Nghia Si Cap II Review for Testing Flashcards
What is a covenant?
a covenant is an agreement between God and humans
What was the covenant between God and Adam & Eve?
God created Adam and made him master of all His creations. God also created Eve in his likeness.
What did God do after Adam & Eve broke their covenant?
God punished them by removing them from the Garden of Eden but did not completely destroy the covenant. God prepared a way to take away the sins of humans through His son, Jesus.
What does prefigure mean?
Prefigure means to foreshadow or show an early indication of a future event.
How does Abel’s offering prefigure Christ?
Abel sacrificed a lamb to God as a sign of love. Jesus is the Lamb of God because he sacrificed Himself as a sign of love for us.
How does Abel’s offering prefigure the Eucharist?
Abel’s sacrificial offerings are symbolic of the Eucharist because it is Jesus’ sacrificial offerings for us.
What is the covenant between God and Noah?
God promised that there would never be another flood that destroys the earth. God told Noah and his sons to be fruitful and multiply.
How is the covenant with Noah a continuation of the covenant with Adam?
God originally gave Adam dominion over all His creations but Adam committed original sin and humans were doomed to death. The Great Flood destroyed the sinful world and established a new beginning. Noah’s covenant with God was similar to the covenant with Adam.
Who was Melchizedek?
Melchizedek was a king and high priest during the time of Abram (Abraham).
What did Melchizedek do when he met Abram (Abraham)?
Melchizedek offered him bread and wine, and then gave him a blessing.
What was the significance of Melchizedek’s actions?
Melchizedek did not offer a bloody sacrifice but gave bread and wine. His actions fit the pattern of a Eucharistic celebration: worshippers give their offerings, and Jesus works through the priest to give His Body and Blood.
What was God’s covenant with the Israelites?
God promised the Israelites that if they obeyed His commandments, then they would be His kingdom.
What did Moses feed the Israelites after leaving Egypt?
The Israelites were fed by God (through Moses’ instructions) with Manna from heaven.
How does Moses prefigure Jesus in the Last Supper?
In the Last Supper, Jesus feeds His apostles with bread that is His own Body and win that is His own Blood. These actions follow the same pattern like Moses feeding his people with Manna from heaven.
What happened on Pentecost?
On Pentecost, the apostles were in hiding and the Holy Spirit descended on them.