NFP & Governmental (5-15%) Flashcards
Who are the primary intended users of governmental FS?
1) citizens/taxpayers
2) school boards
3) investors/creditors
*Internal users are not considered primary users
What are the 2 most important concepts of governmental financial reporting?
1) Accountability
2) Inter-period Equity (having CY revenues cover CY expenditures)
What are the 6 characteristics of effective financial reporting?
1) Timeliness
2) Relevance
3) Understandability
4) Consistency
5) Comparability
6) Reliability
What financial statements are required for the government-wide financial statements?
1) Statement of Net Position (2 separate columns: gov/bus)
2) Statement of Activities (program exps, program revs, net programs, general revs)
What financial statements are required for the governmental fund financial statements?
1) Balance Sheet (lists left to right all funds, including all non-major funds, then totals column)
2) Statement of Revs, Expends, Changes in FB (revs, expends, changes in FB, separate columns for non-major funds like BS)
* NO CF statement for governmental funds
What are some common general fund revenues & expenditures?
revenues: property tax rev, licenses/permits, charges for services, fines
expenditures: salaries, operating expenses, capital outlays for buildings/improvements, debt service (principal/interest)
What financial statements are required for the proprietary fund financial statements?
1) Statement of Net Position
2) Statement of Revs, Exps, Changes in Net Position
3) Statement of CF
- Organized by:
1) Operating Revs
2) Operating Exps
3) Operating Income/Loss
4) Non-Operating Revs & Exps
5) Change in Net Position
How is equipment purchased to be used within a proprietary fund reported?
Depreciated over its useful life just like in a for-profit business (Accrual method).
What financial statements are required for the fiduciary fund financial statements?
1) Statement of Fiduciary Net Positions
2) Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position (Additions/Deductions used)
- include column for each fund type
- never a major fund
What is a major segment of notes to governmental financial statements?
Significant accounting policies including policies for things like:
- capital assets
- pension plans
- debt service schedule
- LT liabilities
- major projects
What is within the MD&A?
- discusses CY results compared to PY
- provides explanation of FS & how different statements relate to each other
- overall financial position, reasons for major changes in fund balances
- deviations from budget
What are some important features of the RSI?
- budget comparison
- infrastructure asset disclosures using modified approach
- other statistical data/schedules that provide add’l info on significant elements of government
What is a component unit?
A legally separate organization that the primary government officials are financially accountable for OR the relationship is such that leaving it out of FS would be misleading/incomplete.
*blended or discretely
What are the spendable fund balances?
- Restricted - reserved for specific purpose by external parties
- Committed - constrained by gov’s highest level of authority
- Assigned - intended to be used for specific purpose
- Unassigned - available for any purpose
How are capital assets reported in governmental accounting overall?
Reported in Proprietary & Fiduciary funds, NOT in governmental funds.
Recorded at historical cost & depreciated.