Newsvendor_slides Flashcards
overage cost
missed profit oppurtunity cost associated with ordering more than actual demand
overage cost formula
cost-salvage value
underage cost
missed profit opportunity cost associated with ordering less than actual demand
underage cost formula
maximizing formula
set expected benefit=expect cost
critical ratio
alpha=(underage cost)/(underage+overage cost)
steps to compute ordering quantity
1) compute underage/overage costs
2) compute critical ratio
3) get z-score from critical ratio
4) plug in vales to optimal order quantity formula
optimal order quantity formula
order q=expected demand+(critical value*std. dev of demand)
expected sales formula
expected demand-expected lost sales
expected leftover inventory formula
Q-expected sales
expected profit formula
expected (P-C)expected sales-(cost-salvage)expected leftover inventory
overbook explaination
1) usually alot of cancelations
2) sell more than capacity (+revenue)
3) pay people to forgo service (+costs)
critical ratio for overbook formula
alpha=(price)/(price+bumping cost)