Newborn Exam Flashcards
Neonatal Hx includes?
- Maternal & paternal Hx
a. Medical
b. Genetic - Maternal OB Hx
- Current OB Hx
a. Antepartum
b. Intrapartum
- Gestational age of infant
Physical Exam @ Birth
- Observation
- Cyanosis
- Respiratory distress
- Genetic anomalies
- Rashes - Auscultation
- Lungs
- Heart - APGAR Score
- Skin color
- Indicator of CO - Skeletal
- Detect obvious congenital anomalies - Birth trauma
- Fx clavicle - Number umbilical cord vessels
- 2 arteries and 1 vein - Placenta
- Placental infarcts or clots
What is the APGAR Score? (Look at the chart)
- Assessed at 1 & 5 minutes
a. Low scores alert clinician to the need for resuscitation efforts
- ≥ 7 normal
- 4 - 6 fairly low
- ≤ 3 critically low
b. 10 min if score remains low
Physical Exam in Nursery
- Weight
- Height
- Head Circumference
- Chest Circumference
- Vital signs
a. Temperature
b. Pulse, Heart Rate
- 100-180/min
c. Respiration
- 40-60/min
d. Blood Pressure
- @ 12 hr 50-70/25-45
- @ 96 hr 60-90/20-60
Exam of the Skin
Color Texture & Turgor Edema Birth Marks Infectious lesions Capillary bleeding Trauma
PE: Normal Skin Findings vs Abnormal Skin Findings
- Normal Skin Findings
- Erythema toxicum
- Milia
- Miliaria
- Mongolian spots
- Hemangioma
- Vervex caseosa
- Lanugo
- Mottling - Abnormal Skin Findings
- Pale conjunctiva
- Jaundice
- Cyanosis
What is Erythema Toxicum?
- Small pustules on erythematous bases
- Very common
- Appears 3-5 days after birth
- Spontaneous resolution 1-2 weeks
What is Milia?
- Tiny white papules
- Keratin-filled epidermal cyst
- Concentrated on nose, cheeks, forehead & chin
- Resolves spontaneously 1-2 months
What is Miliaria?
- “Heat rash”
- Blockage of sweat glands
- Flushed macular appearance of neck, face, scalp & diaper area
What are Mongolian Spots?
- Hereditary in dark skinned infants
- Entrapped melanocytes in dermis
- Involves small to large blue black macules on back & buttocks
- Present at birth or appears w/in 1st weeks of life
- Disappear spontaneously by 4 yr but can persist for life
What is an Hemangioma?
- Appear during 1st few weeks of life
- Most common childhood tumor
- Proliferation stage up to 12 mo
- 50% disappear by age 5 yr
What is the “Stork Bite” Mark?
- Salmon colored patches most commonly found on nape of neck
- Due to stretching or dilation of blood vessels
- Darker when infant cries
- Fades when pressure applied
- Frequently visible into adulthood
What is a Port Wine Stain?
- Usually flat & pink
- May deepen in color as child grows
- Often on face, but can appear anywhere
- Thickens & takes on a cobblestone-like appearance
- Laser therapy best Tx
What is Lanugo?
- Thin hair overlying shoulder
- Normally shed before birth @ 7-8 mo. of gestation
- Usually present in premature infants
- Sometimes present in full term
What is Vernex Caseosa?
- Waxy or greasy covering
- Protects skin from damage by amniotic fluid
- More abundant in pre-term infants
What is Mottling?
- Lacy light purple appearing discoloration of skin
- Accentuated vasomotor response
- Common in newborns when exposed to cold temp or high altitude
- Asst. w/ trisomy 18 & trisomy 13
Physical Exam: Head & Face
- Head ( symmetry of skull and face )
- Molding (over-riding cranial bone)
- Fontanelles ( soft, not sunken or bulging )
- Head circumference 33-38 cm
- Facial symmetry
Fontanelles: When does the Anterior and Posterior close?
- Anterior
- 1-4 cm in size
- Closes @ 6-12 months of age - Posterior
- 1 cm in size
- Closes @ 1-3 months of age
What is cephalhematoma?
- Hematoma between skull & periosteum
- Boundaries limited by individual bones
- 2° to prolonged labor or instrument delivery
What is caput succedaneum?
- Benign subcutaneous hematoma that crosses suture lines
- Tourniquet effect of the cervix during delivery
What is molding?
Ridges that develop when one bone slightly overlaps the other during delivery
Complete resolution over time
What is Facial Nerve Palsy?
- Often 2° to birth trauma
- Infant monitored closely to determine if resolves
- May require PT
Physical Exam: Head & Neck
- Head and Neck
a. Eyes
b. Ears
- Look for low set
c. Nose breathers til 4 months
d. Mouth
- Cleft palate - Neck
a. Webbing
- Congenital abnormalities
b. Masses (thyroid rare)
Parts of the Eye Exam
Red reflex Visual following at 5-6 wks 180 degree tracking at 4 months Irritation & infection PERRLA Fundoscopic exam
What to look for during the eye exam?
- Asymmetric red reflex warrants immediate referral to pediatric ophthalmologist
- Congenital cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Retinoblastoma - Brushfield spots asst w/ Down Syndrome
- Grey or pale yellow spots @ periphery of iris - Strabismus
- Common in newborns
- Resolves by 6 - 12 mo - Subconjunctival hemorrhage (hyposphagma)
- Commonly asst w/ traumatic delivery
- Resolve spontaneously
Low Set Ears
- Draw imaginery line from canthus of eye straight back to occiput
- Low set ears asst w/ trisomy 18
On Exam --> a. Visualize TM’s b. Hearing -Auditory brainstem response (Screening for congenital deafness)