Nicholas II Flashcards
What political problems did Nicholas face in 1894?
- Priority was to preserve autocracy
- Tsarism lacked an overall vision of how to manage things
- Demands of industrialisation meant there would be challenges to autocracy
- Opposition to Tsarism because of the repressive measures taken by previous Tsars
- Nationalist groups were demanding independence
- By 1905 liberals and socialists were calling for reforms to the political system to allow greater representation
What economic problems did Nicholas face in 1894?
•Productivity was low compared to international rivals
•Lack of free enterprise
-Tsar ans ministers directed production
•Reliance on foreign investment
-Russian government was never in total control of rate of industrialisation
-financial aid could seize
•Production of grain was slow
-contributed to the famine of 1891-92
•Concentration on larger scale enterprises
•Technology was behind
What social problems did Nicholas face in 1894?
•1984, 80% of population were peasants
-large proportion, so social unrest may happen
•Peasants were angry about their poor living standards despite the formation of a Peasant’s Land Bank (1883) and the abolition of peasant poll tax (1886)
•Peasant’s Land Bank was designed to provide entrepreneurial peasants with funds at low interest rates to purchase more land
-redistribution resulted in reduction in size of plots
•Unemployment and underemployment
•Abandonment of peasant poll tax didn’t help make up for the shortfall of income compared to rising expenditure needed to keep farm plots
•1891 famine lead to deaths of over 350,000 people
•Industrial work force had grown to 2.9million by 1912
-class developed political awareness
-found a voice through organisations
•Industrialisation led to urbanisation and public health problems (poor housing, lack of sanitation and inadequate water supplies)
Opposition to Nicholas II
There was a threat to Nicholas that reduced his autocratic powers but instead he tried to take back authority through the Fundamental Laws (1906) and physical force
Liberal opposition to Nicholas II
•By 1894 liberals demanded that Russia was governed like countries in the West
-greater freedoms and justice for all Russians
•Wanted fairer land distribution for peasants, a representative constituent assembly and improved working conditions
-if these issues were addressed, Nicholas’ authority would diminish
Kadets and Octobrists opposition to Nicholas II
•After 1905 revolution, the want for constitutional monarchy grew
-wanted changes to system of government
•Posed little threat
-small number of people, mainly middle class, no organised political party
Populists opposition to Nicholas II
- Failed to mobilise large scale support
* Young intelligentsia
Socialist Revolutionaries opposition to Nicholas II
•Focused on improving conditions of the poorest in society
•Split into radical left wing and moderate right wing in 1905
•Left employed direct action
-1901 to 1905 responsible for 2000 political killings
-appealed to industrial workers
•Right worked with other parties and group gathering support after 1905 revolution
-appealed to peasants
Marxist opposition to Nicholas II
•Based ideology on Karl Marx, believing proletariat could be educated and overthrow autoracy by revolution
Social Democrats opposition to Nicholas II
•Encouraged working class consciousness
•Improving pay and lowering working hours
•Lenin outlined ideas to completely overthrow autocracy
-caused divisions in Social Democrat movement (Mensheviks and Bolsheviks)
•Wasn’t much of a threat (in short term)
-in 1902 Nicholas created legal workers interest groups to improve working and living conditions
National minorities opposition to Nicholas II
•Wanted to break away from Russian rule and gain independence
-because of Russification
Russo-Japanese War
- Wanted to strengthen Russia’s standing, divert attention from economic and social conditions, food shortages
- Failure led to a sense of mistrust and lack of faith in Russian leadership, fuelling demands for reform
Impact of Russo-Japanese War
•Russia lost land
•Russian military leaders had a lack of knowledge, understanding and skill
•Militarily incompetence associated with Tsar
-fuelled discontent
Reforms as a result of Russo-Japanese War
•Investment in transport infrastructure and industry
-led to rapid urbanisation and more public health problems
•Reforms were meant to better living standards but did the opposite
Build up to 1905 Revolution
•As a result of Nicholas’ repressive measures and his inability to deal with Russia’s issues
•Growing support for political groups
•Liberals wanted greater freedom
-free speech, worship and right to vote
•Violence in form of student unrest and assassination of minister of education
•Peasant protests liked to poor harvest (1902)
•Anti war protests
•Putilov Strike (1905)
•Bloody Sunday (January 1905)