Ngā Tohutohu Flashcards
Haere mai
Come here
Haere atu
Go away
E noho
Sit down
E tū
Stand up
Kia horo / kia kamakama
Hurry up
Put it back
Take off (clothes)
Kāti tērā mahi
Don’t do that
E hoki ki te moe
Go to sleep
Be quiet
Kia tūpato
Be careful
Puta atu ki waho
Go outside
Hoki mai ki roto
Come inside
Tangohia ōu hū
Take off your shoes
Kaua e amuamu
Stop moaning
Kei te koe to tikanga
It’s up to you..
Kāti rā
Stop that
Kua mutu
Kaua e hāmana
Don’t shout
Kimihia ōu hū
Look for your shoes
Kuhuna ōu hū
Put your shoes on
Whiua ki te rāpihi
Put it into the rubbish
Hoatu ki a Jade
Pass it to jade
Homai ki ahau
Pass it to me
Homai te…
Pass the…
Heke Mai / heke iho
Come down
E tū
Haere ki te taha mauī
Go left
Haere ki Waenganui
Go in between
Whakakā I ngā rama
Turn on the lights
Whakaweto I ngā mihini
Turn off the machines
Whakakāngia to Pouaka whakaaa
Turn the tv on
Whakawetohia te Pouaka whakaata
Turn the tv off
Whakapai te rūma
Clean the room
Kohikohia ngā rāpihi
Pick the rubbish up
Horoia te papa
Wash the floor
Whakapaingia ngā whāriki
Clean the mats
Takoto ki te nohonga roa
Lie on the couch
Lie down
Whakapai te Tēpu
Set the table
Whakawātea te Tēpu
Clear the table
Horoi ngā rihī
Wash the dishes
Whakamaroke ngā rihī
Dry the dishes
Horoi ngā kōhua
Wash the pots
Whakahokia ngā rihī
Put the dishes away
Mukua te Tēpu
Wipe the table
Mukua te papamahi
Wipe the bench
He Kapu tī, he kawhe rānei māu?
Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?
Kia hia ngā ruka māu?
How many sugars would you like?
He miraka māu?
Would you like milk?
Whakakāngia te tīraka
Put the jug on
E kai
Haere mai ki te kai
Come and eat
Kua rite te kai
Food is ready
Whakapai te rūma horoi Tinana
Clean the bathroom
Paraihe ōu niho
Brush your teeth