Newborn Nursing Care Flashcards
What is the focus of care through the first two hours:
Assessing and stabilizing the newborn
What is the first priority in the immediate care period?
establish effective respirations
When is routine care only needed during the immediate care of the newborn?
- full term
- good muscle tone
- crying
- breathing
List routine interventions in the immediate care period:
-drying -removing wet linens -warm blanket -cap on head -nasal and oral secretions wiped -bulb syringe if airway blocked
What are the focuses of ongoing assessment during the first few hours?
-breathing -color -activity
When might the new born be placed under a warmer?
-poor muscle tone -preterm -not crying
What should the skin look like in the initial assessment?
trunk and lips pink extremities bluish (acrocyanosis)
What is the appropriate intervention for a newborn who is apneic or has gasping respirations?
-put under warmer -positive pressure ventilation
What intervention is made if central cyanosis persists?
pulse ox is applied
How is supplemental oxygen guided?
O2 saturation + age in minutes
During initial care the heart rate is quickly assessed by:
-grasping the base of the cord OR -auscultating the chest with a stethoscope. -The nurse counts for 6 seconds and multiplies by 10 to calculate the heart rate -should be greater than 100 beats/ min.
How is the newborn’s identification documented right after birth?
-wrist band that matches mom/dad -electronic theft prevention tag -footprint or scanning device -colored photographs
Describe the 5 parameters applied to the newborn’s apgar score:
(1) heart rate, based on auscultation with a stethoscope or palpation of the umbilical cord (2) respiratory effort, based on observed movement of the chest wall (3) muscle tone, based on degree of flexion and movement of the extremities (4) reflex irritability, based on presence of a grimace, crying, or active withdrawal (5) generalized skin color, described as pallid, cyanotic, or pink
Heart Resp Muscle Reflex Skin
Describe apgar scores related to level of difficulty adapting to environment:
0 to 3 =indicate severe distress 4 to 6 =indicate moderate difficulty 7 to 10 =indicate minimal to none