NICU Flashcards
Choanal Atresia
Pink when crying, cyanotic when quite
Inability to pass ng tube one or both sides
meconium/mucus blockage
meconium stained amniontic fliud
poor aeration
deep suction, intubation prn if persitent poor ventilation despite suctioning
pharyngeal airway malformation
persistent retraction; poor aeration
prone positioning; posterior nasopharyngeal tube
congenital diaphragmatic hernia
asymmetric lung sounds; persistent cyanosis/bradycardia; scaphoid abdomen
CXR; intubation; place orogastric tube
pleural effusion/ascites
diminished aeration; poor oxygenation and ventilation
immediate intubation; needle thoracentesis/paracentesis; chest tube (posterior); possible volume expansion; pleural fluid analysis
asymmetric lung sounds. persistent cyanosis/bradycardia
cxr if stable; transillumination; needle thoracentesis, chest tube if recurrent (anterior)
congenital heart disease
persistent cyanosis; comfortable tachypnea, murmur
cxr; ekg; 4ext bps, pre/post-ductal sats, hyperoxia test
consider prostaglandins
echo, cards consult
fetal/maternal hemorrhage
pallor; poor response to resuscitation; history of delivery
volume resuscitation, transfusion
indication: hypotension; frequent lab draws (extreme prematurity, pphn, sepsis)
length: t6-t10; length/3 or [bw(kg) x 3]+9cm
Catheter size: 3.5 or 5F single lumen
precautions: monitor feet discoloration; monitor for RBC in the urine or HTN; NO dopamine, platelets or blood products
Fluids for UAC: Must contain 0.5 Unites heparin/ml
Must run at 1ml/hr minimum
Duration: 7days (max of 10 days)
Misc: Remove when starting feeds. may give trophic feeds with UAC in place
Indication: hypotension requiring pressors; tpn or fluids requiring high dextrose or calcium
Length: at diaphragm on KUB; length/5; ([bw(kg) x 3]+9cm)/2 + (1-2 cm)
Catheter size: 3.5 or 5.0F double lumen
Precautions: if line is dislodged, check a babygram to confirm central placement
fluids for uvc: at least one carrier fluid must contain 0.5 units heparin
duration: 7 days (max of 10 to 14 days)
apnea of prematurity
prematurity <34 weeks
periods of 10 to 20 seconds of apnea followed by bradycardia and desaturations
manage with caffeine
prematurity. diagnose at 36 weeks pma. consider echo at that time. look up criteria
hypoxia, hypotension, cxr w/ meconium aspiration or black lungs, echo with r-> left shunting
surfactant deficiency, cxr: ground glass, low lung volumes; and air bronchograms
cpap vs intubation, surfactant administration
Delayed resorption of fluid, usually term infants, birth by c-section
CXR: Prominent vasculature, fluid in fissures
Continuous machinery-like murmur; hypotension, widened pulse pressure, palmar/axillary pulses, hyperactive precordium; metabolic acidosis, worsening oxygenation and ventilation, pulmonary edema due to over circulation
Diagnosis - echocardiogram,
Treatment: symptomatic support, medical therapy (indomethacin, ibuprofen, tylenol), surgical ligation, wait and see