NGSL red words A and B Flashcards
48 words
throw away, give up, leave
to abandon something
The dog was abandoned by its owner.
Passengers abandoned the sinking ship
I abandoned this project
to recognise someone or something
to acknowledge something
Authors often acknowledge all the people who had helped them write their book in the Acknowledgements section of a book.
I don’t agree with you, but I acknowledge you have some good points.
to charge someone with a crime or being wrong
to accuse someone of something
The defendant was accused of murder.
My boyfriend accused me of cheating
to get something (formal)
to acquire something / acquisition
I acquired a house.
I made a good acquisition on the stock market
to perform or do or behave
To act
- I acted in a school play. I took the part of Joseph.
- Nurses must act in a responsible way
to change something or oneself
- to adapt something
I could not afford a wheelchair, so I put wheels on this chair so it could move around. I adapted the chair.
Many books are adapted to films but films are not often adapted to books.
2, to adapt to something
When I moved to Japan I adapted to the new culture, I learned to bow and say ‘arigato’ and to be more polite.
Patients in rehabilitation have to adapt to their new situation, eg change their posture, change their attitude, change their diet, workhours.
to change something, similar to adapt
to adjust
When I travelled from London to Tokyo, I adjusted my watch 9 hours ahead.
I adjusted to the new environment
I adjusted my expectations.
The doctor adjusted the medication.
The team leader adjusted the schedule.
noun form of verb adjust
I made an adjustment to the height of the patient’s bed.
The nurse made an adjustment to the walking stick for the patient.
The builder made an adjustment to the height of the chair.
a complex matter or cheating on your partner
an affair
what you do in your spare time is your affair”
the board admitted responsibility for the affair”
They got divorced after many affairs.
commissions were created to advise on foreign affairs (matters/business)
France and Germany were enemies in World War 2, but now they are allies.
To claim something bad about someone else.
to allege something
She alleged that her husband had had many affairs.
Boris Johnson is alleged to have lied about attending parties in lockdown.
verb of ally
Poland allied with France in the interwar period.
an alteration or change by adding some rule
an amendment
There are 27 amendments to the US constitution.
The patient had dietary amendments because she had a gluten allergy.
to break something down into parts so you can understand it
to analyse something
The pathologist analysed the patient’s blood.
The doctor analysed the patient’s X-ray.
The X-ray was analysed by the doctor.
The nurse analysed the patient’s ECG.
The ECG was analysed by the nurse.
taking something as truth without any question
The conditions of a theory.
an assumption
You should not make assumptions about people’s character based on how they look or dress.
Economists make many assumptions in their models of consumer behaviour, eg. perfect information in a market.
The anatomy does not make any assumptions.
to be appealing
to attract A to B
Having wild flowers in your garden will attract bees.
This beach cafe attracts a lot of customers in summer.
I would like to attract more people into my life.
to come close or to make contact with someone
to approach someone /something
I walked up the path and approached the door.
He approached HR to talk about problems at work.
The patient approached their GP’s surgery to talk about his problems.
approachable. A good doctor is approachable.
a link between things
an association
There is an association between exposure to the sun with an increase in the incidence of skin cancer.
to say A is caused by B
to attribute A result to factor B
The patient attributed their recovery to their medication. However, the doctor attributed their recovery to a combination of medication and following lifestyle lifestyle changes.
The winner attributed their success to hard work.
perceived goodness, something that makes people feel attracted to a thing
The appeal of acupuncture outside China may be because patients associate a long healthy life with Asian countries.
The appeal of homeopathy may lie in the fact that patients spend a long time talking to their homeopath.
What is the appeal of gardening for your husband?
The appeal of gardening for my husband is growing vegetables to cook for his family.
The lawyer —-ed for their client.
The agency, Refuaid, —–ed for their client.
Doctors have often —-ed for social change, eg. sanitation and contraception.
to argue the case of someone / something
to advocate for someone/something
a resource that benefits the person who has it
an asset
I acquired some new shares which rose in value. They are a great asset.
Assets and liabilities.
There is a hosepipe — to save water.
stopping something by issuing an order that it is illegal
President Trump imposed a — on travellers from several Muslim majority countries.
A lot of countries have organised a ban ON Russian exports.
a ban