (n.)
something healing or soothing to the mind or temper
Summarily – (adv.)
hastily; arbitrarily; quickly
something that operates automatically in response to instructions
Entities – (n.)
Stifled – (adj. or v.)
suffocated or smothered
Famished – (adj.)
weakened from hunger
Encumbrance – (n.)
hindrance; obstruction