NICE Flashcards
invest substantial amounts of money in better facilities
face difficulties
come up against difficulties
to revise sth
brush up on
to recall sth
cast your mind back
resemble sb
take after
a clear family resemblance between , bear (no) resemblance to sth( be similar or dissimilar to sth), bear some/a faint/striking resemblance to sb
visit sb for a short time
look in on sb
call on sb
direct your effort toward doing sth
get down: I’ve got a lot of work to do, but I can’t seem to get down to it. I must get down to booking the hotels.
get down to business
words relating to the coast
coastline, a rugged coastline
coastal, low-lying coastal farms, a coastal town, coastal resorts, Marine biologists are concerned about the effects of untreated sewage that is flowing into coastal waters., coastal areas prone to severe flooding, coastal waters, communities
hazardous materials/substances/industries/conditions
it is hazardous to personal safety; hazardous waste must be properly disposed of
a hazardous journey/occupation
- a health/fire hazard, be a hazard, an environmental hazard, ; to weigh up potential hazards
repair sth
mend a hole in a shirt, mend a burst pipe/a watch,
mend your ways , mend fences with sb, to mend quarrels/relations, on the mend
to be the only person or thing that might be able to help you, when every other person or possibility has failed
your last resort,
a measure of last resort, as a first resort
settle the matter without resort to legal proceedings
resort to sh, resort to violence.threats , resort to doing sth
begin by doing sth
start off
start off a meeting , start sth off by , start off a career/ start off as sb
begin working as sb
start out as a …,
to imagine or expect something in the future, especially something good:
train fare increases are envisaged , It’s envisaged that, envisage doing sth, , it’s hard to envisage how/when
get control or influence
prevail over sth, prevail over the needs of sb, prevail in a court case
- deterioration - descent into (sth bad),
go into a steep descent, make final descent into the airport
trace line of descent
amount of sth
consume vast quantities of, the sheer quantity of equipment is staggering
discharge massive quantities of … into the atmosphere
- unload goods or passengers - discharge freight
- fire a gun
- pay - discharge any expenses incurred by you/discharge debts
- release - be discharged from hospital/prison
- carry out- employees found to have committed any breaches in the discharge of their duties will be reprimanded
use sth, esp. a quality that you have, in order to achieve sth
call on
call on strength
- also - ask sb in a. formal way to do sth
!!!!!verbs used ONLY WITH A THAT-CLAUSE
verbs used ONLY WITH A TO-INF.
insist, order, say, suggest!!
intend, long, offer, refuse, volunteer
an intersection
to avoid the road works, police have advised leaving the motorway at junction 3
Recent data indicate that a majority of accidents occur at road junctions.
in good time
To arrive at the airport in good time
the dialling tone, keep getting the engaged tone
-a sympathetic tone of voice, a firm tone of voice
- lower/raise the tone, set the tone for
to tone sth down
be forecast to, give/provide/make a forecast, a budget/profit/revenue/deficit forecast, economic/bleak/gloomy forecast
upward trend
predict an upswing in, on the upswing, an upswing in economic activity, the manufacturing sector appears to be on the upswing
how to say about
as to whether/how
how to say about
as to whether/how
firmly saying that sth is true or must be done
insistent appeals/demands
be insistent that
doubtful about ing, it is doubtful whether/if, be doubtful of
firm -
adamant that
how to report advice or suggestions abt things that need to be done
that clause+ should+bare inf.They have proposed that he should attend alone; the council directed that the building should be pulled down/
they directed that the building be pulled down - - - subjunctive: advise (advise that/to/against, be well advised to..; be advised of the outcome/requirements), ask , beg, command: he commanded that we cease, demand, insist, instruct, intend, order, prefer, recommend, request, stipulate, suggest, urge: we urge that more treatment facilities be provided, warn
It is inappropriate that he (should) receive the award
also - advisable, appalling, in/conceivable- virtually/almost, crucial( a crucial decision.question, it is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately, a crucial aspect of ), essential, imperative: it is imperative that the standards are maintained, obligatory(the statute made it obligatory for sb to do sth, urgent, vital
increase business
an opportunity to expand business, expand into new markets, expand rapidly/significantly, expand the range/capacity/scope, expand on
when you own sth
ownership of, rates of home ownership have remained relatively constant/have been steadily declining , take/acquire/retain ownership f, the spiralling cost of housing has pushed home/property ownership beyond the reach of many people, take ownership of the issue, under sb’s ownership
state-owned railways were taken into private ownership
if the subject is a clause, …
-we use a singular noun
to keep these animals in captivity is inhuman
- if we use a what-clause, we use a singular verb if the following noun is singular and plural verb if the following noun is plural : What is needed are additional resources
inhuman be subjected to inhuman treatment
resources colloc
despite being rich in resources like timber and minerals, the country’s outlook is bleak
natural/energy recourses, have the resources to do sth, limited/scarce resources, deploy resources/skills/talents
agreement between subject and verb
- any of, each of, either/neither of, none of + plural n./pronoun = a singular verb
- a/the majority of, a number of, a lot of, plenty of, all of, some of + plural n./pronoun= a plural v.
- the number of = singular v : the number of books has risen to…/ it is estimated that the number of victims of the flooding exceeds ..
- one of + plural n./pronoun= singular verb, one of+plural noun/pronoun+who = plural vrb
-any of, none of, the majority of, a lot of, plenty of, all of, some of+ uncountable n.= singular noun - every/each = singular
to be or considered to be
this latest defeat constitutes a major setback for them
constitute a breach of duty/ a major blow to sth/sb, constitute a challenge
- be a part of a whole: constitute a great proportion of sth, constitute .. % of the population
what nouns take a plural verb
—–earnings, belongings, clothes, congratulations, goods, outskirts, overheads, particulars, premises, riches, savings, stairs, surroundings, thanks
use the internet to sell goods and deliver services; manufacture/export goods
on the outskirts of
cut/reduce/slash/high/increased/low/reduced overheads,
supply full particulars
relocate to new premises, on/off the premises
riches - wealth
—– police and people take a plural verb
—– whereabouts can be used with either a singular or plural verb: Police believe that he is in Brazil, although his exact whereabouts are unknown
plural verbs used with singular verbs
- datum - data: the fact is a datum worth taking into account; financial/personal/sales data, provide/collect data, a lack of data on, all the data are available for public inspection; the data show/indicate that they constitute some 80 % of the agricultural workforce
- medium - media : the local/national media, media coverage/attention, the issue has been extensively discussed in the media; medium - means of communication: television is the most powerful medium available, the broadcasting/print medium, through the medium of, products are the medium for communication between …, advertise through the medium of, act as a medium of, a medium for, advertising/marketing medium
- criterion - criteria : academic ability is not the sole criterion for allocating funds, meet certain (environmental) criteria, a further criterion needs to be considered ; selection criteria, a paramount criterion for
spend money reasonably
live within your means
live beyond your means
in a way that treats everyone fairly
there must be some means by which wealth can be distributed more equitably ; our objective is to equitably distribute …
ensure level playing field and equitable treatment
a way of doing sth
means of
means of communication/transportation, have no means of support, by means of, have the means (money) to do sth, technology is often seen as a means to bring about emancipation
what is linguistics
linguistics is the scientific study of human language; it is called a scientific study as it entails a comprehensive, systematic, objective and precise analysis of all aspect of language
compound nouns
- noun+ noun : an address book= address books
exceptions: - when the first nouns only has a plural form( a savings account, a customs officer, a clothes shop, the arms trade, a glasses case, an arts festival
- when we refer to an institution/department which deals with more than one kind of item/activity - the building materials industry
compounds made up of verbs/prepositions:
- they broke out of prison = there was a major break-out from the prison, to read sth out - read-out(s) a read-out of the results, push-ups, intake (daily intake of, a sharp intake of breath), outcome(hinge on the outcome of)
:exceptions- onlookers, runners-up, passers-by, hangers-on
- a state-of-the-art tablet ;up-to-date(keep sb up to date on current issues)
a state-of-the-art computer/technology/equipment/facilities; have a family get-together, investigate allegations of a cover-up
day-to-day problems/responsibilities/day-to-day expenditure such as household goods, be in touch with clients on a day-to-day basis
not politically extreme
middle-of-the-road policy/voters/readers
all day and night
round the clock
work round the clock, round-the-clock care
he has been given round-the-clock protection by the police
thorough and detailed
the bookcase came with simple, step-by-step instructions on how to assemble it
a step-by-step guide to installing the software
a once-in-a-lifetime experience/opportunity
a refreshing and down-to-earth approach to
an ordinary person
the man/woman in the street
to appeal to the typical man in the street
when to use THE
- the sun/sky/atmosphere/horizon/ground/climate/environment/internet/travel industry
- general geographical areas: the beach, the town, the sea, the land, the countryside
- the past/present/future
- the + singular countable noun to make generalisations about classes of things : The computer is an invalubale research tool
tool colloc
gadget colloc
a useful/an invaluable tool, sell agricultural machinery and tools, tool of the trade, a business/marketing/research tool
kitchen/household/digital/electronic gadgets
harmful synonym
the campaign against smoking in public places argues that its … effects are not confined to the smoker
a detrimental effect/impact on, be detrimental to,
deleterious effect
articles with jobs
- unique title= be appointed( the) head of the company
- after the position of, the post of, the role of we use zero article
i’ve taken on the position of Head of Department
articles when talking abt unique and excellent qualities of somebody / sth made by sb(a product)
a/an or zero article
buy a Mercedes
a van gogh
how to use zero article
with plural and uncountable nouns, zero article is used to talk generally
- with the names of holidays, special times of the year, months, days of the week, New Year’s Day
- see you on Saturday/ come on a Saturday/ on the Saturday after the party
- with winter, summer, autumn, spring we can use either the/- article
BUT use the when it’s understood or we go on to specify which summer/spring/winter/autumn: I’d like to go skiing in the autumn
- to describe the features of a particular holiday: It/that was a winter i’ll never forget
- go/travel by car/train/plane/air/sea, contact/communicate by post/email/pjone
heavy rain
torrential rain/storm
wake at dawn/ leave as the dawn is breaking/ the break of dawn
the dawn of sth
mark the dawn of a new era, the dawn of civilization
it dawned on me that
how to use any
- non-affirmative context: there’s hardly any sugar left
- barely/never/scarcely/seldom
- deny, fail, forbid, prohibit, refuse, prevent
- reluctant, impossible, unlikely
- with clauses that begin with before and with comparisons
by no means, definitely not
i’d scarcely have done it without you, scarcely had i opened the door when I heard a noise
i was scarcely (only just) able to, i could scarcely believe it, i scarcely ever
almost never
seldom do we receive any apology when mistakes are made
how to emphasise not a/not any
and how to further give … more emphasis
- no and none (of)
there’s none left
she was nowhere to be seen
note: we use no, none, no one (not not a/any) in initial position in a sentence or straight after and,but,that :
no force was needed to make them move
but: in formal writing we can use not a in initial position or after and,but,that : Not a sound came from the room - to give no or none of emphasis we use no amount of(uncountable), not one/not a single (singular countable), not one of(plural nouns)
a hole in a tyre
have a puncture
my bike has had a puncture
how to say a lot of
in formal context, much of and many of are often preferred; a large/considerable/substantial amount of or a large/considerable/great/substantial number of
many have argued that
! use many with days, minutes, months, weeks, years and number of
! use many following the, my, his, her and plural countable nouns : among the many unknowns after the earthquake is the extent of damage done to the foundations of buildings
the gallery is exhibiting some of his many famous paintings
! many a with a singular noun to talk abt a repeated event or a large number of people
many a pupil/an afternoon
how to emphasise many/much
a good/great many - plural noun
she has a good many friends
a good/great deal of - singular/uncountable noun
far too many+plural countable noun
far too much+ an uncountable nouns
many have claimed that his study on current attitudes to politics is flawed; one criticism is that far too many people questioned in the survey were under 18.
much research has been conducted on the effects of diet on health, with many studies focusing on the link between fat intake and heart disease.
while it is true that many thousands of jobs were lost with the decline of the steel industry many advantages have also followed
how to use all
his songs all sound much the same to me
- we all think/all of us think
- put all after the verb be and after the first auxiliary verb
- to make negative sentences: not all(of)
- before singular countable nouns we use the whole
every or each?
almost, virtually + noun to emphasise we’re talking abt a group as a whole
-with a plural noun every is followed by a number
- every chance/confidence/hope/reason/sympathy
- every other, every single day, every so often, every few, every now and again
-as a pronoun
- each of, each and every single one of
sometimes but not often
every now and again
every so often
quite a large number
quite a few
how to suggest not enough (how to use few)
the few and the little followed by a noun
it’s one of the few shops in the city centre where
we can also use what few/little
we can use few after personal pronouns and these, those
not happening or existing very often
few and far between
my inspired moments are few and far between
… used to emphasize a surprisingly large number
no fewer than
there are no fewer than
little or few
the results take little account of personal preference
you should eat less red meat
- when can we use that as a subject
- how to change when, were (use another way of saying)
- after something, anything, all, little, much, none, superlatives: the bracelet is something that reminds me of my grandma
- when - at which, on/by which, where- at/in which : a state-of-the-art complex in which textiles and fabrics are manufactured
formal alternatives to whose+noun, that… of
noun+of which
a vast amount of oil was spilled, the effects of which are still being felt
- the school of which she is head is closing
- after BOTH, all, each, many, most, neither, none, some, superlatives we can use of which/of whose
how to use whose in a relative clause with regard to preposition
whose can come after a preposition in a relative clause
i now turn to Freud, from whose work the following quotation is taken from
- the rate at which a material heats up depends on its current chemical composition
after a preposition we usually use whom and don’t use that
: politicians should make crucial decisions without first consulting the public to whom they are directly accountable/ the valley in which the town lies is heavily polluted
how to use prepositions with a two-word verb (fill in and so on)
we don’t put the preposition before the relative pronoun
the roman coins, which a local farmer came across in a field, are now on display
make a first impression, be viewed by people in a particular way
come across as
also: be communicated : this emotion comes across in his books
find sth by chance - i came across some of your letters
give sb a heads-up
fill sb in on
the process of producing sth
electricity generation from wind and wave power
generation of novel ideas
how can we add details abt a noun phrase
namely/that is: This side effect of the treatment, namely weight gain, is counteracted with other drugs
what clause to use if the action in the main clause is the consequence of the event in the participle clause
- when the action in the participle clause is complete before the action in the main clause begins
- having +p.p. : Having broken my leg the last time I went, I decided not to hike again this summer
- either a -ing or a having p.p. taking off his shoes, he walked into the house ( having taken off..)