Newtonian Dynamics Flashcards
Give the basic system equation
mx.. + kx + cx. = F
Natural frequnecy is defined as
frequency at which a system would osciallte if it were unforced and undamped
Unique natural frequency associated with
unique mode shapes
Why do we use simple models in vibration analysis
When modelling we take the approach that we would like the simplest possible model that provides the information that we need
What is a multi degree of freedom system
One that requires two or more coordinates to describe its motion
For each degree of freedom there is
an equation of motion
Why can we ignore deflection caused by mass weight
We take deflection from static equilibrium where mg = delta K, therefore mg and delta k cancel out
Derive the matrix equations of motions for a 3 DOF chain system
See powerpoint
For a linear system forced at a certain frequency how will it respond
Will respond at the same frequency
What type of equation is the force vibration equation of motion
Non homogenous differential equation
Why does it matter that the forced vibration equation is non homohenous differential equation
As it has two parts to the solution, a transient (complementary function) and a steady state response (particular integral)
What is the steady state response of a system
Solution of the system where frequency of the response is equal to the frequency of the forcing, only thing that can vary for each degree of freedom is the amplitude
What is the transient response
Homogenous solution, dies away quickly, solution for forcing equal to zero, all modeshapes are present
What is the solution to the nonhomogenous differential equation ax.. + bx. + cx = F
x(t) = xo(t) + x(t)
xo(t) homogenous solution (transient)
x(t) steady state response
For an unforced system what will be the reponse
Combination of all modeshapes. e.g. for 2 DOF
x1 = sin(w1t) + sin(w2t)
x2 = sin(w1t) + sin(w2t)
What do we assume when solving equations of motion
if forced that focing is harmonic F1 = Fsinvt, thus solution is harmonic x = Xsin(vt - phi)
if unforced that solution is harmonic
To determine the natural frequencies how would you go from the equations of motion to the eigenvalue problem
m x.. + kx = 0 Assume harmonic response - w^2 mX + kX = 0 kX = w^2 mX m^-1 k X = w^2 X Take determinant of dynamic matrix A (=m^-1 k) - lambda I and equate it to 0
How are modeshapes related
orthoganal, multiply them together and will get 0
What are modeshapes orthoganal with
other modeshapes, mass and stiffness matrix, and damping if proportional damping (i.e damping proportional to mass or stiffmess matrix)
What does the superscript and subscript refer to on X ^(1) sub 2
superscript is the natural frequency number ie first natural frequency, and the subscript is the mass
Why should you assume a solution including phase ie the form x1 = X1 cos (wt + phi)
Allows you to include damping, the phase cancels out so not an issue and assume damping but means we have a full solution with initial conditions
When doing ratio of modeshapes which one should always be on the bottom
Can write either way mathematically either way but as engineers should have first mass modeshape on bottom
When might you get a negative natural frequency and what do we do with it
-ve frequency doesnt make any sense so disregard at all times, occurs in fourier transform and when squarerooting the eigenvalues to give natural frequency
How would you write the full response of a system
first response
x1(t) = X1^(1) cos (w1t+phi1) +X1^(2) cos (w2t+phi2)
x2(t) = X2^(1) cos (w1t+phi1) +X2^(2) cos (w2t+phi2)
How would you work out full response of system
Eliminate some variable using modeshape ratios, then use initial conditions to determine X1 and X2 as well as phase values
Using vectors formulate FRF magnitude and phase
See powerpoint
what is the natural frequency of a SDOF system equal to
sqrt (k/m)
What is critical damping equal to in an SDOF system
2 m wn
What is damping factor equal to in an SDOF system
c/ critical damping or c / 2mwn
Nondemensionalise the FRF and phase for an SDOF system
See powerpoint
What happens to FRF magnitude as damping increases
The peak gets shorter and wider
Take the inverse of a 2x2 matrix [a b; c d]
1/dert * [d -b, -c a]