NHS Policy Flashcards
What are White Papers?
major health policy statements
‘an official government report which sets out the government’s policy on a matter that is or will come before Parliament’
Examples of white papers?
Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (July 2010)[Health White Paper]-Coalition Govt: Leaders – David Cameron/Nick Clegg
Healthy Lives, Healthy People (November 2010): Our strategy for public health in England - Coalition Govt: Leaders – David Cameron/Nick Clegg (covered in another lecture)
What are the five key priorities in the Equity and Excellence white paper?
- Put patients and the public first
- Improve healthcare outcomes
- A more autonomous and accountable system
- Improved public health
- Reform long term social care
WHo set out the visions in the Equity and Excellence white paper?
Andrew Lansley, ex-secretary of State for Health
What did Equity and Excellence outline in terms of liberating the NHS?
Autonomy and accountability
- greater freedom to the nHS
- devolve power for commissioning services (CCGs)
Cutting beaurocracy and improving efficiency
- efficiency savings to be reinvested
- reduction in management costs
When was the health and social care bill introduced?
19th january 2011
When did primary care trusts cease?
Impact of Equity and Excellence on pharmacists?
- more working with doctors and other HCPs
- integration into Health and Wellbeing boards and local professional networks
- important and expanding role in optimising the use of medicines and supporting better health
Impact of Equity and Excellence on community pharmacy contract?
- based on payment by performance
- incentivise high quality and efficient services
- increase effectiveness and efficiency in use of medicines (through better informed and more involved patients)
When was the NHS 5 year forward view published?
October 2014
Who developed the NHS 5 year forward view?
Partner organisations in consultation with patient groups, clinicians and experts
What does the NHS 5 year forward view set out?
the vision for the NHS, including
- need for change
- prevention - action on smoking, obesity, alcohol
- new models of care (integration, multispecialty community providers)
Where do pharmacists fit in to the 5 year forward view?
part of multispeciality care providers, potential employees of larger group practices
greater use of pharmacists in primary/community/urgent care
Key improvements identified in the NHS five year forward view?
- increasing number of clinical pharmacists to >1300 working in GP practices by march 2019
- encourage GP practices to work as hubs to share community nursing and clinical pharmacy teams, and share responsibility
- work more closely with community pharmacists to make full use of skills
- get best value out of medicines and pharmacy
Purpose of the NHS Mandate?
- mandate to NHS England sets the governments objectives and any requirements for NHS England
- it sets the direction for the NHS and ensures the NHS is accountable to the public and parliament
- Every year, the Secretary of State must publish a mandate to ensure that NHS England’s objectives remain up to date
What are the 7 objectives of the NHS mandate?
- Through better commissioning, improve local and national health outcomes, and reduce health inequalities
- To help create the safest, highest quality health and care service
- To balance the NHS budget and improve efficiency and productivity
- To lead a step change in the NHS in preventing ill health and supporting people to live healthier lives
- To maintain and improve performance against core standards
- To improve out-of-hospital care
- To support research, innovation and growth
How will NHS Mandate objective 1 (Through better commissioning, improve local and national health outcomes, and reduce health inequalities) be achieved?
- Must ensure commissioning focuses on measurable reductions in inequalities in access to health services, in people’s experience of the health system, and across a specified range of health outcomes, which contribute to reducing inequalities in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy
How will NHS Mandate objective 2 (To help create the safest, highest quality health and care service) be achieved?
- Help ensure the NHS provides the same standards of care, seven days a week, for people who need urgent and emergency hospital care, and that harm is minimised by avoiding unnecessary complications or admissions to hospital.
- Become the world’s largest learning organisation, with a culture that uses all sources of insight, including from complaints, to improve services and quality of care, particularly for the most vulnerable.
- A priority for NHS England will be to improve early diagnosis, services and outcomes for cancer patients, as outlined in Achieving World-Class Cancer Outcome
How will NHS Mandate objective 3 (To balance the NHS budget and improve efficiency and productivity) be achieved?
Work within the existing NHS budget, expect NHS England to ensure overall financial balance, working with NHS Improvement to support local areas in developing credible, financially balanced operational plans, which build on, and align with, STPs.
Commissioners to work collaboratively with LAs to make the most efficient and effective use of health and social care funding. Should determine pricing arrangements that are affordable for commissioners and allow providers to meet their financial duties – in doing so helping to spend taxpayers’ money more efficiently and reduce waste, and ensuring we get maximum value for patients, their carers and service users from every pound spent.
How will NHS Mandate objective 4 (To lead a step change in the NHS in preventing ill health and supporting people to live healthier lives) be achieved?
We want the NHS to do more with partners on the broader prevention agenda - smoking, alcohol and drug misuse and physical inactivity. We fully support the focus in the Five Year Forward View on preventing avoidable ill health and premature mortality. We ask NHS England to lead a step-change in the NHS on helping people to live healthier lives by tackling obesity and preventable illness. In particular, this includes contributing to the Government’s goal to reduce childhood obesity and doing more to reach the five million people at high risk of diabetes and improve the management and care of people with diabetes., we expect NHS England to make measurable improvements in the quality of care and support for people with dementia, and to increase public awareness.
How will NHS Mandate objective 5 (To maintain and improve performance against core standards) be achieved?
We expect NHS England to support the NHS to improve and, where possible, maintain access to timely, quality services for all patients
How will NHS Mandate objective 6 (To improve out-of-hospital care) be achieved?
- want more services provided out of hospitals, a larger primary care workforce and greater integration with social care, so that care is more joined up to meet people’s physical health, mental health and social care needs.
- ensure everyone has easier and more convenient access to planned GP services, including appointments in the evenings and at weekends, and effective access to quality urgent and emergency care 24 hours a day across the whole week
- reduce the health gap between people with mental health problems, learning disabilities and autism and the population. Improve care and outcomes through prevention, early intervention and improved access to integrated services for physical health. In particular, vulnerable children, homeless people, veterans, unpaid carers, offenders and people in places of detention, including immigration removal centres, should receive high quality, integrated seven-day services that meet their health needs.
- measurable progress towards the parity of esteem for mental health enshrined in the NHS Constitution, particularly for those in vulnerable situations.
How will NHS Mandate objective 7 (To support research, innovation and growth) be achieved?
- Promote and support participation by NHS organisations, patients and carers in research funded both by commercial and non-commercial organisations, so that the NHS supports and harnesses the best research and innovations and becomes the research partner of choice.
- NHS England help the NHS contribute to economic growth, to support the NHS to reduce the impact of ill health and disability, and to support and harness research and innovation to enable cost effective, affordable, transformative new treatments to reach patients and their carers more quickly, whilst also securing better value from companies.
- NHS England should also support the NHS to make better use of digital services and technology to transform patients’ and their carers’ access to and use of health and care, including online access to their personal health records.
What is Now or Never?
A report commissioned by the RPS on future models of care delivered through pharmacy
What were the key findings of Now or Never?
- need to secure the future of pharmacy
- NHS needs to adapt to patients w long term conditions and preventable illness - role for pharmacists
- some development of services throughout the country, but progress slow and patchy
- underutilisation of pharmacists - significant oversupply
- opening hours and locations of pharmacies convenient for patients
- lack of public awareness of pharmacy
- urgent need for outward-looking local and national leadership to work with commissioners & shift service provision from supply to provision of patient care
What are NHS England’s main aims for community pharmacy?
- develop the pharmacy team to provide personalised care
- play an even stronger role at the heart of more integrated out of hospital services
- provide a greater role in healthy living advice, improving health and reducing inequalities
- deliver excellent patient experience which helps people get the most from their medicines
- to develop a contractual framework that better supports these aims and secures the most efficient possible use of NHS and taxpayer resources
What is the Murray Review?
A review of community pharmacy clinical services
- Undertaken by Richard Murray, Director of Policy, Kings Fund.
- Commissioned by the Chief pharmaceutical Officer and published in Dec 16
What were the recommendations following the Murray Review?
- make more use of e-repeat prescribing
- MURs evolve into full clinical medication reviews
- minor ailments scheme locally commissioned
- greater role in care homes
- new ways of working in which groups of pharmacists can provide clinical services
What are some future roles for pharmacists?
- working in teams in primary care
- greater involvement in care homes and A&E
- pharmacist read-write access to SCR