Nigeria Flashcards
Describe the location of Nigeria
Nigeria is a country in West Africa which borders Benin, Niger, Chad and Cameroon which is on a latitude of 9.8° and it extends from the Gulf on Guinea in the south to the Sahel in the north
Why is Nigeria important globally and regionally?
- Supplies 2.5% of the world’s oil
- The 5th largest contributor to UN peacekeeping missions
- Very diverse economy like media
- Highest farming output in Africa
What happened to Nigeria politically in colonization?
- The political map was drawn by small powerful European countries which is why there are straight lines in the borders
- Europeans exploited Africa’s resources and people were slaves
What happened to Nigeria politically with government?
- In 1960 Nigeria became independent
- There were dictatorships and a civil war from 1967-1970
- Political instability affected development and led corruption
- In 1999 the country had a stable government
Name countries investing in Nigeria
- China investing in constructions
- South Africa investing in businesses and banking
- American companies investing in new power plants
- American corporations operating
What is the social context of Nigeria?
- Multiethnic and multifaith
- Social diversity is a great strength but also lead to conflict
- In 1967 Igbo dominated south-east and tried to become Republic of Biafra.
- The country had a civil war and the Biafrans were defeated in 1970
What are the regional variations in Nigeria?
- Economic inequality between south and north caused religious and ethnic tension
- Islamic group Boko Haram has created unstable situation in country and has negative impact on economy with reduction abroad and rise in unemployment
- Huge variation in wealth and development and urban areas have more public services
- This encourages rural-urban migration
What is the cultural context of Nigeria?
- Nigerian music is enjoyed across continent
- Nigerian cinema ‘Nollywood’ is the second largest film industry in world
- In literature, well known writers like Wole Soyinka
- In sport, football team won 3 times in African Cup.
What is the environmental context of Nigeria?
- Northern Nigeria is a semi desert and further north is savanna used for grazing and cotton.
- Jos plateau is upland region and is wetter and cooler than surrounding Savanna. Densely populated farmland with some woodland
- Southern Nigeria has high temperature and high annual rainfall. Mainly forest with crops and hard to keep cattle due to tsetse fly which transmits parasites
How has Nigeria’s political links changed?
- It’s become part of the British Commonwealth
- It is a leading member of African political and economic groups
- Nigeria is in alliance with neighbouring companies to provide troops which is the African Union
- It’s in OPEC which aims to stabilize price of oil and to ensure regular supply
- It’s in ECOWAS which is a trading group of countries of West Africa with hq in Abuja
- CEN-SAD similar aims with ECOWAS and seeks to develop sporting links
What are Nigeria’s global trading relationships?
Main exports:
- Crude +refined petroleum
- Natural gas
- rubber
- coca
- cotton
Crude oil:
- Dominates Nigeria’s exports
- Until 2013 USA was biggest customer
- Higher quality than Middle east
- India now biggest customer
- India,China,Japan and South korea export risen by 40%
- Ghana and Ivory coast are significant trading partners
- 37% population employed in this sector
- Australia +Indonesia biggest customer for the cotton
- Reliance of crude petroleum reduced importance of agriculture products
What is Nigeria’s main source of income?
- Agricultural products
- Oil which accounts for 10% of the country’s GDP and 98% of export earnings
Does Nigeria have a balanced economy?
- Employment in agriculture has steadily declined due to machinery and better pay +conditions
- Telecommunication and economic growth under stable government increased employment in oil production, manufacturing and industries like construction
- There is a rapid growth of retails and finance in the service
But it can’t be said it has a balanced economy
Why is Nigeria’s economy developing
- Rapid advances in technology
- Greater concern for enviroment
- Many people speak english so growth in telecoms
- Information tech beginning to drive economy
- Investment in science and technology training
Manufacturing accounts for 10% of GDP name examples
- processed foods
- leather items
- textiles
- soap and detergents